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Date: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 09:38:05 -1000 (HST)
From: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.Ha*.Or*>
To: JR Oldroyd <jr@op*.co*>
Subject: Re: Deletion of List Member

Please, PLEASE do not delete George Irvine from this list.  This is a
*BIG* mistake. As much as the noise buggs me immensely, the thought of
killing a member buggs me a LOT more!!  I realize a lot of people do not
think the contributions George makes exceed the value of the information
he provides.  I am not among those individuals. George can be an arrogant
Jerk if he wants to be, and I wish he wouldn't.  I'm not sure he realizes
that the only reason people attack him is that he comes off as an arrogant
jerk. I know for a fact that he is more interested in sharing his 
opinions than he is in making a fuss.  Please, for the sake of this 
list's integrity, DO NOT prevent George from participating on this list.

George -

Please do not be an arrogant Jerk!  If people attack you, please just 
ignore them.  If you ignore them, they will not attack you. Attack bad 
information.  Attack bad practices. Defend your position as emotionally 
as you want.  But PLEASE don't keep bringing it down to a personal level. 

To the people who want George off this list -

Please, PLEASE do not lobby with JR to have George removed. George can 
appear to be a real Jerk.  He is not, he just has an intensly twisted 
sense of humor, and he gets emotional when he sees potentially dangerous 
and erroneous information posted and supported.  If George says something 
offensive, ignore it.  If you attack him, he will add even more noise to 
the list.  If you do not provoke him, he will not provoke you. If you 
continue to lobby to have people removed from this list, I will in all 
likelihood leave as well.

To the people who send personal, inflamatory messages to this list on a 
regular basis-

JESUS!  Give it a rest already!  It got old ages ago.  Keep the personal
BS private; DON'T keep bringing it into the public forum. This list usd to
be excellent. I don't care how much useful information you provide to the
list, if you keep making public attacks it looks like chest-beating - the
mark of a macho, egotisti9cal diver.  I know most of you do not want to be
viewed that way, but everytime you post something like that, it makes you 
look that way.

That's one subscriber's opinion, anyway.


P.S. In Hawaii, the "spirit of Aloha" means to cooperate and share in a 
friendly atmosphere.  Please do not disregard that portion of my messages.

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