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Date: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 09:43:53 -1000 (HST)
From: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.Ha*.Or*>
To: "Christopher M. Parrett" <chris@ab*.co*>
Subject: Re: George's Farwell
> Well, for better of for worse, George is no longer on the list.

Definitely worse.

> I think we will suffer from a loss of his knowlage and expertise, but not
> from a loss of his language. George was asked by countless people to clean
> up his act, and choose not to do so, and has now suffered the consequences.

George was less than 10% of the problem.  I suspect George's removal will 
lead to more flaming than ever.

> I do not want to see this list become non-controversial.
> Quite the contrary, I want this to be "THE" international forum for
> technical diving discussions. But I would like it to be conducted in a civil
> and professional manner, lets hope that it returns to that soon.

I've been hoping that for a very long time.

> The list has lost a substancial portion of its membership and needs to be
> rebuilt to get it back to where it was 3 months ago.

Has anyone kept a record of the people who have unsubscribed?

> If you know any of those that have left the list because of the Flames of
> recent months, I would encourage you to contact those people and invite them
> to return.

No - not until George is re-instated AND the incessant BS stops.


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