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From: "MHK" <mhkane@pr*.ne*>
To: <Wahoodiver@ao*.co*>, "Trey" <trey@ne*.co*>, <plewitsch@ya*.co*>,
     , "aquanaut"
Subject: Re: Another NE wreck death
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 17:38:51 -0700
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Why in the hell are you wasting so much bandwidth defending the stupid =
and ridiculous????

If you think that a buddy wouldn't have saved Tony that you deserve all =
the lumps you take on these forums...  Every time we see a solo fatality =
we hear the same tired arguments from the same old crowd..

Blah, blah, balh...  We don't know if two would have been dead instead =
of one..

That's just plain and simple nonsense...

If Tony was such a heroic pioneer as you seem to be making the case for, =
is it your opinion that such a student of the game wasn't qualified to =
pick a suitable buddy when testing a homemade rebreather on a wreck =

It's obvious he made many, many bad choices in his diving but wasn't he =
capable of picking a buddy that could have donated air when his =
self-made contraption fell apart at depth???

You're continuing a battle that is self-evident to everyone other than =
then hardened East Coast wreck diving strokes that are dropping like =
flies..  And before you get on your high and all-mighty NE coast defense =
I was born and raised in NY and I had to put up with all the *good old =
boy* network on my first trip on the Doria..  I heard all the noise =
until I let them know I was a New Yorker..  You and Danny should spend =
less time arguing in Esquire and defending stupidity here on these lists =
and spend more time concentrating on not killing off your customer =

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Wahoodiver@ao*.co*=20
  To: MHK ; MHK ; Trey ; Wahoodiver@ao*.co* ; plewitsch@ya*.co* ; =
quest@gu*.co* ;
  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 5:05 PM
  Subject: Another NE wreck death

  1) Perhaps having a buddy would have saved Tony Maffatone or he may =
  killedboth of them. or the buddy may have tried to help and been =
  . We still do not know what caused him to have to cut off his gear and =
make a=20
  freeassent, some failure in the regulators he made himself, equipment=20
  failure, poordesign a broken fin strap. We will never know, since he =
chose to=20
  dive alone andleave behind his buddy.=20

  As you know because of this and other incidents I think that FFM are=20
  notsuitable for diving on scuba (as opposed to surface supply and =
tender and=20
  comms)  in the ocean at the depths we frequent  , because of the=20
  increasedconsumption rate of the gas supply and the added difficulty =
  switching gas orsharing air , and the inability to breath at the =
surface  =20
  once the airsupply is exhausted due to the difficulty of removing the =
mask .=20

  Tony's and others gas-switching blocks are attempts to get around =
  ofthese problems that are better avoided by using face masks and =

  As to the insistence of some people on the Internet bulletin boards =
  Buddydiving is the only proper and correct way.=20

  And their inference that dive boat operators, and owners of shore =
  sitescoerce requiring and force people to dive in mismatched buddy =

  Not only do I disagree that diving with a buddy ensures safety, or =
  alwaysreduces risk. What about the buddy team in Ginnie spring many =
  ago. Divingtogether both dead,  when found one wasout of air the other =
  from being stabbed about 1967.  What about to dive team in 92 on the =
  SanDiego when found dead  showed the diveteam struggled between =
  when one was out of air and the other hadsome, but both were found =
dead 30=20
  feet from there entrance.=20

  But such Attempts at coercion are cumbersome, futile, and impossible=20
  toenforce. As many divers put it =E2=80=9CSAME DAY SAME OCEAN=E2=80=9D =
or it could be same=20
  cavesame day see ya later.=20

  Dive with a buddy or not and accept the responsibility, risks and=20
  consequencesof your choice.=20

  Here a couple of answers to your statements. You were not smart enough =
  askquestions, so I will address them as assumptions on your part, with =
  lackof knowledge about the man and his equipment and our environment.=20

  =C2=B7        1          you stated he madea piloting error, like =
switching to the=20
  wrong gas from that ridiculouslyconvoluted switching block. You have =
  seen the block or know howit works, your first mistake.=20
  =C2=B7        2          , You stated,"or entanglement from =
having a=20
  needlessly cumbersome and bulky rig." But I said otherwise. For =
Tony the=20
  rig in the water was notcumbersome, it swam very well, as good as =
  =C2=B7        3 You said       " Your post suggests a =
profounddesign flaw=20
  compounded by sloppy testing-in short, a habit of =
mentalmistakes."  =20
  Where did I say this, maybe what=E2=80=99s I=E2=80=99m saying yournot =
hearing. As for=20
  sloppy testing and design Tony and this is the simpleversion so you =
  understand it. Tony Gathered together machinist, equipmentdesigner and =
  people to include Bev Morgan and ran past them his drawingand ideas, =
he redid=20
  his plans and made several mockups starting with newdrawing, then a =
  from wood then a stainless steel model And then the finalworking model =
  could dive. This took about 3 years. Tony was not afraid tospend money =
to get=20
  =C2=B7        4        you wrote  =E2=80=9CEven worsethan that, they =
killed him in a way=20
  which could have been prevented had Tonyproperly tested his rig on his =
  dives-like swimming his rig at differentfill pressures to test trim =
  buoyancy=E2=80=9D        Tony worked on every detail ofhis equipment =
and before test=20
  diving the equipment he fitted and had to don theequipment more time =
than you=20
  have every gotten into your gear in your entiredive career, And I even =
  you or how long you diving, in one night I visitedhim and I started =
  how many time he donned this equipment after I waswith him for two =
hours, my=20
  count was 31 times, not counting the many times hedonned the rig =
before I=20
  started counting. He spent several hours a day forweeks testing the =
rig in a=20
  pool in East Hampton. Then when he thought the rigwas ready to dive he =

  started diving the rig from the beach off Shelter Islandduring the =
  from December 1999 through May 2000and logged 105 dives andafter each =
  wrote detailed notes on every aspect of the dive and how theequipment =
  and made changes as he went along.=20
  =C2=B7        5         =E2=80=9COr trying the EXO upsidedown to see =
how it would behave=20
  before ridding himself ofthe one piece ofredundancy (his second) which =
  have saved his life (other than a buddy, ofcourse).=E2=80=9D  Tony did =
try his EXO=20
  upside down and even designeda full flow high-pressure failure system =
in his=20
  mask. But which I see you don=E2=80=99tknow much about FMM especially =
without a neck=20
  dam which he didn=E2=80=99t use, whenkeeping the EXO or any FMM upside =
down for an=20
  extended time water will tricklein and fill the mask because =
there=E2=80=99s no way=20
  to clear it upside down, notcounting your monkey masks, you can blame =
  Morgan for that design flaw. I=E2=80=99msure you=E2=80=99re much =
smarter than Bev and his=20
  =C2=B7        6          We wont discussdive buddy, it=E2=80=99s clear =
you have know idea=20
  that buddies can kill you when theyare  in distress, you might call it =
  Have you ever been attackedunderwater? and I don=E2=80=99t mean =
attacked underwater=20
  at 130=E2=80=99, I don=E2=80=99t mean havingsomeone asking for gas or =
grabbing your=20
  regulator. I mean violently attacked, Ihave, you have to fight for =
your life=20
  to get my equipment back, when they panicthey grab at anything and =
  piece of equipment including ripping off yourmask grabbing and =
punching at=20
  you just because they want your air and don=E2=80=99tcare if you =
don=E2=80=99t have any. The=20
  guy that did it to me was having and anxietyattack we both survived =
  GOD, by the way he wasn=E2=80=99t my buddy just anotherdiver seeing me =

  =C2=B7        7 ,.  =E2=80=9C No disrespectintended,  but Tony was the =
type of=20
  pioneer/inventor who jumps off hisroof with an umbrella in his hand =
trying to=20
  refine the parachute.  Steveand Sheck were pioneers of a very =
different sort=20
  .=E2=80=9D       BULLSHIT your stupidity is showing,  you may think =
you know enough=20
  to make these statements and youdon=E2=80=99t you are just babbling to =
be heard with=20
  no understanding of what when onwith the design and building or =
  stages of Tony rig. You assume becauseI gave some minor details of =
  death like you knew everything, My postwasn=E2=80=99t intended to be a =
  investigative report. As for Sheck and Stevethey are dead also,  both =
  good at what they did, Sheck was at leastwith a BUDDY! There will =
always be=20
  questions about all there deaths. To badGeorge hasn=E2=80=99t gotten =
on his band=20
  wagon about them, to close to home!!!!!!=20
  =C2=B7        8 =E2=80=9CMy point is not to defameTony or inflict pain =
on others.  My=20
  point, and those of many others here,is to strip away the soppy =
pabulum; and=20
  distill lessons from Tony=E2=80=99sloss.  Anything short of that is to =
invite the=20
  next needless tragedy.=E2=80=9D Suresound like you are!  Lets just say =
you just want=20
  to be noticedby defaming Tony and sucking up to the DIR guys and going =
  with keepingyour mouth shut about Steve death, didn=E2=80=99t Steve =
know what a buddy=20
  was? And if Iremember correctly Steve and Bernie Chowdury made several =
  dives from myboat, starting with a 200 foot penetration dive into the =
  using cave linewith no tie offs and survived, they hung there lives on =
  piece of string for two hundred feet of rustingsharp steel, I guess =
  makes it=E2=80=99s DIR they came back. Looks likebreaking the rules is =
OK, as long as=20
  you don=E2=80=99t get caught or die. George breaksthe rules he set for =
others, but he=20
  says do as I say not what I do.=20
  =C2=B7        What is an inventor, in case youdon=E2=80=99t know, =
Author, maker,=20
  architect, creator, originator, discoverer. Have youeven done anything =

  original? Or maybe you bent a =E2=80=9CD=E2=80=9D ring or modified a =
strapand tell everyone=20
  you have modified your equipment. Your entire dive equipmentis store =
  I=E2=80=99ll bet, because all your equipment comes from =
themanufacturers you think=20
  there aren=E2=80=99t inherent flaws wake up just look at thecall backs =
and what we=20
  never find out. Look at George and his scooter heresigned, should he =
  stuck with the manufactures versions, no it wasn=E2=80=99t upto the =
diving they were=20
  doing. Tony also modified his Farrallon scooter,24 incheslonger bigger =

  batteries redesigned electronics for deeper diving. Where wouldyou be =
  PADI or YMCA, where you take your first course? Was it a DIRbasic?=20

  =C2=B7        Captain Steve Bielenda=20

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Steve,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Why in the hell are you wasting so much =
defending the stupid and ridiculous????</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>If you think that a buddy wouldn't have =
saved Tony=20
that you deserve all the lumps you take on these forums...  Every =
time we=20
see a solo fatality we hear the same tired arguments from the same old=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Blah, blah, balh...  We don't know =
if two=20
would have been dead instead of one..</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>That's just plain and simple=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>If Tony was such a heroic pioneer as =
you seem to be=20
making the case for, is it your opinion that such a student of the game =
qualified to pick a suitable buddy when testing a homemade rebreather on =
a wreck=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>It's obvious he made many, many bad =
choices in his=20
diving but wasn't he capable of picking a buddy that could have donated =
air when=20
his self-made contraption fell apart at depth???</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>You're continuing a battle that is =
self-evident to=20
everyone other than then hardened East Coast wreck diving strokes that =
dropping like flies..  And before you get on your high and =
all-mighty NE=20
coast defense I was born and raised in NY and I had to put up with all =
the *good=20
old boy* network on my first trip on the Doria..  I heard all the =
until I let them know I was a New Yorker..  You and Danny should =
spend less=20
time arguing in Esquire and defending stupidity here on these lists and =
more time concentrating on not killing off your customer =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Later</FONT></DIV>
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
  style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
  <A title=3DWahoodiver@ao*.co*=20
  href=3D"mailto:Wahoodiver@ao*.co*"></A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A =
  href=3D'mailto:":mh=C2=BB????????????'>MHK</A> ; <A =
  href=3D"mailto:mhkane@pr*.ne*">MHK</A> ; <A =
  href=3D"mailto:trey@ne*.co*">Trey</A> ; <A =
  href=3D"mailto:Wahoodiver@ao*.co*"></A> ; <A=20
  href=3D"mailto:plewitsch@ya*.co*"></A> ; <A=20
  title=3Dquest@gu*.co* href=3D"mailto:quest@gu*.co*"></A> =
; <A=20
  href=3D""></A> =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Tuesday, May 29, 2001 =
5:05 PM</DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Another NE wreck =
  <DIV><BR></DIV><FONT face=3Darial,helvetica><FONT
size=3D2><BR><BR>1) =
  having a buddy would have saved Tony Maffatone or he may have =
  of them. or the buddy may have tried to help and been unsuccessful =
<BR>. We=20
  still do not know what caused him to have to cut off his gear and make =
  <BR>freeassent, some failure in the regulators he made himself, =
  <BR>failure, poordesign a broken fin strap. We will never know, since =
he chose=20
  to <BR>dive alone andleave behind his buddy. <BR><BR>As you know =
because of=20
  this and other incidents I think that FFM are <BR>notsuitable for =
diving on=20
  scuba (as opposed to surface supply and tender and <BR>comms)  in =
  ocean at the depths we frequent  , because of the=20
  <BR>increasedconsumption rate of the gas supply and the added =
difficulty of=20
  <BR>switching gas orsharing air , and the inability to breath at the =
    <BR>once the airsupply is exhausted due to the difficulty of =
  the mask . <BR><BR>Tony's and others gas-switching blocks are attempts =
to get=20
  around several <BR>ofthese problems that are better avoided by using =
  masks and separate <BR>gassupplies. <BR><BR>As to the insistence of =
  people on the Internet bulletin boards that <BR>Buddydiving is the =
only proper=20
  and correct way. <BR><BR>And their inference that dive boat operators, =
  owners of shore diving <BR>sitescoerce requiring and force people to =
dive in=20
  mismatched buddy teams. <BR><BR>Not only do I disagree that diving =
with a=20
  buddy ensures safety, or even <BR>alwaysreduces risk. What about the =
  team in Ginnie spring many years <BR>ago. Divingtogether both dead, =
  found one wasout of air the other died <BR>from being stabbed about =
   What about to dive team in 92 on the USS <BR>SanDiego when found =
   showed the diveteam struggled between themselves <BR>when one =
was out of=20
  air and the other hadsome, but both were found dead 30 <BR>feet from =
  entrance. <BR><BR>But such Attempts at coercion are cumbersome, =
futile, and=20
  impossible <BR>toenforce. As many divers put it =E2=80=9CSAME DAY SAME =
OCEAN=E2=80=9D or it=20
  could be same <BR>cavesame day see ya later. <BR><BR>Dive with a
buddy =
or not=20
  and accept the responsibility, risks and <BR>consequencesof your =
  <BR><BR><BR><BR>Here a couple of answers to your statements. You
were =
  smart enough to <BR>askquestions, so I will address them as =
assumptions on=20
  your part, with your <BR>lackof knowledge about the man and his =
equipment and=20
  our environment. <BR><BR>=C2=B7 =
           you stated he =
  piloting error, like switching to the <BR>wrong gas from that=20
  ridiculouslyconvoluted switching block. You have never <BR>seen the =
block or=20
  know howit works, your first mistake. <BR>=C2=B7=20
           , You=20
  stated,&quot;or entanglement from having a <BR>needlessly =
cumbersome and=20
  bulky rig.&quot; But I said otherwise. For Tony the <BR>rig in the =
  was notcumbersome, it swam very well, as good as double =
<BR>104=E2=80=99s. <BR>=C2=B7=20
         3 You said=20
        &quot; Your post suggests a=20
  profounddesign flaw <BR>compounded by sloppy testing-in short, a habit =
  mentalmistakes.&quot;   <BR>Where did I say this, maybe =
what=E2=80=99s I=E2=80=99m=20
  saying yournot hearing. As for <BR>sloppy testing and design Tony and =
this is=20
  the simpleversion so you can <BR>understand it. Tony Gathered together =

  machinist, equipmentdesigner and other <BR>people to include Bev =
Morgan and=20
  ran past them his drawingand ideas, he redid <BR>his plans and made =
  mockups starting with newdrawing, then a model <BR>from wood then a =
  steel model And then the finalworking model he <BR>could dive. This =
took about=20
  3 years. Tony was not afraid tospend money to get <BR>knowledge. =
         you wrote =
 =E2=80=9CEven worsethan=20
  that, they killed him in a way <BR>which could have been prevented had =

  Tonyproperly tested his rig on his pool <BR>dives-like swimming his =
rig at=20
  differentfill pressures to test trim and <BR>buoyancy=E2=80=9D=20
         Tony worked on every detail =
  equipment and before test <BR>diving the equipment he fitted and had =
to don=20
  theequipment more time than you <BR>have every gotten into your gear =
in your=20
  entiredive career, And I even know <BR>you or how long you diving, in =
  night I visitedhim and I started counting <BR>how many time he donned =
  equipment after I waswith him for two hours, my <BR>count was 31 =
times, not=20
  counting the many times hedonned the rig before I <BR>started =
counting. He=20
  spent several hours a day forweeks testing the rig in a <BR>pool in =
  Hampton. Then when he thought the rigwas ready to dive he <BR>started =
  the rig from the beach off Shelter Islandduring the winter <BR>from =
  1999 through May 2000and logged 105 dives andafter each dive <BR>wrote =

  detailed notes on every aspect of the dive and how theequipment =
  <BR>and made changes as he went along. <BR>=C2=B7=20
          =E2=80=9COr trying the =
EXO upsidedown=20
  to see how it would behave <BR>before ridding himself ofthe one piece=20
  ofredundancy (his second) which would <BR>have saved his life (other =
than a=20
  buddy, ofcourse).=E2=80=9D  Tony did try his EXO <BR>upside down =
and even=20
  designeda full flow high-pressure failure system in his <BR>mask. But =
which I=20
  see you don=E2=80=99tknow much about FMM especially without a neck =
<BR>dam which he=20
  didn=E2=80=99t use, whenkeeping the EXO or any FMM upside down for an =
  time water will tricklein and fill the mask because there=E2=80=99s no =
way <BR>to=20
  clear it upside down, notcounting your monkey masks, you can blame Bev =

  <BR>Morgan for that design flaw. I=E2=80=99msure you=E2=80=99re much =
smarter than Bev and his=20
  <BR>engineers. <BR>=C2=B7        6=20
           We wont =
  buddy, it=E2=80=99s clear you have know idea <BR>that buddies can kill =
you when=20
  theyare  in distress, you might call it panic. <BR>Have you ever =
  attackedunderwater? and I don=E2=80=99t mean attacked underwater =
<BR>at 130=E2=80=99, I don=E2=80=99t=20
  mean havingsomeone asking for gas or grabbing your <BR>regulator. I =
  violently attacked, Ihave, you have to fight for your life <BR>to get =
  equipment back, when they panicthey grab at anything and every =
<BR>piece of=20
  equipment including ripping off yourmask grabbing and punching at =
<BR>you just=20
  because they want your air and don=E2=80=99tcare if you don=E2=80=99t =
have any. The <BR>guy=20
  that did it to me was having and anxietyattack we both survived thank =
  by the way he wasn=E2=80=99t my buddy just anotherdiver seeing me =
  <BR><BR>=C2=B7        7 ,. =
 =E2=80=9C No=20
  disrespectintended,  but Tony was the type of =
<BR>pioneer/inventor who=20
  jumps off hisroof with an umbrella in his hand trying to <BR>refine =
  parachute. <B> Steveand Sheck were pioneers of a very different =
  <BR>.=E2=80=9D       BULLSHIT your =
stupidity is showing,=20
   you may think you know enough <BR>to make these statements and =
  you are just babbling to be heard with <BR>no understanding of what =
  onwith the design and building or testing <BR>stages of Tony rig. You =
  becauseI gave some minor details of Tony=E2=80=99s <BR>death like you =
knew everything,=20
  My postwasn=E2=80=99t intended to be a complete <BR>investigative =
report. As for Sheck=20
  and Stevethey are dead also,  both were <BR>good at what they =
did, Sheck=20
  was at leastwith a BUDDY! There will always be <BR>questions about all =
  deaths. To badGeorge hasn=E2=80=99t gotten on his band <BR>wagon about =
them, to close=20
  to home!!!!!! <BR>=C2=B7        8 =
=E2=80=9CMy point is=20
  not to defameTony or inflict pain on others.  My <BR>point, and =
those of=20
  many others here,is to<B> strip away the soppy pabulum; </B>and =
  lessons from Tony=E2=80=99sloss.  Anything short of that is to =
invite the=20
  <BR>next needless tragedy.=E2=80=9D <B>Suresound like you are!</B> =
 Lets just say=20
  you just want <BR>to be noticedby defaming Tony and sucking up to the =
DIR guys=20
  and going along <BR>with keepingyour mouth shut about Steve death, =
  Steve know what a buddy <BR>was? And if Iremember correctly Steve and =
  Chowdury made several Doria <BR>dives from myboat, starting with a 200 =
  penetration dive into the Doria <BR>using cave linewith no tie offs =
  survived, they hung there lives on a <BR>piece of string for two =
hundred feet=20
  of rustingsharp steel, I guess that <BR>makes it=E2=80=99s DIR <B>they =
came back</B>.=20
  Looks likebreaking the rules is OK, as long as <BR>you don=E2=80=99t =
get caught or=20
  die. George breaksthe rules he set for others, but he <BR>says do as I =
say not=20
  what I do. <BR>=C2=B7        What =
is an=20
  inventor, in case youdon=E2=80=99t know, Author, maker, <BR>architect, =
  originator, discoverer. Have youeven done anything <BR>original? Or =
maybe you=20
  bent a =E2=80=9CD=E2=80=9D ring or modified a strapand tell everyone =
<BR>you have modified=20
  your equipment. Your entire dive equipmentis store bought? =
  bet</B>, because all your equipment comes from themanufacturers you =
  <BR>there aren=E2=80=99t inherent flaws wake up just look at thecall =
backs and what we=20
  <BR>never find out. Look at George and his scooter heresigned, should =
he just=20
  <BR>stuck with the manufactures versions, no it wasn=E2=80=99t upto =
the diving they=20
  were <BR>doing. Tony also modified his Farrallon scooter,24 =
  bigger <BR>batteries redesigned electronics for deeper diving. Where =
  be without <BR>PADI or YMCA, where you take your first course? Was it =
  DIRbasic? <BR><BR>=C2=B7 =
       Captain Steve=20


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