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From: "Duane Liptak Jr." <d.liptak.jr@wo*.at*.ne*>
To: "Thom Hadfield" <thom.hadfield@ho*.co*>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: Re. Deco diving
Date: Sat, 12 May 2001 14:22:12 -0500
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You're just kidding, right?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Thom Hadfield <thom.hadfield@ho*.co*>
    To: <>; Joe =
    Date: Friday, May 11, 2001 11:36 PM
    Subject: Re: Re. Deco diving
    Thanks for the advice. I do have a plan sorry I wasn't more clear in =
the post. I will probably dive on 25% using this secedule
    Waypoint  at  140ft for  20:00 (22) on Air,        PPO2 1.076, END =
    Deep Stop at  120ft for   0:33 (23) on Air,        PPO2 0.952, END =
    Deep Stop at  110ft for   0:33 (24) on Air,        PPO2 0.890, END =
    Deep Stop at  100ft for   0:33 (24) on Air,        PPO2 0.829, END =
    Deep Stop at  90ft for   0:33 (25) on Air,        PPO2 0.767, END 90
    Deep Stop at  80ft for   0:33 (26) on Air,        PPO2 0.705, END 80
    Deep Stop at  70ft for   0:33 (26) on Air,        PPO2 0.643, END 70
    Deep Stop at  60ft for   0:33 (27) on Air,        PPO2 0.581, END 60
    Deep Stop at  50ft for   0:33 (27) on Air,        PPO2 0.519, END 50
    Deep Stop at  40ft for   0:33 (28) on Air,        PPO2 0.457, END 40
    Norm Stop at  20ft for   6:00 (34) on Air,        PPO2 0.334, END 20
    Norm Stop at  10ft for  17:00 (51) on Air,        PPO2 0.272, END 10
    TOTAL DECO TIME: 28 minutes.
    DIVE RUN TIME: 51 minutes.
    CNS Total: 9.0%
    OTU's: 26
    I plan on diving either  a 120 or double 80's. I am leaning toward a =
120 just for familarity I normally dive with a 120. My dive buddy has a =
lot more expierence than I do but also has no deco expierence. I am =
using laminated  navy tables to take with me and I have a computer that =
will calculate deco to 350' I am using zplan to plan out the dive and it =
is the plan I intend to dive if everything goes as planned. However I =
will have tables and a computer for back up. I will carry an ascent reel =
and an extra 80 or 120 (haven't decided which) stage bottle down with me =
and attach it to the wreck near the ascent line. My buddy is planning =
the same. I may also carry it with me these are the things I plan on =
working out in a quarry. Also we are considering hanging another tank =
off the bow of the boat as a third extra air tank.I want to do the dive =
not because of depth but because I want more than 10 mins on this wreck.
     I dive safe the last time I dove the wreck I planned for 140'. The =
wreck is in something like 135 feet but I added in a little for error =
and safety incase something happened myself or my buddy hit bottom. =
Anyways my max depth was 128' and my computer told me I had another 9 =
mins left at that depth but I procedded back to the ascent line =
according to my  dive plan. For me or my buddy this isn't a personal =
accomplishment it is wanting extra time to view the splendor of this =
wreck. We didn't decide to do a deco dive to prove anything we decided =
we wanted to have more time at that depth and the only way was a deco =
dive and we felt ok doing it on air or 25%. We are planning no =
penetration except a descent and ascent into the main wide open cargo =
    I believe trimix is good and I had not even considered trimx because =
I felt this dive plan was acceptable to do on air or 25%. But when I =
posted a question for tips and suggestions I had a major response that =
this was unsafe on air and I must use trimix or a variation there of. I =
feel comfortable on this wreck and the depth on air. However I didn't =
know what to expect extending my time into decopression ranges.
    Sorry for the lengthy discussion but I thought it might better give =
you an idea of my dive plan.=20
    Thanks Thom
        ----- Original Message -----=20
        From: Joe=20
        To: Thom Hadfield=20
        Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 8:19 AM
        Subject: Re: Re. Deco diving
        Hi Thom:
        Do yourself a big favor and just dive.  Forget about trimix for =
a while and forget about depth.  The way to become a proficient and safe =
diver is to evolve into it.  At less than 100 dives thinking about =
trimix is ludicrous.  I know the agencies may list 100 dives as a =
prerequisite for trimix, but believe it that you are not ready even at =
200 dives.
        Let me explain.  You could learn to execute a trimix dive after =
50 dives.  As a college student you most probably could learn the =
theories and the math in 20 minutes.  Its probably all stuff you already =
know.  What you can't learn is the stuff that only time and experience =
will teach you.  When you make your screw ups (and you will, just like =
the rest of us) you want them to occur and a depth and in a circumstance =
you can survive.  A mishandled incident at 75' is quite survivable.  =
That same event at 300' or with a serious decompression ceiling will =
probably kill you.  If you review most of the accidents, one of the =
common threads in them is people diving beyond their experience level.  =
They take a course, get certified and then kill themselves doing =
something stupid like an uncontrolled ascent.
        Helium is no voodoo mystery gas.  Diving it is essentially the =
same as air diving.  What you need are good in water skills, excellent =
buoyancy control and the ability to handle task loading.  What makes it =
challenging to the novice is not the gas.  It is the ability to monitor =
your deco schedule, switch to the correct gas at the correct depth while =
making sure your buddy is on the correct gas, deploy a lift bag and =
possibly manage an unexpected emergency like you broke the knob off your =
deco bottle in the closed position or tangled the reel on the lift bag - =
all at the same time and without endangering yourself and others.  If =
you jump right into advanced diving, you will surely "pass" the courses =
but in spite of that you won't have the experience level to fall back on =
when the sh** hits the fan.  That experience is what will keep you alive =
and you won't have it.=20
        The skills you need to successfully execute any advanced dive =
begin with basic diving skills.  Refine those skills and build up that =
experience and evolve into the advanced diving.  For now, content =
yourself with recreational level diving and work on the skills specific =
to advanced diving (reels, lift bags multiple bottles etc. etc.) and =
when you are ready to take the courses you will really reap the full =
benefit of your instructors knowledge because he won't have to waste =
time teaching you things you should already know.
        >>I guess the risks of narcosis which at the depths and times I =
have done I didn't experience=20
        >>any is not that great at the dive I am planning. I have heard =
it is a fairly safe plan to that it is >>not a safe plan. Well that's a =
little of my background and thankyou for your reply's
        Now to answer your questions.
        You won't "feel" the narcosis until it gets to the point of the =
ridiculous.  Much like after "one beer" you are impaired but don't know =
it. =20
        As far as a plan goes, you have none. (Other than to go to 140' =
which is not a plan.)
        Are you diving a single tank or doubles?  Have you made =
provisions for air emergencies?  What are your air rules?  What is your =
run time?  Is this a planned decompression dive?  If not, do you know =
what to do if you overstay and wind up in decompression?  If it is do =
you have contingency tables?  Will you have enough gas to decompress?  =
Are you using a computer and if so, do you have a table to back it up?  =
What about your buddy?  Is he at the same level as you?  Will he be an =
asset or a liability in the event of a mishap?
        If this is one of those personal depth things my advice is to =
can it.  If it is a legitimate dive with a purpose other than depth, =
think about the questions I have asked you and formulate a dive plan.
        That said, should you have any questions, feel free to ask.  If =
I can answer them I will.  Also, take note we have had two fatalities =
this week.  One a highly experienced "tech" instructor and the other a =
college student open water diver who was curious about a cave.  Walk =
before you run.
        Best of luck and dive safe.
        Joe Citelli=20
            ----- Original Message -----=20
            From: Thom Hadfield=20
            Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 8:23 PM
            Subject: Re. Deco diving
            I am planning on doing the ebber ward which I have been on 3 =
times. The max depth I reached on the ward was 128'. I have been over =
100' probably 8 times wothout getting out my log. I have dove several =
wrecks in the 40 to 100' foot range. I dive a lot in the st. Clair river =
which has low vis and current. I do most of my practice dives there. I =
am currently signed up for Nitrox. I also do not have 100 dives in yet =
which seems to be the basic first step for Trimix. I will have those in =
by the end of this year. All of my expierence is in cold greatlakes =
water. I do not plan any wreck penetration for this dive except for a =
verticle decent and ascent into the wide open cargo hole which I have =
done on a previous dive. The max depth for the ward unless you start to =
dig a hole underneath the wreck is just dhy of 140' so I am planning my =
dive for 140 but I donot plan on spending much time at that depth.=20
            I am interested in trimix and I do believe it to be safer =
than air or nitrox at this depth but I have not found a store in my area =
who teaches it. Also it appears online that the training runs about $800 =
which to me as a college student is a bit high. However I know the =
response of what price can you put on a life will come up. I guess the =
risks of narcosis which at the depths and times I have done I didn't =
expierence any is not that great at the dive I am planning. I have heard =
it is a fairly safe plan to that it is not a safe plan. Well thats a =
little of my background and thankyou for your reply's

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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>You're just kidding, right?</FONT></DIV>
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: =
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B>-----Original =
    </B>Thom Hadfield <<A=20
    </B><A =
    <<A =
    Joe <<A=20
    </B>Friday, May 11, 2001 11:36 PM<BR><B>Subject: </B>Re: Re.
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Thanks for the advice. I do have a =
plan sorry I=20
    wasn't more clear in the post. I will probably dive on 25% using =
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Waypoint  at  140ft =
for  20:00=20
    (22) on Air,        PPO2 1.076, =
    140<BR>Deep Stop at  120ft for   0:33 (23) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.952, END =
    Stop at  110ft for   0:33 (24) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.890, END =
    Stop at  100ft for   0:33 (24) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.829, END =
    Stop at  90ft for   0:33 (25) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.767, END =
    Stop at  80ft for   0:33 (26) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.705, END =
    Stop at  70ft for   0:33 (26) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.643, END =
    Stop at  60ft for   0:33 (27) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.581, END =
    Stop at  50ft for   0:33 (27) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.519, END =
    Stop at  40ft for   0:33 (28) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.457, END =
    Stop at  20ft for   6:00 (34) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.334, END =
    Stop at  10ft for  17:00 (51) on=20
    Air,        PPO2 0.272, END=20
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>TOTAL DECO TIME: 28 =
minutes.<BR>DIVE RUN TIME:=20
    51 minutes.<BR>CNS Total: 9.0%<BR>OTU's: 26</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I plan on diving either  a 120 =
or double=20
    80's. I am leaning toward a 120 just for familarity I normally dive =
with a=20
    120. My dive buddy has a lot more expierence than I do but also has =
no deco=20
    expierence. I am using laminated  navy tables to take with me =
and I=20
    have a computer that will calculate deco to 350' I am using zplan to =
    out the dive and it is the plan I intend to dive if everything goes =
    planned. However I will have tables and a computer for back up. I =
will carry=20
    an ascent reel and an extra 80 or 120 (haven't decided which) stage =
    down with me and attach it to the wreck near the ascent line. My =
buddy is=20
    planning the same. I may also carry it with me these are the things =
I plan=20
    on working out in a quarry. Also we are considering hanging another =
tank off=20
    the bow of the boat as a third extra air tank.I want to do the dive =
    because of depth but because I want more than 10 mins on this=20
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> I dive safe the last time I =
dove the=20
    wreck I planned for 140'. The wreck is in something like 135 feet =
but I=20
    added in a little for error and safety incase something happened =
myself or=20
    my buddy hit bottom. Anyways my max depth was 128' and my computer =
told me I=20
    had another 9 mins left at that depth but I procedded back to the =
    line according to my  dive plan. For me or my buddy this isn't =
    personal accomplishment it is wanting extra time to view the =
splendor of=20
    this wreck. We didn't decide to do a deco dive to prove anything we =
    we wanted to have more time at that depth and the only way was a =
deco dive=20
    and we felt ok doing it on air or 25%. We are planning no =
penetration except=20
    a descent and ascent into the main wide open cargo =
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I believe trimix is good and I had =
not even=20
    considered trimx because I felt this dive plan was acceptable to do =
on air=20
    or 25%. But when I posted a question for tips and suggestions I had =
a major=20
    response that this was unsafe on air and I must use trimix or a =
    there of. I feel comfortable on this wreck and the depth on air. =
However I=20
    didn't know what to expect extending my time into decopression=20
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Sorry for the lengthy discussion =
but I thought=20
    it might better give you an idea of my dive plan. </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Thanks Thom</FONT></DIV>
    style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; =
        <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- =
        style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
        <A href=3D"mailto:joe@po*.co*" =
        <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A=20
        href=3D"mailto:thom.hadfield@ho*.co*" =
        Hadfield</A> </DIV>
        <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Sunday, May 06, =
2001 8:19=20
        <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Re: Re. Deco =
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Hi Thom:</FONT></DIV>
        <DIV> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Do yourself a big favor and just dive.  =
        about trimix for a while and forget about depth.  The way =
to become=20
        a proficient and safe diver is to evolve into it.  At less =
than 100=20
        dives thinking about trimix is ludicrous.  I know the =
agencies may=20
        list 100 dives as a prerequisite for trimix, but believe it that =
you are=20
        not ready even at 200 dives.</FONT></DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Let me explain.  You could learn to =
execute a=20
        trimix dive after 50 dives.  As a college student you =
        probably could learn the theories and the math in 20 =
minutes.  Its=20
        probably all stuff you already know.  What you can't learn =
is the=20
        stuff that only time and experience will teach you.  =
When you=20
        make your screw ups (and you will, just like the rest of us) you =
        them to occur and a depth and in a circumstance you can=20
        survive.  A mishandled incident at 75' is quite =
survivable. =20
        That same event at 300' or with a serious decompression ceiling =
        probably kill you.  If you review most of the accidents, =
one of the=20
        common threads in them is people diving beyond their experience=20
        level.  They take a course, get certified and then =
        themselves doing something stupid like an uncontrolled=20
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Helium is no voodoo mystery gas.  =
Diving it is=20
        essentially the same as air diving.  What you need are good =
        water skills, excellent buoyancy control and the ability to =
handle task=20
        loading.  What makes it challenging to the novice is not =
        gas.  It is the ability to monitor your deco schedule, =
        to the correct gas at the correct depth while making sure your =
buddy is=20
        on the correct gas, deploy a lift bag and possibly manage an =
        emergency like you broke the knob off your deco bottle in the =
        position or tangled the reel on the lift bag - all at the =
same time=20
        and without endangering yourself and others.  If you jump =
        into advanced diving, you will surely "pass" the =
courses but=20
        in spite of that you won't have the experience level to fall =
back on=20
        when the sh** hits the fan.  That experience is what will =
keep you=20
        alive and you won't have it. </FONT><FONT
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>The skills you need to successfully =
execute any=20
        advanced dive begin with basic diving =
skills.  Refine=20
        those skills and build up that experience and evolve into the =
        diving.  For now, content yourself with recreational level =
        and work on the skills specific to advanced diving (reels, lift =
        multiple bottles etc. etc.) and when you are ready to take the =
        you will really reap the full benefit of your instructors=20
        knowledge because he won't have to waste time teaching=20
        you things you should already know.</FONT></DIV>
        <DIV> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>>>I guess the risks of narcosis which =
at the=20
        depths and times I have done I didn't experience </FONT></DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>>>any is not that great at the dive I =
        planning. I have heard it is a fairly safe plan to that it is=20
        >>not a safe plan. Well that's a little of my background =
        thankyou for your reply's</FONT></DIV>
        <DIV> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Now to answer your
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>You won't "feel" the narcosis =
until it gets=20
        to the point of the ridiculous.  Much like after "one=20
        beer" </FONT><FONT size=3D2>you are impaired but don't know =
it. =20
        <DIV> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>As far as a plan goes, you have none. (Other =
than to=20
        go to 140' which is not a plan.)</FONT></DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Are you diving a single tank =
or doubles? =20
        Have you made provisions for air emergencies?  What are =
your air=20
        rules?  What is your run time?  Is this a planned=20
        decompression dive?  If not, do you know what to do if you =
        and wind up in decompression?  If it is do you have =
        tables?  Will you have enough gas to decompress?  Are =
        using a computer and if so, do you have a table to back it =
up? =20
        What about your buddy?  Is he at the same level as =
you?  Will=20
        he be an asset or a liability in the event of a =
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>If this is one of those personal depth =
things my=20
        advice is to can it.  If it is a legitimate dive with a =
        other than depth, think about the questions I have =
asked you and=20
        formulate a dive plan.</FONT></DIV>
        <DIV> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>That said, should you have any =
questions, feel=20
        free to ask.  If I can answer them I will.  Also, =
        note we have had two fatalities this week.  One a =
        experienced "tech" instructor and the other a college =
        open water diver who was curious about a cave.  Walk before =
        <DIV> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Best of luck and dive safe.</FONT></DIV>
        <DIV> </DIV>
        <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Joe Citelli</FONT> </DIV>
        <DIV> </DIV>
        <DIV> </DIV>
        style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; =
            <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- =
            style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
            <A href=3D"mailto:thom.hadfield@ho*.co*"=20
            title=3Dthom.hadfield@ho*.co*>Thom Hadfield</A> </DIV>
            <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A=20
  ></A> =
            <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Thursday, May
10, 2001=20
            8:23 PM</DIV>
            <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Re. Deco =
            <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I am planning on doing the =
ebber ward=20
            which I have been on 3 times. The max depth I reached on the =
            was 128'. I have been over 100' probably 8 times wothout =
getting out=20
            my log. I have dove several wrecks in the 40 to 100' foot =
range. I=20
            dive a lot in the st. Clair river which has low vis and =
current. I=20
            do most of my practice dives there. I am currently signed up =
            Nitrox. I also do not have 100 dives in yet which seems to =
be the=20
            basic first step for Trimix. I will have those in by the end =
of this=20
            year. All of my expierence is in cold greatlakes water. I do =
            plan any wreck penetration for this dive except for a =
            decent and ascent into the wide open cargo hole which I have =
done on=20
            a previous dive. The max depth for the ward unless you start =
to dig=20
            a hole underneath the wreck is just dhy of 140' so I am =
planning my=20
            dive for 140 but I donot plan on spending much time at that =
            <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I am interested in trimix =
and I do=20
            believe it to be safer than air or nitrox at this depth but =
I have=20
            not found a store in my area who teaches it. Also it appears =
            that the training runs about $800 which to me as a college =
            is a bit high. However I know the response of what price can =
you put=20
            on a life will come up. I guess the risks of narcosis which =
at the=20
            depths and times I have done I didn't expierence any is not =
            great at the dive I am planning. I have heard it is a fairly =
            plan to that it is not a safe plan. Well thats a little of =
            background and thankyou for your=20


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