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Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 10:46:32 -0800
From: Kent Lind <klind@Al*.NE*>
Subject: Re: OMS v. PST
john.r.strohm@BI*.co* wrote:

> Air weighs about 8 lbs/100 cu.ft.  (Source:  CRC Handbook of Chemistry and
> Physics, 62nd edition, and a little calculator-punching)
> The tank stretches (expands) as it is filled and relaxes (contracts) as it
> empties.  The expansion causes it to displace SLIGHTLY more water, which
> PARTIALLY offsets the weight of the air.

Yes, but you're talking about grams or miligrams here.  Someone who does
hydros could tell you how much water is displaced by tank expansion,
it's a miniscule amount and no where near the 4 lb discrepancy pointed
out in the previous post.  4 lbs expansion would be what....? about a
half gallon of water?  In any event, *all* steel tanks are going to
expand and contract to some small extent so that shouldn't account for
reported differences between PST and OMS tanks. -KL

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