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Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 13:16:17 +22305714 (HST)
From: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.Ha*.Or*>
Subject: Re: High PO2 exposures and Airbreaks
To: David Doolette <ddoolett@me*.ad*.ed*.au*>
> A secondary reason for the use of high PIO2 during 
> decompression after dives using He as a diluent is to avoid dilutional 
> hypoxia.  The greatest risk of inducing dilutional hypoxia will be 
> immediately after the first pull towards the surface (at the deepest 
> decompression stop) when He off-gassing rate is greatest.

Whoa!!! Dilutional hypoxia....this is a new one for me.  I understand it,
but I'd never previously considered will require some time to
fully digest the implications.  Off the cuff; another advantage for trimix
over heliox?????

> I would suggest that if the PIO2 never exceeds 1.6 bar, that "air breaks" 
> are not critical (please do not try this at home),  particularly during this 
> early stage of the hyperbaric oxygen exposure.

What about 4-hour+ rebreather dives at relatively constant PO2?


Richard Pyle
"WHATEVER happens to you when you willingly go underwater is
COMPLETELY and ENTIRELY your own responsibility! If you cannot
accept this responsibility, stay out of the water!"

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