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From: "Tom Mount" <tom.mount@ia*.co*>
To: <vbtech@ci*.co*>, "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>
Cc: <>, <>
Subject: Re: 2003 Beneath The Sea
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 09:39:01 -0500
Organization: IANTD World HQ
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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JT This is where you most likely got confussed on the 3000 ft =
penetration at 400 feet

We do anticpate going to at least 500 feet plus in one of the blue holes =
which again was why Mark and I took the Meg's to 540 on the wall. So we =
could check them out at this depth in amore friendly environment

On the blue hole dive we will be 1200 feet back at a depth of 160 feet =
when we descend straight down to 430 feet and then first objective =
connect two passage in the 400 to 450 foot depth ranges
second objective descend down the other passage where we anticipate =
getting deeper than 500 feet

From my presentation BTS

Hope this clears everything up for all who were at he presentations
Mexico Rebreather Cave Diving

The Pit Paul and Jill Heinerth discovered the deep passage in the Pit in =
Sistema Dos Ojos and used MK 5 CCR to begin exploration there.=20

Steve Bogaerts, Dan Lins and Buddy Quattlebaum have explored the Pit out =
to a distance of 3000 ft reaching a depth of 391ft.using Inspirations =
and a home built dual Inspiration.=20

Yucatan deep cave CCR diving to 400 feet in the Sabak Ha sinkhole. Used =
as well in the exploration of Ssabak Ha side tunnels at 200 ft and Yaal =
Utzil, Chihohul II, Cervera and Canum Cenote for exploration. On all =
dives enough OC bailout was carried for alternate way to the surface. =
Divers in the Yucatan: Gabor Koos, Dan Lins, Steve Bogaerts, Andreas W. =
Matthes. All using Inspirations

Nacimiento Mante Mexico up to 450 feet
Paul and Jill Heinerth

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Capt JT=20
  To: Tom Mount ; vbtech@ci*.co*=20
  Cc: ;
  Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 6:10 AM
  Subject: Re: 2003 Beneath The Sea

  Thanks Tom, I'm sure I was not the only one that got confused as we =
talked about the dives after the presentation. It did cover a wide area =
and yes you did mentioned everyone that you have posted, even others.

  At 11:01 PM 4/1/03 -0500, Tom Mount wrote:

    The 540 I Mentioned was a wall dive the presentation was on blue =
holes -wrecks and walls
    We anticipate dives below 500 in Guardian but have not done that =
dive yet
    The deepest blue hole dive I mentioned was our plan to connect two =
passages at 400 to 420 foot range
    We also will be doing dives on the Britannic in the project will be =
both surface to surface and saturation=20
    And we have other deeper projects planned
    I did not reference any dives in the 540 foot range in the blue =
holes as having been completed yet just the walls in particular last =
summer in Cayman with m/ark Meadows and I in preparation for an =
anticipated dive to these depths in a blue hole and the fact we wished =
to take the units to those depths in a more controlled environment prior =
to doing so in a cave in the event it does go that deep and we suspect =
it will.
    As you made a gesture as to my being an older fellow and I admit I'm =
but it sure beats the alternative my age is 64
    Hope this clears the issue for those reading it as the program was =
very broad I can understand how JT may have thought the 540 wall dive =
was a blue hole dive
    Actually we may get even deeper than that on the blue hole dive but =
at this point we do not know=20
    I do not remember stating distances at depth as I try to avoid that =
in presentations I believe to be conservative I stated several hundred =
    I also went through the international records held by various people =
such as George and JJ which is now held by held in Europe by Michael and =
    please play more attention in presentations so the info is correct =
as it is important in this world to not confuse issues
    There was alot of material covered and I can understand your getting =
some of it mixed up. But let me set the record straight on these =
statements so they do not get blown out of proportion nor become =
    I have the presentations on my computer if they need clarification
        ----- Original Message -----=20
        From: Capt JT=20
        To: vbtech@ci*.co*=20
        Cc: ;
        Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:02 PM=20
        Subject: 2003 Beneath The Sea

        Hi Everyone=20
        For those who were unable to attend the show here is a brief =
report of what you missed.Please disregard minor inaccuracies or =
spelling errors. I'm sure someone will correct them.  =20

        On Friday  Ike Bullock, Tom Sawicki, Nancy Hite,and JT traveled =
to BTS as representatives of LDC and Deanna Kenny for the Sea Fever dive =
vessel. Once at the show we  joined up with Rick Atkins and his future =
wife Erica as everyone rotated to man the booth. This allowed each of us =
time to enjoy the show and attend some of the seminars. Not to mention =
time for me to "stir the pot" on the local dive scene and far away.

        Saturday Tom, Rick, and myself attended Tom Mount's presentation =
on "Blue Hole and Rebreather diving" . I have never met Tom Mount and =
looked fwd to it. Tom is an older fellow and for his age( any age)is =
doing some huge dives.He showed a brief history of the RB and then =
talked of the exploration of the Blue Holes. he explained how everyone =
had reached the limits of OC diving there and now had to use RB for the =
max depth of 540ft they had encountered. They had pushed as much as =
3000ft back at a depth of 400ft, this was after they had already =
traveled several hundred feet at 170ft.

        I was impressed with his accomplishments and the fact that he =
was willing to share it with us. He also pointed out the death rate and =
contributed this to the divers being the cause. I understood him to say =
that most were not suited to dive the RB. I looked around the room and I =
felt that he was talking about 90% of those listening. I'm willing to =
bet that everyone in the room did not see themselves as the ones not =
suited, that Tom Mount was talking about someone else.=20

        At lunch it was pretty much a who's who of diving at the table =
and a discussion arose of a huge project in the making, seems bounce =
diving at great depths is over.=20

        Tom Sawicki and I also attended Gregg Bemis presentation on the =
Lusitania and Estonia. I found it entertaining that Gregg was now =
working with divers in the fight to explore wrecks. He was the one who =
had sued the team that dived the Lusitania in 1994. Now he was in a =
fight to let divers dive the Estonia. A team lead by him (he did not =
dive it) explored the wreck after several attempts by Governments to =
prevent this. He reported that metal was taken from the wreck and was =
analyzed by 3 different companies and reported the same find. It had =
been fractured by explosion. He hinted that there was a cover up and =
would be exposed in the future.=20

        I met several interesting people, new friends and old ones. I =
had a great time, I saw the bell from the Andrea Doria and Bob trying to =
explain the DIR gear configuration to Steve and Janet. A very mixed =

        One of the funniest things that happened was someone paged =
George Irvine to come to the Dive Rite booth, that his transpac was =
ready. I thought I saw several guys hanging around the booth after that. =
They had pizza stained Doria shirts on and a huge jacket on with one =
hand in the pocket, it was hot at the time. ;-) =20

        I will have photos on my site of the show very soon...........


        "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to =
get in the water"=20
        Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more=20
         Web Site
        Email     captjt@mi*.co*=20

    "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get =
in the water"
    Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more=20
     Web Site
    Email     captjt@mi*.co*

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>JT This is where you most likely got =
confussed on=20
the 3000 ft penetration at 400 feet</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>We do anticpate going to at least 500 =
feet plus in=20
one of the blue holes which again was why Mark and I took the Meg's to =
540 on=20
the wall. So we could check them out at this depth in amore friendly=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>On the blue hole dive we will be 1200 =
feet back at=20
a depth of 160 feet when we descend straight down to 430 feet and then =
objective connect two passage in the 400 to 450 foot depth =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>second objective descend down the other =
where we anticipate getting deeper than 500 feet</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>From my presentation
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Hope this clears everything up for all =
who were at=20
he presentations</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Tom</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><B><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#ff0100 size=3D6>
<P align=3Dcenter>Mexico Rebreather Cave Diving</P>
<DIR></B></FONT><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#0000ff
<P>The Pit Paul and Jill Heinerth discovered the deep passage in the Pit =
Sistema Dos Ojos and used MK 5 CCR to begin exploration there. =
face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#0000ff>
<P><FONT size=3D5>Steve Bogaerts, Dan Lins and Buddy Quattlebaum have =
explored the=20
Pit out to a distance of 3000 ft reaching a depth of 391ft.using =
and a home built dual Inspiration</FONT></FONT><FONT face=3D"Times New
color=3D#0000ff><FONT size=3D5>. </FONT></P></FONT><FONT
face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
<P><FONT size=3D5>Yucatan deep cave CCR diving to 400 feet in the Sabak =
sinkhole. Used as well in the exploration of Ssabak Ha side tunnels at =
200 ft=20
and Yaal Utzil, Chihohul II, Cervera and Canum Cenote for exploration. =
On all=20
dives enough OC bailout was carried for alternate way to the surface. =
Divers in=20
the Yucatan: Gabor Koos, Dan Lins, Steve Bogaerts, Andreas W. Matthes. =
All using=20
<P><FONT size=3D5>Nacimiento Mante Mexico up to 450 feet<BR>Paul and =
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><FONT size=3D5>----- Original</FONT>
Message -----=20
  style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
  <A title=3Dcaptjt@mi*.co* =
href=3D"mailto:captjt@mi*.co*">Capt JT</A>=20
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A =
  href=3D"mailto:Tom.Mount@ia*.co*">Tom Mount</A> ; <A=20
  href=3D"mailto:vbtech@ci*.co*"></A> =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Cc:</B> <A =
  href=3D""></A> ; <A =
  href=3D""></A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, April 02,
2003 =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Re: 2003 Beneath The
  <DIV><BR></DIV>Thanks Tom, I'm sure I was not the only one that got =
  as we talked about the dives after the presentation. It did cover a =
wide area=20
  and yes you did mentioned everyone that you have posted, even=20
  others.<BR><BR>At 11:01 PM 4/1/03 -0500, Tom Mount
wrote:<BR><FONT =
  <BLOCKQUOTE cite=3D""
type=3D"cite">JT</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT =
size=3D2>The 540=20
    I Mentioned was a wall dive the presentation was on blue holes =
-wrecks and=20
    walls</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT size=3D2>We anticipate dives
below =
500 in=20
    Guardian but have not done that dive
yet</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT=20
    size=3D2>The deepest blue hole dive I mentioned was our plan to =
connect two=20
    passages at 400 to 420 foot range</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT =
size=3D2>We also=20
    will be doing dives on the Britannic in the project will be both =
surface to=20
    surface and saturation </FONT><BR> <BR><FONT size=3D2>And
we =
have other=20
    deeper projects planned</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT size=3D2>I
did not =
    any dives in the 540 foot range in the blue holes as having been =
    yet just the walls in particular last summer in Cayman with m/ark =
    and I in preparation for an anticipated dive to these depths in a =
blue hole=20
    and the fact we wished to take the units to those depths in a more=20
    controlled environment prior to doing so in a cave in the event it =
does go=20
    that deep and we suspect it will.</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT =
size=3D2>As you=20
    made a gesture as to my being an older fellow and I admit I'm but it =
    beats the alternative my age is 64</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT =
    this clears the issue for those reading it as the program was very =
broad I=20
    can understand how JT may have thought the 540 wall dive was a blue =
    dive</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT size=3D2>Actually we may get
even =
deeper than=20
    that on the blue hole dive but at this point we do not know</FONT>=20
    <BR> <BR><FONT size=3D2>I do not remember stating distances
at =
depth as I=20
    try to avoid that in presentations I believe to be conservative I =
    several hundred feet</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT size=3D2>I also
went =
    the international records held by various people such as George and =
JJ which=20
    is now held by held in Europe by Michael and=20
    Bernard</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT size=3D2>please play more =
attention in=20
    presentations so the info is correct as it is important in this =
world to not=20
    confuse issues</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT size=3D2>There was
alot of =
    covered and I can understand your getting some of it mixed up. But =
let me=20
    set the record straight on these statements so they do not get blown =
out of=20
    proportion nor become misrepresented.</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT
    have the presentations on my computer if they need =
        <DD>----- Original Message -----=20
        <DD>From:</B> <A href=3D"mailto:captjt@mi*.co*">Capt =
        <DD>To:</B> <A=20
        <DD>Cc:</B> <A=20
href=3D""></A> ; <A=20
        <DD>Sent:</B> Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:02 PM=20
        <DD>Subject:</B> 2003 Beneath The Sea<BR><BR>
        <DD>Hi Everyone=20
        <DD>For those who were unable to attend the show here is a brief =
        of what you missed.Please disregard minor inaccuracies or =
        errors. I'm sure someone will correct them.   <BR><BR>
        <DD>On Friday  Ike Bullock, Tom Sawicki, Nancy Hite,and JT =
        to BTS as representatives of LDC and Deanna Kenny for the Sea =
Fever dive=20
        vessel. Once at the show we  joined up with Rick Atkins and =
        future wife Erica as everyone rotated to man the booth. This =
        each of us time to enjoy the show and attend some of the =
seminars. Not=20
        to mention time for me to "stir the pot" on the local dive scene =
and far=20
        <DD>Saturday Tom, Rick, and myself attended Tom Mount's =
presentation on=20
        "Blue Hole and Rebreather diving" . I have never met Tom Mount =
        looked fwd to it. Tom is an older fellow and for his age( any =
        doing some huge dives.He showed a brief history of the RB and =
        talked of the exploration of the Blue Holes. he explained how =
        had reached the limits of OC diving there and now had to use RB =
for the=20
        max depth of 540ft they had encountered. They had pushed as much =
        3000ft back at a depth of 400ft, this was after they had already =

        traveled several hundred feet at 170ft.<BR><BR>
        <DD>I was impressed with his accomplishments and the fact that =
he was=20
        willing to share it with us. He also pointed out the death rate =
        contributed this to the divers being the cause. I understood him =
to say=20
        that most were not suited to dive the RB. I looked around the =
room and I=20
        felt that he was talking about 90% of those listening. I'm =
willing to=20
        bet that everyone in the room did not see themselves as the ones =
        suited, that Tom Mount was talking about someone else. <BR><BR>
        <DD>At lunch it was pretty much a who's who of diving at the =
table and a=20
        discussion arose of a huge project in the making, seems bounce =
diving at=20
        great depths is over. <BR><BR>
        <DD>Tom Sawicki and I also attended Gregg Bemis presentation on =
        Lusitania and Estonia. I found it entertaining that Gregg was =
        working with divers in the fight to explore wrecks. He was the =
one who=20
        had sued the team that dived the Lusitania in 1994. Now he was =
in a=20
        fight to let divers dive the Estonia. A team lead by him (he did =
        dive it) explored the wreck after several attempts by =
Governments to=20
        prevent this. He reported that metal was taken from the wreck =
and was=20
        analyzed by 3 different companies and reported the same find. It =
        been fractured by explosion. He hinted that there was a cover up =
        would be exposed in the future. <BR><BR>
        <DD>I met several interesting people, new friends and old ones. =
I had a=20
        great time, I saw the bell from the Andrea Doria and Bob =
trying</B> to=20
        explain the DIR gear configuration to Steve and Janet. A very =
        <DD>One of the funniest things that happened was someone paged =
        Irvine to come to the Dive Rite booth, that his transpac was =
ready. I=20
        thought I saw several guys hanging around the booth after that. =
They had=20
        pizza stained Doria shirts on and a huge jacket on with one hand =
in the=20
        pocket, it was hot at the time. ;-)  <BR><BR>
        <DD>I will have photos on my site of the show very=20
        <DD>    <BR><BR>
        <DD>"You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you =
have to get=20
        in the water"<FONT color=3D#0000ff>=20
        <DD>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & =
        <DD> Web Site  <A href=3D""=20
        <DD>Email     captjt@mi*.co*</FONT>=20
      </DD></DL></U></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>"You can't learn to
dive on the =
    sooner or later you have to get in the water"<BR><FONT =
    Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more =
<BR> Web=20
    Site  <A href=3D""=20
    eudora=3D"autourl"></A><A =
    eudora=3D"autourl">/<BR></A>Email    =20


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