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From: "Kleinheinz, James" <James.Kleinheinz@de*.co*>
Subject: RE: Same, same.
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 09:02:32 -0400
The difference is that George was smart enough to learn from his, and
others, mistakes. Apparently you are not capable of doing the same. Everyone
has done something stupid. However, the people who have any sort of common
sense and intelligence, learn not to do them again. 
I love this part "PS. "Nazi's" and "suite" were plants to see who would grab
on.". Even a troll such as yourself can think of something better to try to
bait people with, other than simple spelling errors. 
A side note, I listen to an excellent talk radio show during the day while
here at work. It is called "The Neal Boortz Show". Anyway, Mr. Boortz has a
theory that he basis on thousands of emails he receives a day. He has
noticed that the ones where the writer shows their total ignorance the most
are from accounts. I always thought that was pretty funny, and a
little off base. After reading your emails, I am rethinking my stance on

 -----Original Message-----
From: JWSAVN@ao*.co* [mailto:JWSAVN@ao*.co*]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 6:29 AM
Subject: Same, same.

Hay George, don't forget, there are still people down here who remember the
dumb things you were doing back in the 80s before you got religion, so don't
get too sanctimonious. Thanks again for the amusing diversion, I have to
move on to something productive. I may come back again if I get bored and
have nothing else to do for a few hours. I am sure it will be the same! Take
heart though, you will still have your slobbering minions around to feed
your ego. Keep up the good work.
Your Buddy
PS. "Nazi's" and "suite" were plants to see who would grab on. 

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