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From: MrClark95@ao*.co*
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 20:30:36 EDT
Subject: (no subject)
To: captjt@mi*.co*, joeldm@mi*.co*, trey@my*.ne*,
     dmdalton2000@ya*.co*, dliptakjr@ea*.ne*,,
     quest@gu*.co*, vbtech@ci*.co*
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

"Capt JT' , here is a link for you :    Maybe you
could enter as a "contestant".  I think you should. You are definitely more
qualified than Billy Dean's "girlfriend" , and you certainly can not have
some bitch going deeper than you after all of your big talk on Techdiver.You
and Christina Young could enter as a "tandem" team, only you would have to
to decide up front who would be the mama and who would be the papa.

On second thought, maybe you could enter as a "girl" yourself - all you
need is a pair of tits to go with that bleached blonde gray pony tail of
yours and the childbearing hips and insect arms - who'd ever know? I mean
you already look like you suck a pretty mean dick.
This would shut up those idiots like Barnette, Irvine, Andrew Georgitsis
and the rest of the pussies.Don't pay any attention to all of these wimps. 
Anyone can dive when they have the right gear and a little training, it takes 
a real man to do it the
way you do. What fun would it be if every trip were not a near
death experience? There would be nothing to confess on Techdiver.

Just so these guys don't make fun of you any more, you could secretly go
take PADI OW One with an instructor who will not throw you under the bus
while teaching you buoyancy and all that . Then you would show these guys
who's who. Just a little tip : before you post the trip report, maybe find 
somebody to edit your email so they don't know you are illiterate, and get 
somebody who actually
knows what they are talking about with diving to edit the content.

-----Original Message-----
From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 6:13 PM
To: Joel Markwell; George Irvine; dmdalton; Duane Liptak Jr.; Techdiver;
'Quest@Gu*. Com'
Cc: vbtech@ci*.co*
Subject: Re: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / WAS
- Cheap parts?

Joel, at first I thought you were some kind of cripple or something who had 
nothing better to do than post on all kinds of list, never saying anything 
in the way of diving. So I checked you out and found you actually dive. 
Then as I looked at the dives you were doing (really not that many) I found 
they were basically all just vacation dives in clear warm water. One huge 
dive to 210 ft in the blue hole was really breath taking ;-0, I also saw 
the link between you and George, not really a big time caver are you....... 
your a wannabe, the photo of you on the RB sent me rolling,

  you sure are a big time RB 

bluewater shallow shark feeding dive, OH MY GOD! 

Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

FACE="Arial" LANG="0">"Capt JT' , here is a link for you :    Maybe you<BR>
could enter as a "contestant".  I think you should. You are definitely
qualified than Billy Dean's "girlfriend" , and you certainly can not have<BR>
some bitch going deeper than you after all of your big talk on
and Christina Young could enter as a "tandem" team, only you would have
to decide up front who would be the mama and who would be the papa.<BR>
On second thought, maybe you could enter as a "girl" yourself - all you<BR>
need is a pair of tits to go with that bleached blonde gray pony tail of<BR>
yours and the childbearing hips and insect arms - who'd ever know? I mean<BR>
you already look like you suck a pretty mean dick.<BR>
bsp;            &nbs
This would shut up those idiots like Barnette, Irvine, Andrew Georgitsis<BR>
and the rest of the pussies.Don't pay any attention to all of these wimps.
Anyone can dive when they have the right gear and a little training, it takes a
real man to do it the<BR>
way you do. What fun would it be if every trip were not a near<BR>
death experience? There would be nothing to confess on Techdiver.<BR>
Just so these guys don't make fun of you any more, you could secretly go<BR>
take PADI OW One with an instructor who will not throw you under the bus<BR>
while teaching you buoyancy and all that . Then you would show these guys<BR>
who's who. Just a little tip : before you post the trip report, maybe find
somebody to edit your email so they don't know you are illiterate, and get
somebody who actually<BR>
knows what they are talking about with diving to edit the content.<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]<BR>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 6:13 PM<BR>
To: Joel Markwell; George Irvine; dmdalton; Duane Liptak Jr.; Techdiver;<BR>
'Quest@Gu*. Com'<BR>
Cc: vbtech@ci*.co*<BR>
Subject: Re: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / WAS<BR>
- Cheap parts?<BR>
Joel, at first I thought you were some kind of cripple or something who had
nothing better to do than post on all kinds of list, never saying anything
in the way of diving. So I checked you out and found you actually dive. <BR>
Then as I looked at the dives you were doing (really not that many) I found
they were basically all just vacation dives in clear warm water. One huge
dive to 210 ft in the blue hole was really breath taking ;-0, I also saw <BR>
the link between you and George, not really a big time caver are you.......
your a wannabe, the photo of you on the RB sent me rolling,<BR>
  you sure are a big time RB <BR>
bluewater shallow shark feeding dive, OH MY GOD! <BR>
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