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Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:03:32 -0500 (EST)
From: rnf <rnf@tb*.co*>
Subject: RE: DIR and Solo Diving
I have to say, this is George's best rant yet!

I give it a 9.7 overall and a 9.9 for visual imagery.  His sparing use of swear 
words made them all the more effective when he did use them.  Dennis Miller is 
an amateur compared to George.

> >> Disgusting is when some butch looking diesel-mouthed bitch has her gut
> hanging down in ROLLS over her pussy ( the horror) , and ends up in a
> wetsuit looking like a giant trash bag full of jello or something that one
> would expect to see on the front of National Enquirer or on the Oprah
> Winfrey show being cut out of a house trailer with a chain saw by the fire
> department.
> Karla, I don't know how accurate the description is but I don't think I
> could sleep at night any more if I can't get this vivid image out of my
> head... :-)
> -Phi

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