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From: <swanncruz@oc*.ne*.au*>
To: "Trey" <trey@ne*.co*>, "Dave Robbins" <dir@Po*.co*>,
Cc: <charlie@gu*.co*>, <quest@gu*.co*>, "Jarrod Jablonski" <JJ@gu*.co*>,
Subject: Re: George, Merry Christmas, Thanks.
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 14:19:29 +0930
Merry Christmas,
I would just like to say how much I appreciate the information shared on
these lists.
George your endeavours to educate us is tireless.
How you find the time to do all you do is beyond me, but I am so glad you
do, thanks.
Also thanks to JJ as always, and to Pina for updating the site.
I am over here in Darwin, Australia (fairly isolated!) and the knowledge I
have gained over the years thro' these forums has changed my philosophy and
gear set-up.
In addition, the knowledge of DIR has introduced me to the DIR network of
divers here in Australia, and given me the opportunity to dive with some of
Their is a silent majority who consume the knowledge you share with us.
All the best,
Jeff the Darwinian.
BDS, CCD, DHyp, Cert Ortho, MS.
CDAA Cave.
TDI Adv Trimix DM.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Trey" <trey@ne*.co*>
To: "Dave Robbins" <dir@Po*.co*>
Cc: <charlie@gu*.co*>; <quest@gu*.co*>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 9:16 PM
Subject: RE: George

> Thanks , Dave. There are a lot of people who would like to see me shut up
> they can perpetuate the same silliness that GUE is here to correct.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Robbins [mailto:dir@Po*.co*]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 7:43 AM
> To: trey@ne*.co*
> Cc: charlie@gu*.co*; quest@gu*.co*
> Subject: RE: George
> I don't think this gets said often enough: It is really appreciated all
> time and contribution you give this list.
> kind regards & merry Christmas to you,
> Dave

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