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From: "David E. Smith" <dsmith218@ho*.co*>
To: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
Subject: RE: Oxygen Clock
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 20:13:05 -0500
I want to make sure we are all discussing the same thing, here.
Is anyone saying that narcosis from Nitrogen is due to it not
being inert and that Helium being "truly" inert is why there is
less narcosis?  I don't think that argument is valid.  Since
we don't really know how inert gas narcosis REALLY works I don't
think we can really get to the bottom of this one.  But, let us
just look at Argon, another inert gas.  Anyone breathed any
Argox at depth?  How was the buzz? <g>

Now, clearly Nitrogen is not a Noble (inert) gas.  Nitrogen
is MUCH more likely to react chemically in attempt to obtain
a lower energy state.  But, in the diving realm, I always
treated the word inert to mean something like an opposite to
a gas (oxygen) that is metabolized.

So, I guess I have two questions remaining.
Are we saying that Nitrogen affects respiration more than helium?
    (I am not talking about breathing resistance issues here.)

If not, or in addition.  What is the effects of the various chemical
compounds Nitrogen may produce in the body.

David E. Smith

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