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From: "Charlie Allen" <charlie.allen@us*.ne*>
To: <>, <cavers@ca*.co*>, <quest@gu*.co*>
Subject: Re: [cavers] RE: GI and SS to Merge
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 14:31:26 -0800
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Braunbehrens" <Bakalite@ba*.co*>
To: <ScottBonis@ao*.co*>; <cdegler@aq*.co*>;
<>; <cavers@ca*.co*>; <quest@gu*.co*>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [cavers] RE: GI and SS to Merge

> ScottBonis@ao*.co* wrote:
> ~
> >Hi Curt,
> >
> >You bring up a good point in that it seems to me that on these
lists, there
> >may be a significant disagreement as to exactly what
constitutes a "stroke"
> >or "stroke gear."  Perhaps we need a clearer definition.
> Or we could stop insulting people and help them see the light
in a
> friendly and sincere manner.
> --
> Paul B.
> --

Judging from the techdiver list, you would think that an
insulting, condescending attitude,  and a foul mouth were an
essential part of DIR.    If you stop the insults, then how will
we be able to distinguish strokes from DIR guys??

     Charlie Allen

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