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From: Dogtrner1@ao*.co*
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:09:07 EST
Subject: Re: OMS, Faber, or Pst Doubles?
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I have Faber 95's.  Which, btw, are for sale for anyone interested.

I have a sea gate manifold, and dive rite bands.

I absolutely hate them

Way too heavy for me.

I am neg with them, with no weight, a 6mm wetsuit on.  

I like single steels, tho.

Serious about those doubles being for sale, btw---black, 99 hydro +, new O2, 
new Vip, 3 dives on them.  $450.00 takes them....


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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2>Jeff,
<BR>I have Faber 95's.  Which, btw, are for sale for anyone interested.
<BR>I have a sea gate manifold, and dive rite bands.
<BR>I absolutely hate them
<BR>Way too heavy for me.
<BR>I am neg with them, with no weight, a 6mm wetsuit on.  
<BR>I like single steels, tho.
<BR>Serious about those doubles being for sale, btw---black, 99 hydro +, new
O2, new Vip, 3 dives on them.  $450.00 takes them....

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