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From: "Paul M. Deniston" <pdeniston@me*.ne*>
To: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
Subject: Re: WTC
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 15:54:05 -0400
<< silent tears... and a quick prayer >>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Trey" <trey@ne*.co*>
To: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 8:23 PM
Subject: FW: WTC

> Check this out from WKPP member Peter Wallace who was in the WTC.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Wallace [mailto:hwallac1@ta*.rr*.co*]
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 12:45 PM
> To: Trey@Ne*. Com
> Subject: WTC
>  G, here's what happened... if you want to put this on wkpp or Gue fine w/
> me.
> This really sucks, and that is the only way to describe it. I've got to
> write this as it is too damn important not to and although this will
> stay in my memory forever, I do not want to take the chance of forgetting
> any of it. Iwas lucky, I escaped. 5000 others were not as fortunate
> Nothing can really describe the feeling, the shock or the terror of what
> took place in New York. It is interesting that terrorism is a word we all
> use but it's true meaning was never really know until it's been fully
> experienced. The terror, the grief, the carnage.
> I was at the National Association for Business Economics 43rd Annual
> ironically titled "NABE in  a New York Minute" little did any one of us
> just how much  a few of those "New York minutes would change the lives of
> many people. The meeting was being held September 9th through 11th at the
> New York Marriott World Trade Center Hotel. It was the last day of the
> meeting about 8:00 in the morning. I went down to breakfast, but thought I
> could miss the presentation by Robert Scott. President and CEO of Morgan
> Stanley and that my time would be better served packing up, checking the
> markets and emails, looking at the situation with swap number 6 to see why
> it values slightly differently than we expected and then checking out and
> checking my bags before the start of second session. This would keep me
> trying to rush to check out before the noon deadline.
> The rooms at the Marriott, the old Vista Hotel, are small but well laid
> The room was laid out so as you enter the bath immediately to the right,
> closet is on the opposing wall, then on the right is the bed with the
> suitcase rack and the television opposite of it. There was then a couch to
> the outside of the bed along the right wall with a coffee table in front
> it and then a desk on the left wall. The widow is large and immediately to
> the right of the couch and directly opposite the door. The widow looked
> over West Street towards the World Financial Center where I worked when
> employed by Lehman Bothers.
> The room number was 530 and was located on the fifth floor and at nearly
> very end of the North Hallway, a really long walk from the central
> but close to the exit door and stairs. This was fine since I have
> rooms on the lower floors of hotels near the stairways in the case of
> Around 8:35 or 8:40 I was sitting on the couch and had just sent out an
> email. My bags were packed and most of my stuff was ready for check out.
> I was sitting on the couch finishing up with the lap top when I heard a
> loud, deep bang. It sounded as if a construction crane had dropped an
> or some other heavy piece of equipment. This would not have been unusual
> there always seems to be construction in the area and renovations were
> indeed going on at the Marriott Financial just lower on West St.
> (What I'm trying to describe seems like it lasted eternity but really only
> took place in a matter of seconds or at most minutes.)
> Immediately, there was a second explosion. The lights flickered and the
> building shook very violently. It was immediately apparent that this was
> costruction but a bomb. Smoke started to cover the window and debris
> glass, metal, concrete and larger flaming pieces. The flaming objects
> to fall much faster than the general debris. I jumped up and looked out
> window to see the flaming objects in West Street five floors were bodies.
> thought my God! Jesus!!!! bodies falling from wherever, maybe as high as
> 100+ floors if they had come from one of the Trade Centers or maybe 19 or
> if they came from the Hotel.
> At least two were in West Street directly in front of my room. The debris
> and more bodies continued to rain. A man in the street pulled his jacket
> and attempted to beat out the flames on the bodies with his jacket as the
> glass and metal kept falling, yet he persisted in his efforts. The
> was painful. The bodies had to be dead yet he continued heroically beating
> the flames with his jacket as the debris poured down upon him. I suspect
> must have died. He had to have died, I can't imagine he could have
> the deluge of glass, steel and concrete. To my dying day, I will never
> forget that scene; that man gallantly but futilly beating atthe flames,
> trying to extinguish the flames on the burning mangled corpses. Who was
> I guess I'll never know, but I do know I will never forget him. I hope to
> God he survived, but I don't know how he could have.
> It was time to go. This was not the place to be.  Stuff pelted the window
> and more violent shakes; I had the thought that to stay risked being in
> building when it collapsed. I grabbed the computer and my bag, left
> everything else and headed for the stairs. Why did I take the bags? I
> don't know. I should have left them. They probably slowed me down.
> One room to the stairs at the North end of the floor. These were the rooms
> closest to One World Trade. I just knew the elevators would not be working
> and besides, I'd hate to be trapped on one. The stairs were going to be my
> way out. The noise was building on the fifth floor of maybe 18 or 19. it
> seems I can hear stuff hitting the upper floors or the roof, SHIT! Could
> upper floors be gone? Could we be next? It's getting really smoky and the

> smell of fuel oil ( I now know it was kerosene, jet fuel)is prevalent.
> burning my throat. Funny, I think of Life Insurance and if this will be
> covered as business, which is not a good sign. I reach the stairwell door
> and feel it to see if it is hot, its not and the smoke is coming from
> somewhere else other than the stairwell. Good! I think, it is a way out.
> hasn't dawned on me that it was the north tower, WTC 1  that was hit.
>  The stairs seemed to go on forever, seem like four flights of stairs for
> each floor of hotel. There is one other guy in the stairway who asks:
> the fuck was that? A bomb?"  I say I think so, but I don't know, so let's
> just get out of here. We race the stairs to the bottom. The exit door
> stuck, it will open only an inch or so, so he and  I slam our shoulders to
> it and get it open about a foot, just enough to see it opens onto the
> walkway between the north tower and the hotel plaza. There is debris all
> over and it is still coming down. I realize the reason for the door not
> fully opening is debris and oh God, bodies. They are chared and
> Oh God, I think I'm losing my mind! This just can't be real. I think and
> to the other guy."Fuck , we got to get out of here, we can't go this way.
> says ".quick the second floor lobby, we'll get out the front!". Again,
> is all happening in nano-seconds! We race up the stairs. We've got to get
> the second floor and back into the hotel. We will surely die if we go the
> other way on to the plaza, By this time the stairway is filling with
> Lots now and I notice many are asians, many people are crying. We tell
> they can't get out that way and we have to go through the hotel at the
> second floor.
> We make it to the second floor, go through the door into the hallway to
> upper lobby where the Garden and American Harvest restaurants are located.
> Hotel workers are ushering us across the floor and down the south
> The smoke is really getting worse now. Looking out the window, the scene
> West St. is really getting nasty, debris, glass, more debris than street
> places.
>  This is now just pure terror. The crowd is starting to backup into the
> lower lobby. The hotel staff are trying to get us out through the Tall
> bar. I see what the hold up is, even on Liberty Street we have to run
> through falling debris. The NYPD is there, encouraging us to run quickly
> across West Street at Liberty to safety on the opposite side of West
> at the World Financial Centers.. I start to run. I think SHIT! there is
> glass coming down. Fuck. I going to get hit. I do, but fortunately it is
> like safety glass, small pieces but no large shards.. Then, suddenly maybe
> less than 100 feet away lands another body. Oh God, the
> sound.undescribale.the worst .bones compressing snapping into flesh. a
> popping sound. I keep running across West Street, my computer bag opens
> my lap top is gone. I'm not stopping, I have to get across the street.  I
> make it to underneath the pedestrian walk way at WFC.  I think it was
> the economist from XXXX has snatched up my computer on the way across the
> Street and he is now ahead of me. He hands it to me and asks:  "do you
> what's happening?"  I say I don't know, I don't know.  We turn for the
> time and look east back toward the Trade Centers. Oh my God, the top 40
> floors or so of The north tower , One World Trade are engulfed in flames
> smoke. Then it hits. Oh no! they are jumping !!! more and more people
> to escape the flames, falling seemingly forever to their deaths from the
> 90th to 110th floor (I can't think of which floors exactly)which houses
> Cantor- Fitzgerald.  Oh shit, I think I know people there XXXXXXX, xxxxxxx
> and others.I'm losing friends and associates, this is too much, Madness!
> Madness! what possess people to do these things?
>  I've got my cell phone. I've got to call home.  If Joanne and the kids
> this.Shit! There is no phone response, not even a click. Everyone is
> the same problem.
> xxxxx and I can't look, I worked on those same floors from which  those
> people are jumping and dying.I can remember the acrophobia sitting on the
> edge of the widow sills and the amazement of watching fireworks from above
> during the (was it?) bicentennial of the Brooklyn Bridge. Even though we
> 't look you still know. As another after another after another plunges,
> crowd screams and cries. It just can't be avoided, you can look away, you
> can shut your eyes, but you still know; the vision is there you know
> what is happening and the outcome is never different.
> How ironic, the speaker is the President and CEO of Morgan Stanley, the
> largest tenant in the Trade Centers. I'm so glad Joanne didn't come to
> The crowd groans, more have jumped. We are now dumbfounded. None of us can
> speak. I want to puke.
> There is the sound of jet engines, we look up, it's a commercial jet. The
> whine of the engines intensifies...getting louder and louder. Oh God!  the
> pilot is throttling up!, giving it the gas, headed for the other tower
> number 2 the south tower. Oh sweet Jesus! Impact! The plane neatly
> disappears into 2 WTC, and then a fireball on both sides of the tower, Oh,
> those poor people! They never had a chance, It's an instant replay, fire,
> smoke, debris bodies. I realize we are now all the way back to the Hudson,
> we can't go back any more. We are all in shock, more people jump.leaping
> their death individually almost waiting their turn. I pray please God make
> it stop, but to no avail.
>  XXXXX suggest we get as far away from here as we can. I agree, We decide
> move north behind the WFC towers to stay as far away from the Trade
> as possible. This seems still risky as the WFC complex is a likely target
> well, but this seems the only and most logical action. xxx's daughter,
> works at xxxxxx Advertising at xxxx Varick St, just north of the entrance
> the Holland Tunnel, so the plan is to walk there.
>  XXXXX and several others are going to find someones husband in the crowd
> and the do the same thing.
> XXX and I head north, along the back of the WFC, behind the Merrill and
> Lehman Offices, with the amount of people on the plaza these work forces
> have also been released. I keep trying the cell phone with the same
> The cell must be jammed. It's getting frustrating, I don't want Joanne and
> the kids to see this without knowing I'm ok. I've got to get a hold of
> somehow. Perhaps there's a pay phone somewhere.
> We walk north, I'm pulling the baggage and what is left of the computer.
> of a sudden I'm reminded of Stephen King's " The Stand" where the escape
> from NY was through the Holland Tunnel on foot. I hope we do not have to
> follow the rest of the script. We keep walking, up to the Catholic High
> School west of West St., then east to Greenwich and north. All of New York
> is in the streets or on the roof  tops, nobody is inside. Every pay phone
> has an orderly line of 20 to thirty people.
> XXXXX and I surprise ourselves. We think and discuss how will we adjust
> forecasts. Do we think data will be delayed? What effect will this have on
> Consumer Credit? Spending? When do we think we can get back to the hotel
> pick up our stuff and xxx's car in the underground lot?
> This must be psycologically defensive as absolutely none of what we are
> discussing now matters a wit and we both know it.
> We walk and walk and walk. It seems like a hell of a long ways. At Canal
> Street my phone worked! I get the office, both Jay and Mary Lynn. This is
> great. I ask Mary Lynn to call Joanne Kerri and Hardy. Jay hoops on to
> me the Pentagon has been hit, that One World trade has collapsed and that
> other planes are targeting other sites. Jay's advice, "don't go near any
> tall buildings. Stay away from tall buildings." he's right again At that
> point there is the whine of Jet engines I look up to see a flight of F15s
> F16s fly low over Canal Street on full afterburners. I realize when I
> started talking to Jay I was standing up, Now I'm crouched in the gutter
> next to a huge parked truck. Manhattan is now a war zone.
> I walked from there to Penn Station and caught a train to Washington,
> Richmond, and finally Tampa two days later. It is an experience I will
> re-live time and time again in my night mares.
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