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From: "Chris Elmore" <elmorec@at*.ne*>
To: <>
Subject: Translation: DCS incident
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 08:54:36 -0400
Trey said:

> Marie, you are a complete moron. I run the most successful dive project in
> diving and have LONG AGO sought out and used the real resources in this
> that have allowed us to do what we do so successfully, and have
> a track record that you will never understand, as well as developed
> decompression techniques that are now recognized as the correct way to do
> this, and have nothing to do with the slop out of DAN , PADI or Navy.

     Marie, perhaps you are not aware of the requisite information to arrive
at an informed opinion on this matter. Please allow me to elucidate; While
the good doctor you are citing certainly has an impressive curriculum vitae,
I have quite an extensive background, both theoretical and practical, in the
decompression arts. Arthur C. Clarke`s third law states: "Any sufficiently
advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." so I can understand
(especially after the PADI/DAN "explanations") how you may see decompression
as some modern form of physiological alchemy.

Trey said:
> Why don't you find out who and what we are before you get on here like an
> and start recommending that we all go re read our PADI tables. Should we
> stay three squares from a black box, Marie, or is the good "doc" still
> trying to figure that one out?

There is an ancient saying, "Don't beard the lion in his den" and I am
afraid that is what you, albeit inadvertently, have done. You see, we've
been developing and doing this for more than ten years. In the process we
have run experiments that could never have gotten approval for human subject
testing (Helsinki protocols), we've worked with some of the (real) leaders
in decompression theory, and the Navy actually came to us to see how we
handled decompression. Now really, do you think that we should throw all
that away and reference standards developed for the bloated masses and
padded with "liability insurance"?

Trey said:
> Notice that the original question addressed me, not you, and the correct
> answer was given. This is not rec scuba, by the way. If you think the word
> "bullshit" is "profanity", then maybe you should stop bullshitting.

While this is an open forum and your input is certainly welcome at some
level, the question specifically asked for my response. You may notice that
as people wean themselves from their instructors, rec.scuba, and the various
magazines (edited by the usual suspects- if you know what I mean) they tend
to seek out and find the real authorities for answers to their questions.
Surprisingly, these real authorities are not the academic collection of
has-beens and wannabes but the people who actually dive. I have a hard time
understanding why this isn't as crystal clear to everyone as it is to me. If
my frustration was evidenced by using language that was inappropriate for
you, I apologize. Of course it's not as important that the message be
accurate and truthful but that you feel good about the delivery.

Trey said:
> I'll start sending everyone to you , PADI and DAN when they ask me a deco
> question. Your vast experience reading "Alert Diver" will be a big help to
> them all, I am sure.

Despite my confusion over why inexperienced divers pursue questionable
"authorities" I believe that they have every right to do so. Just as I have
become the defacto authority on real diving, these people need a central
figure to help them understand about not holding your breath as you ascend
and other complex issues detailed in the PADI and DAN publications. I think
your grasp of the big picture qualifies you for this leadership position and
I hope you accept the role you are naturally destined to fill. The services
you can provide the community are invaluable. Good luck.

Chris Elmore
PalmettoSoft Technologies Corp.
(803) 233-2001 (work)
(803) 348-3055 (mobile)

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