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From: "Duane Liptak Jr." <d.liptak.jr@wo*.at*.ne*>
To: <>, "Ed Street" <blacknet@ph*.ne*>
Subject: Re: DIR setup
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 13:37:05 -0500
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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Ed, I don't know who you've been getting your information from, but I =
can pretty much tell that it's from sources that have no idea what DIR =
is all about.  I sincerely believe that this is some sort of troll, but =
to prevent anyone out there from being influenced by this "logic", here =
goes.  My sincere apologies to the rest of the list for another =
installment of my rambling.

>I've been looking at the DIR setup for awhile now and I have came to =
>conclusion that it's not a good setup and to me it seems like a very
>dangerous layout for several reasons.

OK, this is a hell of a way to open your post.  I'm glad that you feel =
that you have the skill and experience to judge a system that's been =
proven to work in the most demanding environments in the world, without =
any real first hand knowledge of it.  If you don't want to draw flames, =
be a bit more subtle in your approach.

>a) it goes against the majority of diving standards known today.  Like =
>many total training facilities in the U.S. (yea I'm in the u.s. and =
>give a flip about non-us stuff here) teaches this concept vs. the total
>number of facilities that teaches other theories?

This one's easy.  There are more non-DIR shops out there than there are =
DIR shops for one simple reason: DIR isn't as profitable.  When you get =
set up for DIR, you do it once, and you're done.  Everything evolves =
with your advancement--you'll never buy anything that you will outgrow.  =
The "personal preference" crowd can make a living off of selling someone =
a new BC or computer every year, the latest "super fins" every six =
months, and survive in-between on selling hose retractors, six foot long =
dive knives, hose wraps, innumerable other piece of shit gadgets to hang =
off of their 326 D-rings, and nitrox versions of everything that they =
sold to the same poor sap last year.

>b) A lot of the 'experts' seems to rant and rave on those who doesn't =
>them for what seems, to me, like bad business practices.  It's like =
>who has a different idea or theory is instantly
>hounded/harassed/insulted/belittled/etc.. for having their own thoughts =
>ideas about things.=20

Show me an example of where someone has a better way of doing anything.

> One way of looking at this is evolution didn't just
>happen, it was a slow gradual step by step and update by update over a =
>period of time.  What changes/update/revisions has the DIR system =

Lots.  The basic gear configuration doesn't change because there is no =
reason to change it, but procedures are refined all the time.  DIR =
itself was an evolution.  George and JJ didn't just get together one =
night over a few beers and make this shit up.  What you see today is the =
result of thousands of exploration dives.

>c) Most dive outfits doesn't support the dir layout.  Why is this?  Is =
>because that it's not that good?  Is it because that there's to many =
>turns up DEAD?  Is it because of the above and below statements? =20

See the answer to "a".  It's not as profitable as being a stroke, and =
the resident idiot can pontificate endlessly about how "his system" =
works better without having any real diving knowledge.  Oh, and I don't =
know who you think turned up dead from diving DIR, but how about some =
examples here?  I would be willing to bet the farm that the only names =
you can come up with are the "doing it half-assed until later" crowd.  =
Breathing a long hose and buying a black drysuit do not make you DIR.  =
DIR is as much about procedures as equipment. Just because some idiot =
leaves his buddy, breathes the wrong mix, or dives way beyond his level =
of training when wearing a gear configuration that approximates DIR and =
gets himself killed, one shouldn't see this as an indictment of the =
system, but rather a confirmation of it.  It's a package deal.  DIR =
should perhaps be doing it ALL right.  You can't do it half way and reap =
the benefits of the entire system.

>talking to many shops about it and a lot of divers about this subject I
>gather that if your looking for machoism, egotistical and the like then =
>is for you.=20

Actually, if you're one of the adrenaline rush, chest beating, "look at =
how deep I can go" crowd, stay the fuck home.  There's no room for that =
in any diving, least of all anywhere near a cave.

> Scuba equipment is just that, equipment.  It's a tool someone
>uses to achieve a desired means.  You don't use a screw driver to turn =
>lug-nut.  So why should I use the DIR setup in all cases?  My theory is =
>just ONE of the many tools out there that can be used but isn't useful =
>some cases.=20

What cases?  Name one.

> If the non-DIR equipment is really that bad then why are they
>still being produced?  Why are they no regulations to remove the bad =
>and put the good crap in place?  I seem to recall this being done with =
>tanks recently.

You can still buy cigarettes if you want to, can't you?  They've been =
proven to kill and are still legal.  Far fewer people are killing =
themselves with stroke gear and stroke practices than with cigarettes, =
but it doesn't mean it's not just as dangerous.  (Tanks are regulated by =
the DOT, and the CGA has industry standards, plus any manufacturer can =
recall faulty goods based on liability concerns.) =20

>D) Isn't one of the rules to not dive with non-DIR divers?  It's like =
if you
>don't follow some rigid standards then your instantly a 'stroke'?  So =
>about all these people who die while diving the DIR setup?  Does that =
>since they never surfaced they are a 'stroke'? =20

Already touched on this.  The problem is that too many people think that =
this is a gear thing.  The gear is only part of it.

>It's like the standards are
>so high that it's very very difficult for anyone to maintain at all =
>but yet expect everyone to maintain them at all times.  This makes no =
>Human nature dictates that humans are not perfect and makes mistakes =
all the
>time.  The higher the standards the more mistakes will be made.  Sadly =
>these mistakes ARE made it cost the person their life. =20

Mistakes and "acts of god" happen.  Good technique and good procedures =
prevent mistakes and cover your ass for when the occasional mistake =
happens.  That's why we dive in TEAMS.  An observant buddy is paying =
attention to what the hell is going on.  A good team is the ultimate in =
redundancy--multiple brains.  If for some reason I forget to shut off a =
stage bottle, my fellow team member(s) will catch it (he will also try =
to figure out why I'm fucking up).  If another team member's stage =
regulator comes unstowed, I will catch it.  Truth is, we're constantly =
double checking each other, and watching each other.

>Now in the
>recreational community when these mistakes are made alot of the time =
>person will survive (depending on a lot of things) This leads to =
>thing.  If you can't dive w/ non-DIR divers and there few and far =
between in
>some areas (like my area) then how the fuck are you expected to do the =
>system? Or are you expected to do solo and turn your odds up even more =
>not coming up alive?

Compromise invites clusterfucks.  1) Don't dive with strokes.  Or, don't =
dive.  Solo is NOT an option, and is a big way to do it wrong. =20

>E)  I've talked to some divers who felt that the DIR setup was just =
>wrong for them, their person and their lifestyles.  They felt that it =
>out of place and very hard to adjust to it.  I thought diving was all =
>the comfort layer that the individual person felt.  How is it that we =
>dictate how others must dress and what equipment they must use when =
>what WE use that counts the most?  <snip>.  All because people are =
>peer pressure on non-dir divers to dive the DIR setup, which in my =
>is totally WRONG.

First of all, no one should be getting into the water unless they are =
comfortable with their gear.  This may mean some pool sessions.  Second, =
DIR is as much about your gear as it is mine.  We all dive the same, so =
that if there is a gear related problem, I know as much about your gear =
as you do.  I know how your hoses should be routed, I know how your =
harness is set up, I know where your safety gear is, etc.  No one is =
recommending that someone go diving with gear they are uncomfortable =
with.  They should, instead, be getting comfortable with the right gear =
and proper protocol before diving.  It would be more "comfortable" for =
me to sit here in front of this computer all day, however, as soon as I =
send this, I'm going out to thrash myself on a ridiculous run, which =
will ultimately be better for me, and make me more comfortable during =
physically stressful situations in the future.
>F)  It would seem to me, from a business standpoint, that if you wanted =
>idea to flourish then you would cut out all the negativity/hostility =
that is
>generated towards the non-conforming divers and instead have =
>understanding and in a caring manner educate the public as to why it's =
>'superior' method. =20

GUE educates in a caring manner.  JJ teaches in a caring manner on the =
Quest list.  George bashes farm animals who should know better.  This =
isn't about  a business, it's about staying alive.

>This machoism attitude is depermental to a divers
>health.  There is *NOTHING* under that water that's worth your life =
>See where this is going?

Yes.  Don't dive with people who say they can "handle deep air", don't =
dive with people who dive to 300 feet for 5 minutes just for the hell of =
it, and don't dive with people who dive breathers for no reason.  Oh, =
and don't dive with any idiot that claims he is the lost stepchild of =
George Irvine, and looks like a stroke in the water.  There are a lot of =
loud mouth imposters out there.  There, now you've pretty much =
eliminated the whole macho element.  You won't find any of it at =

>g) I see a lot of needless deaths cause a lot of people try to imitate =
>some groups are doing like the WKPP and enter areas, like caves, and =
>the morgue is called. =20

You mean like the Wakulla II project?  This is all about a man admitting =
his own limitations.  If I had the opportunity tomorrow to do the 4500 =
drop at Wakulla, I would absolutely refuse.  I'm not ready yet.  I know =
my limitations, and so should anyone else who dives.  The macho bullshit =
is coming from the shining examples of Darwinism that get themselves =
killed by diving beyond their limitations and from the pontificators who =
insist they know better, not from the WKPP.

>You can call me anything you like but that doesn't hide nor stop the =
>that I flat refuse to dive any form of DIY simply because my standards =
>to high=20

I would argue that you are simply misinformed.  You're probably right, =
you'll probably never dive DIR, but the whole purpose of this post was =
to prevent someone else from being lead astray by your misinformation. =20

>Oh and btw, no flames please.  These are my viewpoints and if you do =
>you need to flame me then that's your egotistical machoistic approach
>feeling threatened.  Also flaming is a sign of non-stable and =
uncertainty on
>the flamers part.

Nice touch.  Sounds like a 12 step program.   Please note that this is =
not a flame, just a rebuttal to your arguments based on the facts as =
they really are, and not on whatever representation of DIR that has been =
given to you by your local PADI stroke.  And, before you get excited and =
attack my credentials, I'm not claiming to be a DIR guru by any stretch =
of the imagination.  I leave my chest thumping and shit talking for =
work.  I'm just an ordinary Joe who has taken the time and effort =
required to learn and understand this system as best I can, and I take =
great offense to the perpetuation of stupidity wherever I see it.  Many =
others, far more qualified than I am, have given their time to me, and =
I'm just trying to give a little back.

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<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
http-equiv=3DContent-Type><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 =
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<BODY bgColor=3D#e0e0d0>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Ed, I don't =
know who you've=20
been getting your information from, but I can pretty much tell that it's =
sources that have no idea what DIR is all about.  I sincerely =
believe that=20
this is some sort of troll, but to prevent anyone out there from being=20
influenced by this "logic", here goes.  My sincere =
apologies to=20
the rest of the list for another installment of my=20
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>>I've been looking at the DIR setup for awhile now and I have =
came to=20
the<BR>>conclusion that it's not a good setup and to me it seems like =
very<BR>>dangerous layout for several reasons.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>OK, this is a
hell of a way=20
to open your post.  I'm glad that you feel that you have the skill =
experience to judge a system that's been proven to work in the most =
environments in the world, without any real first hand knowledge of =
it.  If=20
you don't want to draw flames, be a bit more subtle in your=20
<DIV><BR>><BR>>a) it goes against the majority of diving
standards =
today.  Like how<BR>>many total training facilities in the U.S. =
(yea I'm=20
in the u.s. and don't<BR>>give a flip about non-us stuff here) =
teaches this=20
concept vs. the total<BR>>number of facilities that teaches other=20
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>This one's =
easy.  There=20
are more non-DIR shops out there than there are DIR shops for one simple =
DIR isn't as profitable.  When you get set up for DIR, you do it =
once, and=20
you're done.  Everything evolves with your advancement--you'll =
never buy=20
anything that you will outgrow.  The "personal =
preference" crowd=20
can make a living off of selling someone a new BC or computer every =
year, the=20
latest "super fins" every six months, and survive in-between =
selling hose retractors, six foot long dive knives, hose wraps, =
other piece of shit gadgets to hang off of their 326 D-rings, and nitrox =

versions of everything that they sold to the same poor sap last=20
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>><BR>>b) A lot of the 'experts' seems to rant and rave on =
those who=20
doesn't follow<BR>>them for what seems, to me, like bad business=20
practices.  It's like someone<BR>>who has a different idea or =
theory is=20
instantly<BR>>hounded/harassed/insulted/belittled/etc.. for having =
their own=20
thoughts or<BR>>ideas about things. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Show me an =
example of where=20
someone has a better way of doing anything.</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>> One way of looking at this is evolution didn't =
just<BR>>happen, it=20
was a slow gradual step by step and update by update over a =
of time.  What changes/update/revisions has the DIR system =
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Lots. 
The =
basic gear=20
configuration doesn't change because there is no reason to change it, =
procedures are refined all the time.  DIR itself was an =
evolution. =20
George and JJ didn't just get together one night over a few beers and =
make this=20
shit up.  What you see today is the result of thousands of =
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>><BR>>c) Most dive outfits doesn't support the dir =
layout.  Why=20
is this?  Is it<BR>>because that it's not that good?  Is it =
that there's to many people<BR>>turns up DEAD?  Is it because of =
above and below statements?  </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>See the
answer =
"a".  It's not as profitable as being a stroke, and the =
idiot can pontificate endlessly about how "his system" works =
without having any real diving knowledge.  Oh, and I don't know who =
think turned up dead from diving DIR, but how about some examples =
here?  I=20
would be willing to bet the farm that the only names you can come up =
with are=20
the "doing it half-assed until later" crowd.  Breathing a =
hose and buying a black drysuit do not make you DIR.  DIR is as =
much about=20
procedures as equipment. Just because some idiot leaves his buddy, =
breathes the=20
wrong mix, or dives way beyond his level of training when wearing a gear =

configuration that approximates DIR and gets himself killed, one =
shouldn't see=20
this as an indictment of the system, but rather a confirmation of =
it.  It's=20
a package deal.  DIR should perhaps be doing it ALL right.  =
You can't=20
do it half way and reap the benefits of the entire =
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>>From<BR>>talking to many shops about it and a lot of divers =
this subject I<BR>>gather that if your looking for machoism, =
egotistical and=20
the like then DIR<BR>>is for you. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Actually, if =
you're one of=20
the adrenaline rush, chest beating, "look at how deep I can =
go" crowd,=20
stay the fuck home.  There's no room for that in any diving, least =
of all=20
anywhere near a cave.</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>> Scuba equipment is just that, equipment.  It's a tool=20
someone<BR>>uses to achieve a desired means.  You don't use a =
driver to turn a<BR>>lug-nut.  So why should I use the DIR setup =
in all=20
cases?  My theory is it's<BR>>just ONE of the many tools out =
there that=20
can be used but isn't useful in<BR>>some cases. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>What =
cases?  Name=20
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>> If the non-DIR equipment is really that bad then why are=20
they<BR>>still being produced?  Why are they no regulations to =
the bad crap<BR>>and put the good crap in place?  I seem to =
recall this=20
being done with some<BR>>tanks recently.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>You can still
buy cigarettes=20
if you want to, can't you?  They've been proven to kill and are =
legal.  Far fewer people are killing themselves with stroke gear =
and stroke=20
practices than with cigarettes, but it doesn't mean it's not just as=20
dangerous.  (Tanks are regulated by the DOT, and the CGA has =
standards, plus any manufacturer can recall faulty goods based on =
concerns.)  </STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><BR>><BR>>D) Isn't one of the rules to not dive with
divers?  It's like if you<BR>>don't follow some rigid standards =
your instantly a 'stroke'?  So what<BR>>about all these people =
who die=20
while diving the DIR setup?  Does that mean<BR>>since they never =

surfaced they are a 'stroke'?  </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Already
touched =
this.  The problem is that too many people think that this is a =
thing.  The gear is only part of it.</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>>It's like the standards are<BR>>so high that it's very very=20
difficult for anyone to maintain at all times<BR>>but yet expect =
everyone to=20
maintain them at all times.  This makes no sense.<BR>>Human =
dictates that humans are not perfect and makes mistakes all=20
the<BR>>time.  The higher the standards the more mistakes will =
made.  Sadly when<BR>>these mistakes ARE made it cost the person =
life.  </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Mistakes and =
"acts of=20
god" happen.  Good technique and good procedures prevent =
mistakes and=20
cover your ass for when the occasional mistake happens.  That's why =
we dive=20
in TEAMS.  An observant buddy is paying attention to what the hell =
is going=20
on.  A good team is the ultimate in redundancy--multiple =
brains.  If=20
for some reason I forget to shut off a stage bottle, my fellow team =
will catch it (he will also try to figure out why I'm fucking up).  =
another team member's stage regulator comes unstowed, I will catch =
it. =20
Truth is, we're constantly double checking each other, and watching each =

<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>>Now in the<BR>>recreational community when these mistakes =
are made=20
alot of the time the<BR>>person will survive (depending on a lot of =
This leads to another<BR>>thing.  If you can't dive w/ non-DIR =
and there few and far between in<BR>>some areas (like my area) then =
how the=20
fuck are you expected to do the buddy<BR>>system? Or are you expected =
to do=20
solo and turn your odds up even more of<BR>>not coming up =
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Compromise =
clusterfucks.  1) Don't dive with strokes.  Or, don't =
dive.  Solo=20
is NOT an option, and is a big way to do it wrong.  =
<DIV><BR>><BR>>E)  I've talked to some divers who felt that
the DIR=20
setup was just totally<BR>>wrong for them, their person and their=20
lifestyles.  They felt that it was<BR>>out of place and very =
hard to=20
adjust to it.  I thought diving was all about<BR>>the comfort =
layer that=20
the individual person felt.  How is it that we can<BR>>dictate =
others must dress and what equipment they must use when it's<BR>>what =
WE use=20
that counts the most?  <snip>.  All because people are=20
putting<BR>>peer pressure on non-dir divers to dive the DIR setup, =
which in=20
my opinion<BR>>is totally WRONG.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>First of all,
no one should=20
be getting into the water unless they are comfortable with their =
gear. =20
This may mean some pool sessions.  Second, DIR is as much about =
your gear=20
as it is mine.  We all dive the same, so that if there is a gear =
problem, I know as much about your gear as you do.  I know how your =
should be routed, I know how your harness is set up, I know where your =
gear is, etc.  No one is recommending that someone go diving with =
gear they=20
are uncomfortable with.  They should, instead, be getting =
comfortable with=20
the right gear and proper protocol before diving.  It would be more =

"comfortable" for me to sit here in front of this computer all =
however, as soon as I send this, I'm going out to thrash myself on a =
run, which will ultimately be better for me, and make me more =
comfortable during=20
physically stressful situations in the future.</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial=20
size=3D3><STRONG> <BR></STRONG></FONT>><BR>>F) 
It would =
seem to=20
me, from a business standpoint, that if you wanted an<BR>>idea to =
then you would cut out all the negativity/hostility that =
towards the non-conforming divers and instead have=20
compassion,<BR>>understanding and in a caring manner educate the =
public as to=20
why it's a<BR>>'superior' method.  </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>GUE educates
in =
a caring=20
manner.  JJ teaches in a caring manner on the Quest list.  =
bashes farm animals who should know better.  This isn't about  =
business, it's about staying alive.</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>>This machoism attitude is depermental to a =
divers<BR>>health. =20
There is *NOTHING* under that water that's worth your life >See where =
this is=20
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Yes.  =
Don't dive with=20
people who say they can "handle deep air", don't dive with =
people who=20
dive to 300 feet for 5 minutes just for the hell of it, and don't dive =
people who dive breathers for no reason.  Oh, and don't dive with =
any idiot=20
that claims he is the lost stepchild of George Irvine, and looks like a =
in the water.  There are a lot of loud mouth imposters out =
there. =20
There, now you've pretty much eliminated the whole macho element.  =
won't find any of it at Wakulla.</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><BR>><BR>>g) I see a lot of needless deaths cause a lot of =
people try=20
to imitate what<BR>>some groups are doing like the WKPP and enter =
areas, like=20
caves, and later<BR>>the morgue is called.  </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>You mean like
the Wakulla II=20
project?  This is all about a man admitting his own =
limitations.  If I=20
had the opportunity tomorrow to do the 4500 drop at Wakulla, I would =
refuse.  I'm not ready yet.  I know my limitations, and so =
anyone else who dives.  The macho bullshit is coming from the =
examples of Darwinism that get themselves killed by diving beyond their=20
limitations and from the pontificators who insist they know better, not =
from the=20
<DIV><BR>><BR>>You can call me anything you like but that
doesn't =
hide nor=20
stop the fact<BR>>that I flat refuse to dive any form of DIY simply =
my standards are<BR>>to high </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D3><FONT face=3DArial><FONT
color=3D#000000><STRONG>I =
would argue=20
that you are simply misinformed.  You're probably right, you'll =
never dive DIR, but the whole purpose of this post was to prevent =
someone else=20
from being lead astray by your misinformation.  =
color=3D#000000><FONT face=3DArial><FONT =
<DIV><BR>>Oh and btw, no flames please.  These are my viewpoints =
and if=20
you do feel<BR>>you need to flame me then that's your egotistical =
approach<BR>>feeling threatened.  Also flaming is a sign of =
and uncertainty on<BR>>the flamers part.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D3><STRONG>Nice =
touch.  Sounds like=20
a 12 step program.   Please note that this is not a flame, =
just a=20
rebuttal to your arguments based on the facts as they really are, and =
not on=20
whatever representation of DIR that has been given to you by your local =
stroke.  And, before you get excited and attack my credentials, I'm =
claiming to be a DIR guru by any stretch of the imagination.  I =
leave my=20
chest thumping and shit talking for work.  I'm just an ordinary Joe =
who has=20
taken the time and effort required to learn and understand this system =
as best I=20
can, and I take great offense to the perpetuation of stupidity wherever =
I see=20
it.  Many others, far more qualified than I am, have given their =
time to=20
me, and I'm just trying to give a little back.</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial =
size=3D3><STRONG></STRONG></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial=20


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