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From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
To: "Dave Sams" <dsams@al*.co*>, <>
Cc: "Techdiver" <>
Subject: RE: don't be silly....was....RE: Advice on NACD?
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 06:15:18 -0400
Dave, why don't you tell me what diving other than instruction is done by
that idiot Bird or Larry? Let me tell you something, big time - you and the
rest of the nobodies can yip and yap about bullshit all you want, but you
can't touch the real thing. Ask your boy Larry Green how he came to decide
diving the long hose is the right way - when I plugged him with mine while
he was drowning because he could not find a working reg on his bullshit gear
nine years ago. What you and the rest of the strokes don't get is that these
guys go nowhere and learn nothing and do nothing. The real action continues
to be with the usual crowd, of which none of these guys are part.

I got "certified" CMAS by Parker Turner who was Director of WKPP at the
time, and was trained by Lamar English and Bill Gavin, both WKPP divers.
Anything and everything I ever learned came from WKPP people and WKPP
resources and contacts - NOTHING from any of the other agencies.

GUE was started by Jarrod Jablonski to teach the things that the rest of
these guys will never know, and you have absolutely no clue what we do or
how we do it or what is involved, and are in no way qualified to even
mention any of it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sams [mailto:dsams@al*.co*]
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 11:24 PM
Cc: Techdiver
Subject: Re: don't be silly....was....RE: Advice on NACD?


I don't know about that...have watched Bird and Larry Green fail
students. And, as far as I can tell, any cave diving is real diving.
Granted, there are differences between the cave dives you're doing and
the "recreational" cave dives that most of us do on the weekend, but at
the end of the day we've both been feeling our way along in the dark.

If I may so humbly ask, which agency did you first certify cave with?
Forgive me, but your attitude (and agency affiliation) is showing.

And just for my information (I missed your explanation) what, exactly,
was the new entry technique you demonstrated last fall at PeacockI?


>The only thing you need for an NACD course is a checkbook and two days. It
>is a joke. The "instructors" do not themselves do any real diving ,
>whereas the GUE guys do, and the majority of them are going to run you
>through bullshit dives as fast as they can so they can get on back to the
>trailer for Miller Time.
>The one thing you can get from the NACD is a card, no matter how much of a
>clusterfuck you are, so if you can not pass the walk and chew gum test, go
>to the NACD. If you are a real basket case, go to the CDS.
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: pina
>  To: Brad, Jen, and Sam
>  Cc: Techdiver
>  Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 10:29 PM
>  Subject: don't be silly....was....RE: Advice on NACD?
>  That is silly.
>  Here is the link to the GUE Cave 1 course:
>  You do not need any prior cave/cavern training for this course, and if
>you have had any they will just have to un-train all the bad habits you
>have developed, and straighten the bad gear advice you received from other
>  Just get the proper training the first time.
>  --pina
>    -----Original Message-----
>    From: Brad, Jen, and Sam [mailto:bjs539@ho*.co*]
>    Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 9:13 PM
>    To: Techdiver List
>    Subject: Advice on NACD?
>    Hello all-
>    I am wanting to learn the right way to do cave dives. This is
>obviously going to be GUE, but I don't think I am ready for GUE yet, as I
>have no other cave/cavern training. I have been thinking about doing the
>NACD courses to help prepare me for the GUE courses, but wanted to get the
>general concensus as to how well put together the NACD course really is.
>Thanks in advance for any advice I can get!!
>    Brad
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