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Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 09:14:51 -0400
Subject: Re: Trimix Computers
From: Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>
To: terry michael <OEA51@go*.co*>, Tech Diver <>
CC: <>
Note that I said modify your gradient factor not "blow off 5 mins of your

As I see it from this list alone, OMS should be getting 21 orders for their
$1900 computer, that comes to about $40,000. Figure a profit of probably
$1300 per, so that's $27,000 profit from this list alone. I'll tell you
what, I see the logic of trimix computers now, what an idiot I am.

On another note, I see that Cockring won a Navy contract for supplying Navy
divers UDT, SEALs etc. with dive computers. Hoooobooy.

You guy's go ahead and get your trimix computers, I'll stick with my tables=
Just make sure it has a gauge mode.

 Learn About Trimix at

> From: terry michael <OEA51@go*.co*>
> Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 05:19:12 -0700 (PDT)
> To: Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>, Tom Mount <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.=
> David Shimell <David.Shimell@ta*.co*>, Ray Blanchard <rkbl@uf*.ed*>, T=
> Diver <>
> Cc: Alan Crew <alancrew@ya*.co*>,, Dell Motes
> <dell@di*.co*>
> Subject: Re: Re: Trimix Computers
> As for feeling better after the dives it has more to do with proper profi=
> gas etc. then blowing off 5 mins of a 40 min deco. If you=92re doing all th=
> with in the Buehlmann ceiling you=92re going to be reasonably safe in my
> opinion. I don=92t believe you can tweak the consumer version of these prog=
> to go beyond the actual Buehlmann M-value.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Jim Cobb"<cobber@ci*.co*>
> To: "Tom Mount"<TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>, "David
> Shimell"<David.Shimell@ta*.co*>, "Ray Blanchard"<rkbl@uf*.ed*>, "Tech
> Diver"<>
> Cc: "Alan Crew"<alancrew@ya*.co*>,, "Dell
> Motes"<dell@di*.co*>
> Date: Fri May 25 11:55:53 PDT 2001
> Subject: Re: Trimix Computers
>> Tom, look if you are asking if I sit on the hang line and say "hey, wond=
er I
>> I'd get bent if I surface now". Or "hey, I didn't get bent on that last
>> dive, think I'll crank the gradient all the way to the other side and se=
e if
>> I get bent then".
>> No, that's not what I do. You are being a bit churlish here, aren't you?=
>> start with the default of the tables program you are using and see how y=
>> feel. Feeling a bit tired after the dive? Not quite right? Then modify t=
>> gradient, start the stops a little deeper, stay on the 02 a little longe=
>> You do the dive and feel fine? Great. Crank back on the gradient a littl=
>> and see what the effect is on your deco time and do the dive. Then see h=
>> you feel. For most people you will be doing this continuously during you=
>> diving career.
>> I simply cannot believe I am discussing truly basic stuff like this with=
>> Mount, I really cannot.
>> I guess from your school, Tom, you go get your Alladin Pro or your Navy
>> tables, jump in the water, slavishly adhere to it's ridiculous deco
>> schedule, get out of the water, feel like shit and then declare it a
>> successful dive. Then do it again. What do you call this technique?
>> Jim
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Learn About Trimix at
>>> From: "Tom Mount" <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>
>>> Reply-To: "Tom Mount" <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>
>>> Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 14:17:24 -0400
>>> To: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>, "David Shimell"
>>> <David.Shimell@ta*.co*>, "Ray Blanchard" <rkbl@uf*.ed*>, "Tech Diver=
>>> <>
>>> Cc: "Alan Crew" <alancrew@ya*.co*>, <>, "Dell Mo=
>>> <dell@di*.co*>
>>> Subject: Re: Trimix Computers
>>> To Jim Cobb
>>> Jim, You stated: " Shoot, half the fun of deco diving is doing the pre-=
>>> calculations.It up's the ante in that you are experimenting with your o=
>>> body finding
>>> out what the best profile is for you. When you start getting indication=
s of
>>> your limitations, i.e. joint pain, slobitus, that tired feeling, fried
>>> lungs,etc. you adjust the calculations until you are dialed in. I can't
>>> imagine not having the ability to fine-tune your profile. "
>>> So I guess then based on your statement , that there must be two types =
>>> definitions of DIR
>>> 1. Doing It Right ( the one most people are familiar with)
>>> 2. or as someone else has stated instead Doing It Ridiculsly
>>> Sounds like you follow the second one
>>> So which DIR do you really support
>>> Now to answer your last email
>>> First: Do you guys ever read. I did not mention anything about my dives
>>> Second: I will tell you I do not go out and bend myself on purpose just=
>>> see what my threshold is on a given day, like you advocate
>>> Third: You stated you deliberately bend yourself then back off. Now tha=
>>> cannot be considered a logical or intelligent action.
>>> Fourth: I would imagine many if not most divers who do a lot of deco di=
>>> have had niggles
>>> Fifth: I hope most of these people do not deliberately bend themselves
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>
>>> To: "Tom Mount" <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>; "David Shimell"
>>> <David.Shimell@ta*.co*>; "Ray Blanchard" <rkbl@uf*.ed*>; "Tech Diver=
>>> <>
>>> Cc: "Alan Crew" <alancrew@ya*.co*>; <>
>>> Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 1:08 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Trimix Computers
>>>> So what you're telling me, Tom, that in all of your 10,000 dives you'v=
>>>> never had any indications of sub-clinical DCS at all? Every single one=
>>>> your decompression dives you've done, especially those deep air specia=
>>>> have been perfect dives? What a load of crap.
>>>> Z, here's more survey material for you. A show of hands of people who
>>>> actually do staged deco dives who have never had niggle one, a perfect
>>> dive
>>>> every time.
>>>> George you weren't kidding, were you?
>>>> Jim
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Learn About Trimix at
>>>>> From: "Tom Mount" <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>
>>>>> Reply-To: "Tom Mount" <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>
>>>>> Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 11:49:33 -0400
>>>>> To: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>, "David Shimell"
>>>>> <David.Shimell@ta*.co*>, "Ray Blanchard" <rkbl@uf*.ed*>, "Tech Div=
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Cc: "Alan Crew" <alancrew@ya*.co*>, <>
>>>>> Subject: Re: Trimix Computers
>>>>> So you deliberately go to the point of getting mild DCS and then back
>>> off .
>>>>> That is really intelligent Cobb
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>
>>>>> To: "David Shimell" <David.Shimell@ta*.co*>; "Ray Blanchard"
>>>>> <rkbl@uf*.ed*>; "Tom Mount" <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>; "Tech Diver=
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Cc: "Alan Crew" <alancrew@ya*.co*>; <>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 8:22 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: Trimix Computers
>>>>>> Shoot, half the fun of deco diving is doing the pre-dive calculation=
>>> It
>>>>>> up's the ante in that you are experimenting with your own body findi=
>>> out
>>>>>> what the best profile is for you. When you start getting indications=
>>>>> your
>>>>>> limitations, i.e. joint pain, slobitus, that tired feeling, fried
>>> lungs,
>>>>>> etc. you adjust the calculations until you are dialed in. I can't
>>> imagine
>>>>>> not having the ability to fine-tune your profile. I dare say that if
>>> you
>>>>> do
>>>>>> it enough you know what your deco is intuitively in certain standard
>>>>>> profiles. Why anybody would want to cripple themselves with a wrist
>>> deco
>>>>>> computer is beyond me.
>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Learn About Trimix at
>>>>>>> From: David Shimell <David.Shimell@ta*.co*>
>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:50:49 +0100
>>>>>>> To: "'Jim Cobb'" <cobber@ci*.co*>, Ray Blanchard
>>> <rkbl@uf*.ed*>,
>>>>> Tom
>>>>>>> Mount <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>, Tech Diver
>>> <>
>>>>>>> Cc: Alan Crew <alancrew@ya*.co*>,
>>>>>>> ""<>
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Trimix Computers
>>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>>> It is as simple as the desire to have things easy, with little or n=
>>>>>>> intellectual effort expended.  Nothing actually wrong with that if =
>>>>> product
>>>>>>> delivers to goods and the individual is prepared to pay the price.
>>> The
>>>>>>> problem occurs when the product does not deliver the goods - keeps =
>>>>>>> individual in-water longer than necessary or fails.  Suddenly, what
>>>>> would be
>>>>>>> routine dive to BT users may become a stressful CF, or in the most
>>>>> extreme of
>>>>>>> circumstances kill the individual.
>>>>>>> David Shimell
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Jim Cobb [SMTP:cobber@ci*.co*]
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 1:28 AM
>>>>>>> To: Ray Blanchard; Tom Mount; Tech Diver
>>>>>>> Cc: Alan Crew;
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Trimix Computers
>>>>>>> << File: ATT00048.htm >> All I can say is Ray, Why? All the stuff
>>>>> relate
>>>>>>> here with the added
>>>>>>> bonus of the "most complicated interface in dive computerdom". Excu=
>>> me
>>>>> but
>>>>>>> I do believe that there are more important things to be keeping tra=
>>> of
>>>>> on
>>>>>>> a trimix dive than trying to figure out the most complicated interf=
>>>>> ever
>>>>>>> strapped on a wrist.
>>>>>>> What advantage does this $1900 monstrosity offer over a bottom time=
>>>>> tables
>>>>>>> and a solid understanding of deco that only comes from experience?
>>> This
>>>>> is
>>>>>>> pure geek stuff, hoypaloy which adds nothing to your dive but more
>>>>>>> complexity, task loading and failure points.
>>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Learn About Trimix at
>>>>>>> From: Ray Blanchard <rkbl@uf*.ed*>
>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 19:36:09 -0400
>>>>>>> To: Tom Mount <TOM.MOUNT@in*.at*.ne*>
>>>>>>> Cc: Alan Crew <alancrew@ya*.co*>,
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Trimix Computers
>>>>>>> Hi Alan, Tom & the rest of the list,
>>>>>>> Thanks for the informative posts from folks regarding trimix comput=
>>>>> in
>>>>>>> particular the Abyss Explorer and the Phoenix VR3 as well as the
>>> limited
>>>>>>> application of the NiTek3.  While not a trimix computer diver, I've
>>> been
>>>>>>> following this area closely for several years and dreaming of ownin=
>>>>> one.
>>>>>>> This past DEMA show, however, was especially interesting in regards=
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> VR3 which is the only trimix computer that I've seen in private
>>>>> individuals'
>>>>>>> hands (see Z's post regarding the Explorer).  Prior to the show my
>>>>>>> information was limited to that from OMS, the U.S. distributor of t=
>>>>> VR3,
>>>>>>> and a friend who dove one and found the user interface rather compl=
>>>>>>> While visiting the OMS booth at DEMA, I spoke at length to Kevin Gu=
>>>>> and
>>>>>>> another member of the VR3 development team and discovered that OMS'=
>>>>>>> literature on this computer fails to do justice to the VR3's featur=
>>> in
>>>>> a
>>>>>>> big way.  Since Tom with his hands-on experience didn't expound on
>>> them,
>>>>>>> here are a few of the highlights that are not on the OMS brochures:
>>>>>>> -Phoenix has a web presence ( ) including an electron=
>>>>> copy
>>>>>>> of the VR3 user manual
>>>>>>> -PC interface comes with the dive unit
>>>>>>> -user changeable standard batteries
>>>>>>> -never locks out upon deco violations
>>>>>>> -dive simulation mode allows contingency tables to be generated fro=
>>> the
>>>>>>> dive unit on its own
>>>>>>> -capable of complete gas control/programming even while on the dive
>>>>>>> -back lighting
>>>>>>> -adjustable conservancy/safety factor
>>>>>>> -reed switches (mentioned) mean no case penetration for buttons.
>>>>>>> Overall this unit appears to have tremendous flexibility but that a=
>>>>>>> makes for the most complicated user interface that I've seen on a d=
>>>>>>> computer.  Still, while I'm not a technophile, I think that I could
>>>>> learn to
>>>>>>> use this computer and I definitely would like to get my hands on on=
>>>>> The 2
>>>>>>> biggest down sides to this unit are that OMS is marketing the OC
>>> trimix
>>>>>>> model with an MSRP of $1900 and second, as Tom mentioned, it's
>>>>> conservative
>>>>>>> because it's based on the ProPlanner algorithm. I know that some of=
>>>>>>> trimix diving friends down here in FL find ProPlanner to be a littl=
>>> too
>>>>>>> conservative for their tastes even when it's set for zero conservat=
>>>>> (for
>>>>>>> some reason they want to get out of the water faster ;-) however,
>>> Tom's
>>>>>>> recommendation for a special order may resolve this issue.  Of cour=
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> biggest point I've encountered for this trimix computer is that it'=
>>> in
>>>>>>> production and available now.
>>>>>>> Safe diving,
>>>>>>> Ray
>>>>>>> --
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