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From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
To: "Phi Le" <phi@sk*.be*>, "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: re vb tech report
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 06:26:33 -0400
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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JT, tell me there is no other bullshit you have up your sleeve - I =
refuse to believe it. I came up with this system from wreck diving , not =
cave diving.=20

For the WKPP, I started out in our Standards and Procedures with a rule =
that "no gas can be carried beyond its depth without permission from the =
Project Engineer ( Bill Gavin, now Bill Mee) and the Project Director ( =

While that rule still stands, the only difference is that I will NEVER =
give permission since only a deco weenie or a moron who does not =
understand deco , or a misfit who should not be diving, would want to do =
such a thing ( to try to "save" deco).

Since I am first an ocean diver, I added the mixing, marking and =
deployment rules to cover wreck, and those suffice for cave since we can =
put the bottles down as well. We still have to go through the same =
routine since you could put the wrong bottle in at the wrong depth ( or =
the support divers could , or it could be totally silted out ) just as =
easily as you could reach for the wrong bottle on your person.

Bullshitting and fucking up and confusing my system may make you feel =
better since you resent me so badly, but you are doing everyone a =
disservice with this petty nonsense.

Everyone need to go to the website and read my article on how =
and why in the "gear" section, and then if anyone finds a flaw in that =
logic, I kiss their ass Macy's window.

I am never going to be nice about this or be nice to idiots like the NE =
wreck divers who have killed so many people, so get over your petty crap =
and wake the fuck up.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Capt JT <captjt@mi*.co*>
    To: Trey <trey@ne*.co*>; Phi Le <phi@sk*.be*>
    Cc: <>
    Date: Monday, August 14, 2000 9:18 PM
    Subject: Re: re vb tech report
    At 08:51 PM 8/14/00 -0400, Trey wrote:
        Jt, not the feet thing again - I thought you were going to pull =
some real bullshit. I'd like to know what feet has to do with wreck =
diving , and do not tell me it is because the dumb fucks up there don't =
mark their bottles so can not understand yours.
    OK so I won't tell you.
        The more crap you put on the bottle , the bigger than chance of =
a misread .
    I agree
        There is only one piece fo information that is necessary on that =
bottle when in use, and that is the MOD + FT. Go back and read our gas =
mixing rules, our transport rules, our marking rules and our deployment =
rules to see how the entire system works.=20
    I'm glad we agree ;-)
        Piecemeal compromising bullshit does not work and leads to a =
    You once told me I was not an "idiot", Piecemeal is how I got to =
where I am now and I have not had a screwup yet, though it may still =
happen, there is always 'Murphy's Law" you know!
        See the website for a FULLl explanation.
    I don't need that, I have you ;-)
            Phi Le
            I have no beef with you, you may find it hard to believe =
that I actually care what happens to the people that dive with me, after =
being on 3 trips that divers lost their life on, it makes me  very =
cautious with what goes on during the predive and dive. Ok, so there was =
2 questions if you want to count that last one, the answer is Yes. ;-)
               At 01:48 AM 8/15/00 +0200, Phi Le wrote:
                I don't know you nor MHK, and don't care if either of =
you guys use alu 80. The people I dive with don't use alu 80 as stages =
in the ocean. When I am visiting Florida, I use 2 X alu 40 for 50% and =
O2. At home (Europe or Asia), I use 2 X alu 7L. And that's more than =
enough for down to 300 ft.
                Ask George if he uses alu 80 for the ocean dives!
                I wasn't stabbing at you. I didn't understand why any =
Capt or divers (not my buddies) would care how I mark my stages or what =
gas I have in my tanks (providing I don't do deep air, etc.). I don't =
dive with them eventhough we go out on the same boat since I would have =
my buddies. And if they need to grab a bottle in case of emergency, the =
content is marked by tape at the tank neck.
                So basically, I was only disagreeing with your reasoning =
for the need to add "FT" after the MOD.
                That's not some DIR party-lines, JT. It's just common =
sense! And stop been so damn defensive, not everybody is looking to =
flame other people.
                I re-read mine, and there were actually 2 questions :-)
                        -----Original Message-----=20
                        From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]=20
                        Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 1:33 AM=20
                        To: Phi Le=20
                        Subject: RE: re vb tech report
                        Phi Le=20
                         You are correct, after rereading it, I sounded =
just like "George", forgive my poor taste in words.
                        Hint: nobody is diving 80cf aluminum stages in =
the ocean so you are barking up the wrong tree there. The rest of the =
post is too stupid to read.=20
                        Hint: you better go look at some of the photos =
on my site you will see MHK and Myself using alum 80's and read below =
the email from George  where he directs the NE divers to go look, it is =
the same thing I posted.=20
                        BTW, I took your question as a stab at me, =
reread yours and will see you only ask one real question, the rest was =
standard DIR answers, statements no questions at all.=20
                        At 03:15 PM 8/10/00 -0400, Trey wrote:=20
                        JJ, my opin. is that XXXXXXXXX needs to go to=20
               and read my DIR =
                        article under "Equipment" and then explain that =
                        XXXXX and the others. This in cludes our bottle=20
                        marking scheme which is at the heart of gas =
                        We can not have an intelligent discussion until =
                        effort is made, and we can not expect XXXXXXX or =

                        anyone else to think that wearing some wing or =
                        bottle on some side means anything without this=20
                          At 12:12 AM 8/15/00 +0200, Phi Le wrote:=20
                            First of all, you complaint about George's =
delivery style and you called my questions "bullshit" ?=20
                            You claimed to do something better (stage =
marking) and I was sincerely interested in finding out. You gave an =
answer which I felt was probable, but not worth the trouble to adopt =
(mark FT after the MOD). So I asked for clarity and you pulled the "WKPP =
                            Why do you think that anyone want to sniff =
anyone else's butt ? People are on this list to exchange information. So =
if you have nothing to share, then STFU, stop pretending like you do and =
waste everybody's time. I don't have time to trade insults with you.=20
                            Just re-read your posting below and ask =
somebody to explain DIR to you, you have no clue of what you are trying =
to slam.=20
                            Hint: nobody is diving 80cf aluminum stages =
in the ocean so you are barking up the wrong tree there. The rest of the =
post is too stupid to read.=20
                             -----Original Message-----=20
                            From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*] =

                            Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:13 PM=20
                            To: Phi Le=20
                            Subject: RE: re vb tech report=20
                            Below in BOLD is the section about stages =
written by George Irvine and is still on the WKPP org. web site in the =
equipment section. Since most NE wreckers have turned their back on =
techdiver due to GI tactics, the only source of information they can get =
without being pounded "WKPP wanna bees" is this site or others who are =
doing nothing more than sniffing GI butt with this same copied info.=20
                            Stages should be aluminum 80's.=20
                            Right off the bat they can see that GI is =
off his rocker, he has already told everyone not to change any of his =
system, they already know that it is much easier to carry a 45 steel =
stage than an eighty on a wreck dive. Alum 40's are better for wreck =
dives, easier to manage, but he does not say that in this on the site.=20
                             These swing equally from negative to=20
                            positive with air, less negative with gas, =
by the amount of the air or=20
                            gas carried. They are rigged with stainless =
steel bolt snaps, the size=20
                            of which is determined by whether or not =
your diving requires gloves,=20
                            They have already figured this out also, =
except Brass will do at less cost, they dive cold water so they knew =
about the size for the gloves LONG before he did.=20
                            and those are attached by a piece of 1/4" =
line run under a hose clamp=20
                            halfway down the tank and tied to the neck. =
The upper clip should be=20
                            tight to the break of the neck, the lower =
clip should have plenty of=20
                            tail to work with. The bottle needs to be =
held close in the front and=20
                            lose in the back to prevent drag. There =
should NEVER be any metal to=20
                            metal connections of any part of your rig.=20
                            This is something they would not know or =
understand, UNLESS you have scootered with stages and without.
                            Stages need to be permanently marked as to =
their maximum operating=20
                            depth in three inch high letters placed =
horizontally in the orientation=20
                            of the tank on either side so that the diver =
can see what he is=20
                            breathing, and so can his buddy, no mater =
where the tank is. The stage=20
                            reg is rigged with a short pressure gauge =
which is bent back on itself=20
                            to face the diver and held in place by =
bungee cord at the first stage,=20
                            The reg hose must be the octopus length. The =
stage regs are always=20
                            parked on the bottle and the bottle turned =
off unless in use. Stages are=20
                            generally worn on the left side for =
streamlining, and because of the=20
                            position and balance of the rest of the gear =
and the other hoses so as=20
                            not to interfere with the operation of any =
other gear, as well as the=20
                            scooter , which is driven with the right =
hand, favoring the right side.=20
                            Is this the best reasons you can write about =
for marking stages? A lot of the divers dive SOLO like it or not, so =
that buddy stuff is a waste to them.Also don't hold your breath, while =
your waiting for everyone to start buddy diving  , deal with what their =
doing now. Breathing correct gas is good, easy to see what your =
                            To deploy a stage, we look for the correct =
depth marking, we put the=20
                            reg around our neck, we then turn on the =
bottle , put the reg in our=20
                            mouth, and if we can breath, we are =
breathing the correct gas. It is=20
                            just that simple. No other convolutions are =
necessary, and would only add=20
                            to the chance for error.=20
                            Yes it is very simple, but you need to put =
it out so they can understand it and why they should do it.=20
                            The 3" marking work very well for our group =
here, for the very deep dives I like to have my stages delivered to me, =
my name and MOD are on them , it also puts the support diver with me to =
make sure everything is OK.=20
                            Should I need extra gas I need only point to =
the markings and the support diver can go to the boat and any bottle =
will do as they are all mark with 3"MOD just get one that matches what I =
need. This can be done on any dive, if a diver is low on needed gas all =
he has to do is point to the MOD and his name, that way we know who is =
in trouble. Also makes it is easy for the crew to locate extra gas for =
him if everyone is marking their tanks the same way, it is not a CF =
trying to read those little bullshit tags that fall off.=20
                            Phi Le=20
                            I will only answer one of those bullshit =
questions below.
                            At 04:07 PM 8/14/00 +0200, Phi Le wrote:=20
                                So you feel there is an issue that =
people might be mistaken for a stage=20
                                marked for 60 ft as EAN60. That's a =
                                But why would the Capt and other divers =
be worrying about *my* stages ?
                            BECAUSE WE CARE!
                                Obviously I will be diving with my =
buddies who would know what the markings=20
                                mean. The stage(s) will be with me u/w =
so no one will breath it without my=20
                                If someone wants to use them in case of =
an emergency on the boat, the oxygen=20
                                deco stage is clearly marked "Oxygen" =
and the rest has the content analysis=20
                                tape at the neck.
                                Am I still missing something ?
                                -----Original Message-----=20
                                From: Capt JT =
                                Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 3:32 PM=20
                                To: Phi Le=20
                                Subject: RE: re vb tech report
                                There is no better system than what the =
WKPP use at this time, but as a=20
                                Capt and diver on boats that carry =
numerous divers on trips who have no=20
                                idea what the markings mean, I have =
added FT(=3D feet) to my stages so there=20
                                is no confusion on their part.=20
                                If one does not like the FT he can =
simply cover it up with the rubber=20
                                intertube as JJ did to my tanks he used =
when they were here.
                                I will make a detailed list of why =
making stages in the 3" MOD works for us=20
                                here and why NE wreck divers should =
follow suit in a  later post.
                                  At 01:44 PM 8/14/00 +0200, you wrote:=20
                                >From: Capt JT <captjt@mi*.co*>=20
                                >The 2 big things we do not agree on =
                                > >2) Reasons why you mark stages...=20
                                >Why do you disagree with it ?=20
                                >And since you are marking stages =
differently, you must feel that your way=20
                                >better. Could you elaborate on your =
*better* system ?=20
                    "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later =
you have to get in the water"
                    Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East =
Coast & more
                     Web Site
                    Email     captjt@mi*.co*
                "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you =
have to get in the water"
                Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & =
                 Web Site
                Email     captjt@mi*.co*
        "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to =
get in the water"
        Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
         Web Site
        Email     captjt@mi*.co*

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<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>JT, tell me there is no other =
bullshit you have=20
up your sleeve - I refuse to believe it. I came up with this system from =
diving , not cave diving. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>For the WKPP, I started out in our Standards and =
with a rule that "no gas can be carried beyond its depth without =
from the Project Engineer ( Bill Gavin, now Bill Mee) and the Project =
Director (=20
me). </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>While that rule still stands, the only difference is =
that I=20
will NEVER give permission since only a deco weenie or a moron who does =
understand deco , or a misfit who should not be diving, would want to do =
such a=20
thing ( to try to "save" deco).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Since I am first an ocean diver, I =
added the=20
mixing, marking and deployment rules to cover wreck, and those suffice =
for cave=20
since we can put the bottles down as well. We still have to go through =
the same=20
routine since you could put the wrong bottle in at the wrong depth ( or =
support divers could , or it could be totally silted out ) just as =
easily as you=20
could reach for the wrong bottle on your person.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Bullshitting and fucking up and confusing my system =
may make=20
you feel better since you resent me so badly, but you are doing everyone =
disservice with this petty nonsense.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Everyone need to go to the =
website and=20
read my article on how and why in the "gear" section, and then =
anyone finds a flaw in that logic, I kiss their ass Macy's =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>I am never going to be nice about this or be nice to =
like the NE wreck divers who have killed so many people, so get over =
your petty=20
crap and wake the fuck up.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: =
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B>-----Original =
    </B>Capt JT <<A=20
    </B>Trey <<A =
href=3D"mailto:trey@ne*.co*"></A>>; Phi=20
    Le <<A =
    href=3D""></A> =
    </B>Monday, August 14, 2000 9:18 PM<BR><B>Subject: </B>Re: re
vb =
    report<BR><BR></DIV></FONT>At 08:51 PM 8/14/00 -0400, Trey =
    <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite>Jt, not the feet thing again - I =
        you were going to pull some real bullshit. I'd like to know what =
        has to do with wreck diving , and do not tell me it is because =
the dumb=20
        fucks up there don't mark their bottles so can not understand=20
        yours.</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>OK so I won't tell
    <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite><BR><FONT face=3Darial size=3D2>The
more crap=20
        you put on the bottle , the bigger than chance of a misread=20
    .</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I agree<BR><BR>
    <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite><BR><FONT face=3Darial
size=3D2>There =
is only=20
        one piece fo information that is necessary on that bottle when =
in use,=20
        and that is the MOD + FT. Go back and read our gas mixing rules, =
        transport rules, our marking rules and our deployment rules to =
see how=20
        the entire system works. </FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I'm glad we =
    <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite><BR><FONT face=3Darial =
        compromising bullshit does not work and leads to a screwup.=20
    </FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>You once told me I was not an =
    Piecemeal is how I got to where I am now and I have not had a =
screwup yet,=20
    though it may still happen, there is always 'Murphy's Law" you=20
    <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite><BR><FONT face=3Darial size=3D2>See
the=20 website for a FULLl =
explanation.</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I don't=20
    need that, I have you ;-)<BR><BR>JT<BR><BR><BR><BR>
    <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite><BR><FONT face=3Darial=20
        size=3D2> <BR><BR></FONT>
        <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite>Phi Le<BR>I have no beef with =
you, you=20
            may find it hard to believe that I actually care what =
happens to the=20
            people that dive with me, after being on 3 trips that divers =
            their life on, it makes me  very cautious with what =
goes on=20
            during the predive and dive. Ok, so there was 2 questions if =
            want to count that last one, the answer is Yes.=20
            ;-)<BR><BR>JT<BR><BR>   At 01:48 AM 8/15/00
+0200, =
Phi Le=20
            wrote:<BR><FONT color=3D#0000ff face=3Darial size=3D2>
            <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite>JT,</FONT><BR><BR>I
don't =
know you=20
                nor MHK, and don't care if either of you guys use alu =
80. The=20
                people I dive with don't use alu 80 as stages in the =
ocean. When=20
                I am visiting Florida, I use 2 X alu 40 for 50% and O2. =
At home=20
                (Europe or Asia), I use 2 X alu 7L. And that's more than =
                for down to 300 ft.<BR><BR>Ask George if he uses alu 80 =
for the=20
                ocean dives!<BR><BR>I wasn't stabbing at you. I didn't=20
                understand why any Capt or divers (not my buddies) would =
                how I mark my stages or what gas I have in my tanks =
(providing I=20
                don't do deep air, etc.). I don't dive with them =
eventhough we=20
                go out on the same boat since I would have my buddies. =
And if=20
                they need to grab a bottle in case of emergency, the =
content is=20
                marked by tape at the tank neck.<BR><BR>So basically, I =
was only=20
                disagreeing with your reasoning for the need to add=20
                "FT" after the MOD.<BR><BR>That's not some DIR =

                party-lines, JT. It's just common sense! And stop been =
so damn=20
                defensive, not everybody is looking to flame other=20
                people.<BR><BR>I re-read mine, and there were actually 2 =

                questions :-)<BR><BR>-Phi
                <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT face=3Dtahoma size=3D2>
                        <DD>-----Original Message-----=20
                        <DD>From: Capt JT [<A=20
                        href=3D"mailto:captjt@mi*.co*" eudora =3D =

                        <DD>Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 1:33 AM=20
                        <DD>To: Phi Le=20
                        <DD>Subject: RE: re vb tech =
                        <DD>Phi Le=20
                        <DD> You are correct, after rereading it, I =
                        just like "George", forgive my poor =
taste in=20
                        words.<BR><BR><FONT color=3D#0000ff
face=3Darial =
                        <DD>Hint: nobody is diving 80cf aluminum stages =
in the=20
                        ocean so you are barking up the wrong tree =
there. The=20
                        rest of the post is too stupid to read.</FONT>=20
                        <DD>Hint: you better go look at some of the =
photos on my=20
                        site you will see MHK and Myself using alum 80's =
                        read below the email from George  where he =
                        the NE divers to go look, it is the same thing I =
                        <DD>BTW, I took your question as a stab at me, =
                        yours and will see you only ask one real =
question, the=20
                        rest was standard DIR answers, statements no =
                        at all.=20
                        <DD>  <BR><BR>
                        <DD>At 03:15 PM 8/10/00 -0400, Trey wrote:=20
                        <DD>JJ, my opin. is that XXXXXXXXX needs to go =
                        <DD><A href=3D"" eudora =3D=20
                        autourl></A></FONT> and read =
my DIR=20
                        <DD>article under "Equipment" and then =
                        that to=20
                        <DD>XXXXX and the others. This in cludes our =
                        <DD>marking scheme which is at the heart of gas =
                        <DD>We can not have an intelligent discussion =
until that=20
                        <DD>effort is made, and we can not expect =
                        <DD>anyone else to think that wearing some wing =
or some=20
                        <DD>bottle on some side means anything without =
                        <DD>  At 12:12 AM 8/15/00 +0200, Phi Le =
                        color=3D#0000ff face=3Darial size=3D2>=20
                        <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite>
                            <DD> <FONT color=3D#0000ff face=3Darial =
                            <DD>First of all, you complaint about =
                            delivery style and you called my questions=20
                            "bullshit" ? </FONT>
                            <DD> <FONT color=3D#0000ff face=3Darial =
                            <DD>You claimed to do something better =
                            marking) and I was sincerely interested in =
                            out. You gave an answer which I felt was =
                            but not worth the trouble to adopt (mark FT =
                            the MOD). So I asked for clarity and you =
pulled the=20
                            "WKPP wannabees"-bullshit.</FONT>=20
                            <DD> <FONT color=3D#0000ff face=3Darial =
                            <DD>Why do you think that anyone want to =
                            anyone else's butt ? People are on this list =
                            exchange information. So if you have nothing =
                            share, then STFU, stop pretending like you =
do and=20
                            waste everybody's time. I don't have time to =
                            insults with you.</FONT>=20
                            <DD> <FONT color=3D#0000ff face=3Darial =
                            <DD>Just re-read your posting below and ask =
                            to explain DIR to you, you have no clue of =
what you=20
                            are trying to slam.</FONT>=20
                            <DD> <FONT color=3D#0000ff face=3Darial =
                            <DD>Hint: nobody is diving 80cf aluminum =
stages in=20
                            the ocean so you are barking up the wrong =
                            there. The rest of the post is too stupid to =

                            <DD> <FONT color=3D#0000ff face=3Darial =
                            <DD> <FONT face=3Dtahoma size=3D2>=20
                            <DD> -----Original Message-----=20
                            <DD>From: Capt JT =
                            <DD>Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:13 PM=20
                            <DD>To: Phi Le=20
                            <DD>Subject: RE: re vb tech report</FONT>=20
                            <DD>Below in BOLD is the section about =
                            written by George Irvine and is still on the =
                            org. web site in the equipment section. =
Since most=20
                            NE wreckers have turned their back on =
techdiver due=20
                            to GI tactics, the only source of =
information they=20
                            can get without being pounded "WKPP =
                            bees" is this site or others who are =
                            nothing more than sniffing GI butt with this =
                            copied info.<FONT face=3D"Arial Black, =
                            <DD>Stages should be aluminum 80's.</FONT>=20
                            <DD>Right off the bat they can see that GI =
is off=20
                            his rocker, he has already told everyone not =
                            change any of his system, they already know =
that it=20
                            is much easier to carry a 45 steel stage =
than an=20
                            eighty on a wreck dive. Alum 40's are better =
                            wreck dives, easier to manage, but he does =
not say=20
                            that in this on the site.<FONT=20
                            face=3D"Arial Black, Helvetica">=20
                            <DD> These swing equally from negative =
                            <DD>positive with air, less negative with =
gas, by=20
                            the amount of the air or=20
                            <DD>gas carried. They are rigged with =
                            steel bolt snaps, the size=20
                            <DD>of which is determined by whether or not =
                            diving requires gloves,</FONT>=20
                            <DD>They have already figured this out also, =
                            Brass will do at less cost, they dive cold =
water so=20
                            they knew about the size for the gloves LONG =
                            he did. <FONT face=3D"Arial Black, =
                            <DD>and those are attached by a piece of =
                            line run under a hose clamp=20
                            <DD>halfway down the tank and tied to the =
neck. The=20
                            upper clip should be=20
                            <DD>tight to the break of the neck, the =
lower clip=20
                            should have plenty of=20
                            <DD>tail to work with. The bottle needs to =
be held=20
                            close in the front and=20
                            <DD>lose in the back to prevent drag. There =
                            NEVER be any metal to=20
                            <DD>metal connections of any part of your=20
                            <DD>This is something they would not know or =

                            understand, UNLESS you have scootered with =
                            face=3D"Arial Black, Helvetica">
                            <DD>Stages need to be permanently marked as =
to their=20
                            maximum operating=20
                            <DD>depth in three inch high letters placed=20
                            horizontally in the orientation=20
                            <DD>of the tank on either side so that the =
diver can=20
                            see what he is=20
                            <DD>breathing, and so can his buddy, no =
mater where=20
                            the tank is. The stage=20
                            <DD>reg is rigged with a short pressure =
gauge which=20
                            is bent back on itself=20
                            <DD>to face the diver and held in place by =
                            cord at the first stage,=20
                            <DD>The reg hose must be the octopus length. =
                            stage regs are always=20
                            <DD>parked on the bottle and the bottle =
turned off=20
                            unless in use. Stages are=20
                            <DD>generally worn on the left side for=20
                            streamlining, and because of the=20
                            <DD>position and balance of the rest of the =
gear and=20
                            the other hoses so as=20
                            <DD>not to interfere with the operation of =
any other=20
                            gear, as well as the=20
                            <DD>scooter , which is driven with the right =
                            favoring the right side.</FONT>=20
                            <DD>Is this the best reasons you can write =
about for=20
                            marking stages? A lot of the divers dive =
SOLO like=20
                            it or not, so that buddy stuff is a waste to =

                            them.Also don't hold your breath, while your =
                            for everyone to start buddy diving  , =
deal with=20
                            what their doing now. Breathing correct gas =
is good,=20
                            easy to see what your breathing.<FONT=20
                            face=3D"Arial Black, Helvetica">=20
                            <DD>To deploy a stage, we look for the =
correct depth=20
                            marking, we put the=20
                            <DD>reg around our neck, we then turn on the =
                            , put the reg in our=20
                            <DD>mouth, and if we can breath, we are =
                            the correct gas. It is=20
                            <DD>just that simple. No other convolutions =
                            necessary, and would only add=20
                            <DD>to the chance for error. </FONT>
                            <DD>Yes it is very simple, but you need to =
put it=20
                            out so they can understand it and why they =
should do=20
                            <DD>The 3" marking work very well for =
our group=20
                            here, for the very deep dives I like to have =
                            stages delivered to me, my name and MOD are =
on them=20
                            , it also puts the support diver with me to =
                            sure everything is OK.=20
                            <DD>Should I need extra gas I need only =
point to the=20
                            markings and the support diver can go to the =
                            and any bottle will do as they are all mark =
                            3"MOD just get one that matches what I =
                            This can be done on any dive, if a diver is =
low on=20
                            needed gas all he has to do is point to the =
MOD and=20
                            his name, that way we know who is in =
trouble. Also=20
                            makes it is easy for the crew to locate =
extra gas=20
                            for him if everyone is marking their tanks =
the same=20
                            way, it is not a CF trying to read those =
                            bullshit tags that fall off.=20
                            <DD>Phi Le=20
                            <DD>I will only answer one of those bullshit =

                            <DD>At 04:07 PM 8/14/00 +0200, Phi Le wrote: =

                            <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite>
                                <DD>So you feel there is an issue that =
                                might be mistaken for a stage=20
                                <DD>marked for 60 ft as EAN60. That's a=20
                                <DD>But why would the Capt and other =
divers be=20
                                worrying about *my* stages =
                            <DD>BECAUSE WE=20
                            <BLOCKQUOTE cite type =3D cite>
                                <DD>Obviously I will be diving with my =
                                who would know what the markings=20
                                <DD>mean. The stage(s) will be with me =
u/w so no=20
                                one will breath it without my=20
                                <DD>If someone wants to use them in case =
of an=20
                                emergency on the boat, the oxygen=20
                                <DD>deco stage is clearly marked=20
                                "Oxygen" and the rest has the =
                                <DD>tape at the neck.<BR><BR>
                                <DD>Am I still missing something =
                                <DD>-----Original Message-----=20
                                <DD>From: Capt JT [<A=20
                                href=3D"mailto:captjt@mi*.co*" =
eudora =3D=20
                                <DD>Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 3:32 =
                                <DD>To: Phi Le=20
                                <DD>Subject: RE: re vb tech=20
                                <DD>There is no better system than what =
the WKPP=20
                                use at this time, but as a=20
                                <DD>Capt and diver on boats that carry =
                                divers on trips who have no=20
                                <DD>idea what the markings mean, I have =
                                FT(=3D feet) to my stages so there=20
                                <DD>is no confusion on their part.=20
                                <DD>If one does not like the FT he can =
                                cover it up with the rubber=20
                                <DD>intertube as JJ did to my tanks he =
used when=20
                                they were here.<BR><BR>
                                <DD>I will make a detailed list of why =
                                stages in the 3" MOD works for us=20
                                <DD>here and why NE wreck divers should =
                                suit in a  later post.<BR><BR>
                                <DD>  At 01:44 PM 8/14/00 +0200, =
you wrote:=20
                                <DD>>From: Capt JT=20
                                <DD>>The 2 big things we do not agree =
on are:=20
                                <DD>> >2) Reasons why you mark =
                                <DD>>Why do you disagree with it ?=20
                                <DD>>And since you are marking stages =

                                differently, you must feel that your way =

                                <DD>>better. Could you elaborate on =
                                *better* system ?=20
                    can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you =
have to=20
                    get in the water"<BR><FONT color=3D#0000ff>Your =
Guide to=20
                    Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast &=20
                    more<BR> Web Site  <A=20
                    href=3D"" eudora =3D=20
autourl></A><BR>Email    =20
captjt@mi*.co*</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>"You can't=20
                learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to =
get in the=20
                water"<BR><FONT color=3D#0000ff>Your Guide to Great =
                Diving along the East Coast & more<BR> Web =
Site =20
                <A href=3D"" eudora =3D=20
autourl></A><BR>Email    =20
        can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get =
in the=20
        water"<BR><FONT color=3D#0000ff><U>Your Guide to Great =
Wreck Diving=20
        along the East Coast & more<BR> Web Site  <A=20
        href=3D"" eudora =3D=20
autourl></A><BR>Email    =20


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