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Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 06:23:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Esat Atikkan <atikkan@ya*.co*>
Subject: Re: DCI Preconditions


DCS has been the traditional abbr of 'bends'.

When in the late 80's Francis et al presented a bunch
of hyper MD's case histories (retrospective study) &
got diagnoses that were not uniform, it was thought
that maybe the distinction b/ 'bends' & pathology
secondary to arteriolization of bubbles was not as
distinct - thus came the term DCI wh/ puportedly
covers both etiologies.

Use in the field is spotty & @ does cause some

As for exercise & bubbling.

Obviously any pathogenesis would have to depend on
severity of exercise as well as the severity of the

Type of exercise would play a role as well.

The 1st clue that exercise during deco (specifically
stage deco) came when navy divers doing jumping jacks
@ stops got an inordinate # of hits.

Then the case of AF cadets who got bent 1st ascribed
to altitude (in CO), then was reviewed & the issue of
their post exposure exercise routines came up.  Ask
some AF AP's about that - U will gat a story.

Pre dive exercise - obviously the interval b/ exer &
dive is important.  That is was homostasis

If not any of the mech ascribed to bends risk factors
could come to mind:

muscular microheating
increased circulation causing increased N2 loading
early in the dive
CO2 or acidemia
The list goes on.

The intensity of the exercise & not exercise itself
appears to B the contributor.  I am not sure that
there have been enough studies that looked how type of
exercise correlated w/ predisposition to 'bends'

Safe bubbles

Esat Atikkan 

--- Rich Lesperance <richl@uf*.ed*> wrote:
> Doc Black:
>     When listing DCS predisposing factors, you
> listed :
> >>heavy exercise during or shortly after diving, <<
> Exercise _before_ diving is included also, yes? Not
> trying to sharpshoot,
> just making sure the conventional wisdom hasn't
> changed on me.
> Secondly, it's a nitpicky thing, but in the medical
> / dive physiology
> community, are the terms "DCI" and "DCS" synonymous?
> I always though DCI
> included _other_ pressure conditions treated by a
> chamber, namely AGE. If my
> memory is fuzzy, maybe it means I'm getting old?
> Anyone else feel free to jump in with your
> impressions on the specificity of
> the above terms. Obviously, whatever the educated
> majority here feels is
> correct, is the correct definition, by definition.
> Rich L
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Michael J. Black <mjblackmd@ya*.co*>
> To: Aquanaut Mail <>
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 4:38 PM
> Subject: Re: DCI Preconditions
> > Steve,
> >
> > DCI preconditions include PFO (which you can be
> checked for),
> > pulmonary blebs (which develop in obstructive
> disorders like
> > bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma), and other
> cardiac or vascular
> > defects that could lead to right-to-left shunting
> of blood, i.e.
> > venous to arterial shift.
> >
> > Risk factors are numerous, including dehydration,
> obesity and
> > poor physical condition, pushing the table limits,
> heavy exercise
> > during or shortly after diving, hypothermia,
> previous DCI, age,
> > alcohol, etc.
> >
> > Common sense counts for a lot, and even if you
> don't know all
> > the risk factors, just be careful.  If doing
> extreme diving, or
> > advanced technical diving like many on this list,
> it probably
> > is a good idea to get checked for PFO (although
> some will argue
> > that every diver should be checked).  As for
> pulmonary blebs,
> > don't smoke (common sense).
> >
> > Mike Black
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