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Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 03:00:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Esat Atikkan <atikkan@ya*.co*>
Subject: Re: NARCOTIC O2

Obviously O2 is metabolized.  However not all O2
partitioned in the body is metabolized - this becomes
particularly true when the ppO2 exceeds the O2
required for metabolism - a situation wh/ is bound to
occur as ppO2 increases - say w/ depth.

Thus, except for that threshold effect, O2 should B
treated as a narcotic component of respired gas &
inluded in END calculations - "how" may B the more
difficult issue.

Safe bubbles
Esat Atikkan

--- "Michael J. Black" <mjblackmd@ya*.co*> wrote:
> According to the Meyer-Overton hypothesis, narcotic
> potency of gases
> correlates with lipid solubility, and O2 has a lipid
> solubility of
> 0.11 (about the same as Argon, 0.14).  Helium, in
> comparison, has a
> lipid solubility of 0.015.  You all know how
> narcotic Argon is (very),
> and how non-narcotic Helium is.  O2 is predicted to
> be about as
> narcotic as Argon by this hypothesis, except that O2
> is not inert,
> and is readily metabolized.  I believe that is why
> there is no
> listing of relative narcotic potency for O2 in the
> textbooks (I am
> looking at Bennett's chapter on Inert Gas Narcosis
> and HPNS, in Bove
> and Davis' Diving Medicine, 2nd ed.).  It is listed
> as blank because
> the comparison is not valid.  Mike Black
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