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From: "MHK" <mhkane@pr*.ne*>
To: "Michael J. Black" <mjblackmd@ya*.co*>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: Legalities of purging someone
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:52:24 -0800
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael J. Black <mjblackmd@ya*.co*>

> It looks to me like both camps are right, depending
> on the situation.

No both camps are not right!!!!

 Nakamura et al. choose to wait for
> professional assistance in spite of the consequences.

This is what is wrong with it!!!!  Nakamura are bust waiting until
someone else arrives because of fear of liability later.  That's GOD DAMM
PATHETIC!!!!!!  Why is anyone in the world afraid of what some asshole
lawyer will do later..  When faced with a life and death, minute by minute
decsion, SCREW THE ASSHOLE LAWYERS.   Save the life and worry about it

I'll never dive with Karen because God forbid I have a problem her instincts
are to worry about a lawyer, Georges instincts are to save my life.

Given the choice who would you dive with????



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