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From: "Dave Sutton" <pilots@na*.ne*>
To: <>
Subject: Re: A question about who is the mouth
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 16:07:16 -0400

>And what exactly can we learn from Dave?

See the post the precedes. Got anything to add to
how to run a thinking mans deco line in NJ? If so, I'm
all ears.

>A guy who claims streamlining is not such an important issue...because they
>do not move that much...

Yup: Down the anchor line, 50 feet to a digging spot, an hour digging in
one 4' diameter hole, and 50 feet back to the anchor line. A typical NJ
diving day. My china cabinet is full of ships-china and brass for my
efforts. Want
some of my extras? Like I said, -missions are different- in different
and as a result -configurations and equipment use- are properly different as
missions change. I'm snag-free. But I do not need to be a sleek swimmer.
Ever try to swim sleekly carrying a crowbar and sledgehammer?? Thus
my 1/4 inch manila reel and poney bottle were never an issue from a drag
standpoint, although I have changed to cave-reel and ideal manifold in the
last few years.

>Actually, a lot of people will leave this list asap if George will not
>contribute anymore. As we have seen happen to other lists where George was

Show me a list where he -is- banned so I can sign up right away... ;-) The
between email lists and usenet is suppsed to be the civility factor. Just
curious why
this, of all the groups, is the sole exception.


Dave Sutton

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