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From: "Dave Sutton" <pilots@na*.ne*>
To: <>
Cc: "Kevin Connell" <kevin@nw*.co*>
Subject: Re: A question about who is the mouth
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:57:13 -0400

>Dave, before you start telling people DIR principles don't work in certain
>conditions check the archives.  There was a really interesting set of posts
>from people all around the world, and the consensus is:
>DIR works everywhere

We were diving using essentially the same techniques
20+ years ago. I'm not opposed to thoughtfull application
to the techniques -that are appropriate to the area dived-
as I am that some fool in Florida seems the think that he
invented the sport and in the most obscene manner possible
bullies the rest of us. What we know as 'technical diving' is
mainly a synthesis of NE Wreck Diving techniques and Florida
cave diving techniques. The dive shop that I ran was
at the foreform of the melding of the two types of diving, as
we were the only NJ based shop that also ran a full cave
program (talk about a commute to the dive spot). In any
case, whild not making any rash claims about -inventing
the sport-, I was around ling before there was even a name
for what we do and -Long- before we had ever heard of
WKPP or Whacko-George. When friends of mine who have
been diving wrecks like the Doria for 20 years receive
unsolicited obscene email from a whacko telling them in
the most rude way possible that they are 'unsafe', it's time
for the group to begin noticing that the emperor has no clothes.

Carefull thought given to the proper application of the appropriate
technique for the situation is 'doing it right'. Being dogmatic and
saying that the way that one group does it under one set of circumstances
is silly. Suggesting that divers on the NE wrecks tow a bouy so that the
dive boat knows where they are is stupid, yet is one track upon which
the pompous ass is traveling. Lots of luck getting -that- idea accepted.

I've been around long enough to remember Royal Aqua Masters
being used on the Doria. I remember the first poney bottle that we
ever saw. I brazed copper tubing between K valves to make ideal
manifolds befre they were available, and had one of the first 25
Unisuits ever sold here in the USA. I've watched this sport since it
was an infant, and realize that the technology changes constantly.
As technology and technique changes, we must keep an open mind
that -our- way may not be the best way. It is most certainly not the ONLY
way. The 'DIR' way is not the only way, it is simply 'A' way.

In closing, if the members of the group have something to say, let's say
it. If what we have to say is lowered to the level of common insults,
count me out. I'll not have an obscene bully lead the path of the sport
that I have dedicated my life to. There are -many- talented divers and
talented leaders. Having a inferiority complex to the point where you
feel compelled to belittle the accomplishements and techniques of others
does not make one a leader of anything that I'm going to take part in.
A good diver must not only be a good technician, he must be a good shipmate.
Certain guys are one. Cerain are the other. A

Dave Sutton

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