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From: "Grant Jones" <grant@ow*.fr*.co*.uk*>
To: "techdiver" <>, "Skip MacElhannon" <skipmac@cs*.co*>
Subject: Re: Slick of GRants
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 22:01:57 +0100
skip wrote:

>Are you listening?
>I would guess at least 10-12 members (myself included, in a number of
>posts, written as logically and politely as I could manage) have explained
>that the DIR message has been given repeatedly, in detail, with diagrams,
>logical explanations, ad infinitum.

    Where?, don't just say "we did it", tell me where, so I can read them

  Guess what?  The unrepentant strokes
>respond exactly the way you are responding to all the posts trying to
>answer your repeated bleating.
>To summarize, the response from the confirmed DIW (Doing It Wrong for the
>slow starters) crowd to polite logic is typically "huh" or sometimes "duh"
>and always ignoring the logic.  This seems to be the direction your replies
>have taken

    I hear lots of people saying "we KEEP telling people", I dont want to
hear that, I want to know what you've told them, so how about directions to
where its wrote down, taped, or otherwise recorded.

..  I cannot decided if you have a reading comprehension problem,
>if you are just one of the deep air diving morons masquerading as an
>enquiring mind to stir the pot a little,

    Wrong, no deep air here, I stay well within my limits

or just masochistic and needed a
>little on line abuse.

    I certainly don't need it.........

  Whichever, the bottom line is you are ignoring the
>message and content of every response to your complaints and keep repeating
>the same tired whine, "all the DIR guys are soooo mean, no one can ever

    So give me sources, then I can leave the insults behind and go learning

And you wonder why some get exasperated and resort to profanity
>and more?

    Not really, I've met many yanks.........


>At 06:24 PM 8/22/99 +0100, you wrote:
>>    If it was b/, then you would proberly have a very bloody nose, why not
>>just explain the difference and tell people of their faults, I.e. people
>>have been killed wearing this model -  fairly straight forward, don't you
>>    Grant
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: bdi@wh*.ne* <bdi@wh*.ne*>
>>To: techdiver <>
>>Date: 22 August 1999 08:37
>>Subject: Re: Slick of GRants
>>>At 12:39 AM 22/8/99 +0100, Grant Jones wrote:
>>>>    Is it any wonder that dir is so slow getting off the
>>>>ground, with this sort of attitude, towards people who want
>>>>to learn about it?
>>>I've been meaning to speak to you about the attitude, Grant.
>>>You really ought to open up a little. Look and learn instead
>>>of ducking and weaving. Otherwise your attitude is going to
>>>get someone killed. Probably one of your students.
>>>And while we're on the subject of ducking and weaving, you
>>>still haven't answered the question....
>>>>>Grant, which do you find more insulting...
>>>>>a) I tell you you're a great guy while I sell you a set of bungy
>>>>>wings that *I* know (and you don't) have been implicated in several
>>>>>diving deaths, or
>>>>>b) I tell you you're a long-stroke, dipshit wanker if you dive
>>>>>and recommend bungy wings that let go the OP valve before they
>>>>>inflate fully and have been implicated in at least three deaths.
>>>rgds billyw
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