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Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 17:46:55 -0700 (PDT)
To: tomeasop@mi*.co*
From: Kevin Rottner <Kevin@So*.co*>
Subject: Re: Composition of a man's soul
Cc: "Techdiver list" <>
>> The key is Personal Preparation ( Mind, Body, Spirit, Dive gear and Rescue
>> Gear ), Prediction and Planning. It seems you have already made a decision
>> in advance that you would not blow a deco obligation to surface a victim.
>> Joel and I would. In fact, I have, and went right back down to my deepest
>> stop and followed the protocols. Victim lived, I was dopplered and did not
>> have ANY bubbles.

>Again, good for you. What I said was on an exposure beyond 200 fsw after 30 min
>I don't think its wise if your victim has had the same exposure. That exposure
>is key, mr. rescue. Good rescuers can make that split second judgement
>their effectiveness and their risk.. What was the deco you blew off? What was
>your victims. Let's have some details instead of more chest pounding. And while
>your filling us in, please comment on if you think the average tech diver lives
>up to your years-sharp-well-honed skills.

Don't patronize me. Carefully re-read my post and I believe you will see
that that that I said we disagreed on what we are willing to do for a fellow
diver or a fellow human being. In your post you state " I was tought (sic)
and believe no one survives a blow up. " Well who the hell taught you this
?? You never say retreat, you never quit, you never give up when it's a
human life at stake. Because the greedy true fact is that if you are the one
on the board, with a green cylinder between your legs, you hope that that's
the philosophy of those caring for you.

As for exposure, a fun little spot off Southern California called Farnsworth
Banks, 220 feet for 23 minutes. Another time Osborne Banks 180 feet for 27
minutes. Short times but that's how I dive when I dive deep. Because I think
about every contingency that I can ever think of, and as I dive I come up
with more. I never let my mind write checks that my ass can't cash. Two
times I surfaced a fellow diver with my computers screaming. Once the diver
was conscious, but almost totally out of gas and freaking out. ( Ever hear
the SSSHRRRINGGGG of a cylinder with about 100 PSI in it. )

Once the diver was unconscious, and required three table 6A's to fix him and
a garage sale to sell off every piece of dive gear a month later. I got
sucked into the two year long litigation as a witness on that one, got
bounced around like a ping pong ball during two depositions, all for just
trying to help, and being dumb enought to give my name and ophone number to
the wife of the diver. Yes, it was a learning experience in many different ways.

>Now try and justify your bullshit.

Remember that case of good Scotch you and Joel were talking about ?? Well
that's what it will cost you. 

If you are calling me a liar, or do not believe me when I say 37 (
thirty-seven ) rescues, call me on it. In fact, I will admit right now that
I was lying, because I don't know the exact number. I apologize to you and
the list. But after my post I really though about it. The number is in
excess of that, far in excess. But if you want to call me a liar, then I
will document 40 in the LAST THREE YEARS ALONE. I will give you rough dates,
but exact dive sites and exact and verifiable witness names and their phone
numbers or e-mail addresses. You can call and e-mail and verify the
witnesses, then report back to the list if in fact I am a liar, or if in
fact I can document 40 aquatic rescues ( majority scuba ) over the last
three years. You can take this off line, or on line, but that offer stands.
And all it will cost either you or me is our reputation and a case of
scotch. One of which I consider extremely valuable and the other is just old

> I offered simple explanations about a specific scenario and what I would
do, and
what I think others should do.

No, you didn't. What you said is that you would do NOTHING for a fellow
diver in trouble and you advised other divers to do NOTHING and that sir
comes just about as close to pushing my PISSED-OFF button as you will ever
get without discussing politics. I stated I would do just about anything to
save a human life, and that's where we parted company on the philosophical
path. You are promoting a way of thinking that could cause people to allow
an incident to turn into and accident, and an accident into a death.

Flame war off if that suits you, or simply respond that you believe I am a liar.

As for the scotch, I'll make space for it in my house as I anticipate your


"Don't forget your history,
 Know your destiny,
 In the abundance of water,
 The fool is thirsty."

Robert Nesta Marley

                                                    o           o
                                              o           o
                                         o         o
  _____              o         o
  (_/\_)        o   o  o
 =( )=   oo

Kevin Rottner
Southern California SCUBA

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