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Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 10:55:33 -0400
To: Raimo4252@ao*.co*
From: "J.T. Barker" <captjt@mi*.co*>
Subject: Re: Wreck Death
At 09:10 AM 7/7/98 EDT, you wrote:
>As you will see my facts were very accurate. I specifically stated what I did
>not know about this death to avoid posting in-accurate information. I simply
>passed along good information. 
>Someone suggested I had a second agenda in a private e-mail to me. No second
>agenda here. Perhaps my statement of not knowing what agency, if any, the
>diver was with, was uncalled for.
>Believe me, I am awake, and not pissed off at you, but at the agencies.
>regards, Raimo

Facts are information that one uses to come to a conclusion,the facts that
you posted may very well be true but they are second hand and with your
conclusion posted then the next person passes your conclusion along as
fact.I was under the impression that in rescue class that we are told only
to decuss the facts, personal
feelings should be kept to ones self.Am I wrong?I do know that this is an
open form,but all the facts are not in.I would like to know all the facts
and not second hand.I am not giving you a hard time about the facts,but the
fact that with little or no facts you come up with this

supposedly this was the divers second trip to the Doria. I do not know what
>type of training and experience the diver had.
>This sounds like lack of experience and training to me, and a decision by
>in-experienced Doria diver going into the wreck where he does not belong.
>It's time the agencies start weeding out their incompetent instructors -
>are too many out there that don't give a shit about diving.

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