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From: "David Shimell (shimell)" <shimell@se*.co*>
To: "'Jim Cobb'" <cobber@ci*.co*>
Cc: Tech Diver <>
Subject: RE: Pony Bottles
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 98 12:50:00 GMT

I agree with your other points that I have snipped but have some views on   
your points on the pressure gauge:

> -How do you check the pressure of your pony while underwater?
> -If you use a gauge, how do you have the gauge rigged?

Why put a pressure gauge on the pony cylinder in the first place.  This   
is a point of failure.  Gauges are only needed on stages if they are   
breathed to thirds - you have to know the contents to know when to stop   
breathing from them.

BSAC train the following practice.  Breath your primary supply down to   
the reserve level (i.e. the pressure at which you planned to be back on   
the boat), then switch to the backup supply (pony in this case).  This   
ensures that the reserve in your primary remains intact at this point and   
that the correct functioning of the pony is confirmed.  Once on the pony   
it can be breathed down until breathing resistance is felt and then the   
switch is made back to the primary supply reserve.

The need for a pony pressure gauge is even more reduced if the diver   
adopts an incorrect procedure and breaths the primary dry before   
switching to the pony - you either have enough gas or you don't - a   
pressure gauge really doesn't help.

The pressure gauge on the pony is a comforter and nothing else!

Now, just to counter my own point: I guess a poorly trained, poorly   
configured recreational diver (a Scubie Doo) may feel a bit aghast at the   
idea of doing a regulator switch or two in a stressed situation and even   
more aghast at not having the comfort of knowing the pony pressure.

David Shimell
Project Manager, Sequent Computer Systems Ltd, Weybridge, UK
Email: shimell@se*.co*

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