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From: "Chris Calvert" <chrisc@bc*.co*.nz*>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 14:25:34 +0000
Subject: Re: V-weights
CC: Tech Diver <>, Cavers Mailing List <cavers@ge*.co*>
> When melting lead need to have everything ready to do it without having to

And DO NOT pour water on it to cool it down. I know someone who did 
this when making sinkers and they still have the facial scars from 
when it exploded splattering molten lead everywhere. Wait until it is 
completely cold before playing with it.


Chris Calvert, Engineering Manager
Business Computers Ltd, Christchurch
New Zealand. Ph +64 3 359 5556 Fax +64 3 359 5975
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