I'm a TDI Instructor for the Atlantis, and I know there's a few others on this list. I know that by using the Atlantis rebreather formula you can go outside the normal 60, 50, 40, 32 EAN mixtures to gain a balance between depth (MOD) and Dive time, (i.e. 138, 105, 75, and 51 Minutes). Can you share some of the combinations that you may have actually tried and that work well. I'm looking for the best balance, I'd like to get say 138 Minutes, or say 3, 40 minute dives, with a MOD of 80 FSW. This would require the 5.8LPM flow meter with say a mix of 45% EAN. At an ATA of 1.6 a MOD of 84, and a bag mix of about 21% depending on Workload LPM (approx. 1.75). Or say, two 45 minute dives with a MOD of 100FSW. This would require EAN 40 with a flow of 7.6LPM again giving a bag mix of about 21% at 1.75LPM Workload. Any thoughts, or observations would be appreciated. Steve Merenkov, PADI, IANTD, and TDI Instructor, Gas Blender, O2 technician. Steve_merenkov@ms*.co*
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