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From: J Shepherd <jms@ta*.ed*.ac*.uk*>
Subject: Re: O2 Narcotic Properties
To: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.ha*.or*>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 96 16:41:19 BST
	Despite most people never facing exposures greater than 1.6bar
(hopefully 1.4, eh?) the issue of O2 narcosis is significant in the
selling of Nitrox to newbies on the basis of reduced narcosis. I do not
know if any agencies use this as a sales point, but I do know that users

	Heck some people even believe it keeps you warmer because of the
higher O2 metabolism (ANDI qualified Nx user).

	What strikes me as odd is that serious users who have developed
the mixes themselves and use for deco, etc, have never reported this
relief from Narcs, but those who have wasted bucks on it at a shop all
seem to think it's the biggest effect...

	So the rest of the world could do with an answer; in fact it's
you guys who don't really need to know.


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