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Date: Thu, 27 Jun 96 10:02:57 -0400
From: Carl Heinzl <cgh@ma*.ai*.mi*.ed*>
To: emdx@ac*.ne*
Subject: Why do you want a rebreather?

You need to DIVE for a few more *years* (or at least a few hundred
more dives) before you even THINK about a rebreather... How many dives
have you EVER done in your WHOLE life?  How long have you been diving,
not long I believe.

I have a lot of dives under my belt and I'd like one for uw video, but
even with that, I'm not about to run out and buy one, and it has
NOTHING to do with cost, I've already spent about $6k in dive equpment
this year alone.

The "challenge" is probably the worst reason to buy one of these
things, just like the "challenge" of going deep is probably the worst
reason to do that...


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