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Date: Mon, 24 Jun 96 17:05:27 -0400
From: Carl Heinzl <cgh@ma*.ai*.mi*.ed*>
Subject: Message from Chuck Jones - Cozumel
I've taken the liberty of reformatting it slightly but have not
changed one word...  I didn't write it, I'm just passing it along.

To All Of My Friends in the Teaching, Scientific and Cave Diving Communities:

     This is a general advisory message as to what has happened  and  is
happening here at this moment.

     Just in case some of you do not know, I  was  arrested  along  with
five (5) others on Sunday afternoon of the 16th of June and charged with
the "SACKING"of a historical monument.  The local government is charging
that  myself  along  with others have robbed valuable artifacts from the
country of Mexico solely for monetary gain. They arrested all 6  of  the
members  of  the recovery team,including the Mex. official from INHA who
is also the archeologist in charge of the San Gervasio ruin here on  the
island.  They  held us all in jail for 3 days and seized our automobiles
and  all  equipment  for  diving,and  that  of  the  photographers   and
videographers  who  were  there  to  document  this great multi cultural
rescue of Mayan history. Local press  had  been  invited  to  cover  the

The truth is this:

     The recovery of artifacts from the Cenote Chuu  Ha  was  under  the
supervision  of  an  archaeologist  of  the  federal  agency  INAH ( The
National  Institute  of  Anthropology  and  History).  The  project  was
arranged  with  all  local  and  federal  agencies  notified. All of the
problems  that  now  exist  are  due  primarily  to  squabbling  between
government agencies.

     There were six people involved in  the  recovery.  There  were  two
Americans,myself being one of them, one Canadian, and three Mexicans.

     Myself and one other cave diver were chosen because of the location
of  the  artifacts.  We  were  chosen  because we had the knowledge, and
experience to do what was necessary to aid  in  the  recovery  of  these
artifacts.  And  for  all  to know: THERE WERE NO COINS OF GOLD!!! THERE
are  talking  about the rescue of water jugs........WATER JUGS.!!!!!!!!!
The stories we hear are so far fetched that we are laughing at them. And
to  top  all  this off, the officials who confiscated the artifacts have
mishandled the items so that they are now of no value  to  the  research
agencies.   We  were  asked  by the INAH representative to assist in the
recovery with no compensation for time or equipment. Our only reason for
doing  this was to aid in the recovery of a piece of history which would
benefit the country as a whole. We had no idea that  this  would  become
such a big issue.

     As of the writing of this message, we are waiting  to  see  if  the
case  is  going  to continue to the federal level. We will not know more
until Monday. We want to let all  of  you  know  that  this  could  have
happened  to  any  one  of you. We were assisting an official of a major
federal agency with all arrangements  made,  and  now  we  face  federal
charges  and  a  possible sentencing in a FEDERAL PENITENTUARY. There is
nothing for sure in Mexico.

        W Y A (   Watch Your A.....S )

     Please notify all cave divers to this  incident.  If  this  is  not
resolved by Monday, We are going to go international with this issue.

     I am hoping that I will be around after Monday to  advise  further.
If it is possible to do so, I will be going online on the CAVER FORUM on
Monday night to talk direct with all who are interested.

     This is like a nightmare. I would have never in my  wildest  dreams
think  that  this  could happen. It just goes to show that even when you
have the best of intentions and try to follow the rules, you  can  still
find yourself in a real fix.

     I will hopefully be in touch with all of you  later.  You  may,  of
course, contact me thru this address.

                                         Chuck Jones
                                         PADI 40695

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