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From: <George.Irvine@m2*.in*.co*>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 09:06:43 -0800
Subject: Re: Welcome Rob Wolov
To: Robert Wolov <wolov@hi*.co*>, <>
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*

On Sat, 2 Mar 96, Robert Wolov <wolov@hi*.co*> wrote:

>Strong personalities? I should hope so! It's one of your survival 
>mechanisms that permit you to go where you go to do what you do. 
>(otherwise you'd just stay in bed where it's safe and *read* about life 
>Robb Wolov  

    Rob, you have figured the whole deal out - this is why the weenies have 
hated me from day one - I am doing what they are afraid to do and doing it with 
a woodie and loving it the whole time - the big difference between me and them, 
and the exact source of their attacks - fear of themselves.

    They will never know what it is like for me and JJ and Casey when, after
of the preparation, we can get so ridiculously far out there and pass notes
and forth about where to have dinner, or to watch Bill Gavin riding in front of 
me in brand new power cave, laying line, riding his scooter upside down and 
laughing. - G

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