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From: <George.Irvine@m2*.in*.co*>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 05:17:28 -0800
Subject: Re: buying tanks w/o valves
To: kent lind <klind@rd*.no*.go*>,

On Fri, 01 Mar 1996, kent lind <klind@rd*.no*.go*> wrote:
>A local shop just told me that they cannot sell tanks w/o valves and that none 
>of their distributors will do so either because they are tested/inspected as a 
>unit.  Does this sound correct to you folks?  

   Kent, this is typical PADI officious weenery. The key to these guys is to do 
no business with them. I can give you numbers to call to get anything you want, 
any way you want it, and you will not have to talk to a know-it-all dive 
instructor or other ranking PADI strokes. We buy our tanks from Sports
still in the box with the valve separate. The guy there, luckily , does not
know how to dive, so I don't have to listed to any officious PADI wisdom. For 
steel tanks, call Divers Supply or OMS - they will mail them to you. If you
the correct Argon bottle, call Brent Scarabin. - G

>I have a couple of 3/4" yoke valves left over from converting to DIN valves on 
>my main tanks and I'd like to use my extra yoke valves on pony bottles.  Seems 
>like I should be able to order pony bottles w/o valves since I already have 
>the valves.  Anyone know of a U.S. mail order source that will sell pony 
>bottles w/o valves?
>Kent Lind
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