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From: <gmiii@in*.co*>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 1996 06:20:50 -0800
Subject: Re: DIN fitting compatibilities?
To: kent lind <klind@rd*.no*.go*>
  Kent, the hp steel tanks are useless. They hold little more air than a pumped 
up 80, they have  5/8" neck, and they have the wrong buoyancy characteristics 
for either doubles or stages. Avoid them.

  Sherwood does not make a 200 bar din al 80 tank valve to my knowledge. I use 
the Sherwood 300 bar valve with the 3/4 inch neck that will fit all al tanks
al lp steel tanks.

  The regulators have nothing to do with the tanks, and will work on both types 
of valves, but as you can see, the threads are not adequate for peace of mind. 

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