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Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 17:30:11 -0800
From: "George M. Irvine III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: LIES, LIES and more LIES in Rodale's Scuba Diving
To: iantdhq@ix*.ne*.co* (IANTD )
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*,
  Tom , this is complete and utter bullshit. They did 129 dives, we did 3 in A 
Tunnel, adding a 3/4 of a MILE to their line, and two dives in B, adding 1800
the first and 500 on the second, where it walled out.  We did the dive they did 
on 220 cubic feet of gas , not 1000. Now I know why all of you are hoping for 

  You continue to ignore reality. Wakulla has been blacked out for two years. 
There is no set of circumstances under which the playing field could be tilted 
to allow what you are suggesting.

  Let me parphrase what you are saying: IF those guys were to do it right, and 
IF they were to take it as seriously as we do, and IF they were in the shape we 
are in , and IF they had enough time (more than 129 dives), then they MIGHT be 
able to do what we did in two dives. NO SHIT.

   If they had wings they could fly, too. To quote, "Balls said the Queen, if I 
had them I'd be King".

n Fri, 23 Feb 1996, iantdhq@ix*.ne*.co* (IANTD ) wrote:
>You definetly have the record at Wakulla, everyone knows that except 
>maybe the magazine. If you write the editor he will correst it.
>Also the extra line was not laid in a single dive but over a long 
>period of time, as each time you dive a system and have more line 
>already in it , it becomes easier and you know the cave better so this 
>combined with god equipment config and TECHNIQUE is the key to WKPP's 
>outstanding accomplishments in exploration. 
>But! Who knows given equal time in the same cave maybe they too would 
>have pushed out as far , We will never know the answer to that one. 
>Personally I do not know if they would would even be interested in 
>pushing it to the point you have, it does take dedication to do it. 
>Most of you guys live, eat and sleep wakulla thus you have more 
>motivation than anyone else to do these things. keep it up, a lot of 
>good is comming from it. 
>Yes, they did overburden themselves with equipment and that hindered 
>the exploration.
>You wrote: 
>>   Rick, we put it out 6500 feet, and put in some side tunnels out 
>there as 
>>well. It took 400 cubic feet of gas to do that, or less than half what 
>it took 
>>them to go 60% of the distance, and it took us 16 more minutes to do 
>the dive 
>>wtih slower scooters. The dive where we added 1800 feet of line took 
>320 cubic 
>>feet, and we did it in one more minute than they did, or went 50% 
>further on one 
>>third the gas in the same time, and decompressed for one third the 
>>   Looks like "doing it right" has its merrits, yet these guys 
>continue to teach 
>>people to do it the wrong way, as do all of their groupies. Maybe 
>BillMain is 
>>right - they just don't want to have to admit is. They freely admit we 
>>better at it than anyone, and that is obvious, but the reasons why we 
>are better 
>>at it is what they refuse to acknowledge. 
>>   My contention is that almost anyone who does it right does it 
>better, unless 
>>you all believe we posess some magic. Do it right and it is easier. - 

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