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Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 14:40:56 -0500 (EST)
From: Roger Herring <afn03632@fr*.uf*.ed*>
To: Dan Volker <dlv@ga*.ne*>
cc: iang@wo*.ne*,
Subject: Re:Diving over Thanksgiving

On Mon, 6 Nov 1995, Dan Volker wrote:

> If its cave diving you are after, you should fly into the Gainesville 
> Florida area and start at Ginnie Springs, followed by Blue Grotto and 
> Paradise Springs (read and see photos of them in the SOUTH FLORIDA DIVE 
> JOURNAL if you have Netscape or equivalent web browser, at 
> If you get to Ginnie, look for Jarrad Jablonski a cave instructor and more 
> importantly, a WKPP member. He may have some good suggestions on other  
> caves not commonly dived by the public , and considering WKPP is the top 
> Cave group in the USA, they would be good for you to check into anyway.
Wait a minute Dan. The Ginnie suggestion is good. Howver, if it's serious 
cave diving would not other sites fairly close to Ginnie be much more 
appropriate for cave diving, e.g. Little River, Peacock Springs, Madison, 

Blue Grotto and Paradise Spring are Cavern Dives. This is not 
to imply that they are not worth at least one dive. However, if I was 
coming this far to cave dive, I would catch these sites on the way home 
if I had time.

For a decent description of sites near and around the North Central 
Florida area visit Ken's (the cave list moderator) home page at:

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