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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 10:42:18 -0700
To: iantdhq@ix*.ne*.co* (IANTD )
Cc:, cavers@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*
  Tom, I tried to call you, but you were in a meeting. I 
caught it early this morning, only because they were the 
first two messages that came up .Normally, I do not read
anything posted by me -it's usually too offensive.

  I was wondering why you sent me that other message,
since you were only telling me what I alread knew, becasuse
it never showed on  my version of the list (the bit about
Lockwood and you and Hires swimming.

  But the only inaccuracy in you message is the part about
me not sharing infomation with Dive Rite - I have tried to
help them for five years - I offered to let them copy my
aluminum scooter, my light, and other things. I told them
the problems with some of their stuff, like the wings. In
fact. the cure for the wings I GOT FROM HIRES. Why they
never did it in production, I will never understand. I have
three sets of four year old DR winfgs that havbe never leaked
thanks to HIres, but everyone else's look like they took
a direct hit with #8 birdshot. I gave Hires a set of my finstraps
to copy. He wears them himself, but copy - NO F'ING Way -anything
from George can;t possibley be right. After all, I am dangerous
and I cheat on air. OMS is the same story - I went diving with
Deans, and he had Griffeths ther. I offered the same things to
him, and he told ne he had better stuff. Keep in mind, thast
he was their taking lessons, I was ther helping Deans buoy a
wreck. GO FIGURE. The diving industry is overpopulated with 
strokes who do no real diving, but havbe all of the answers.
I don;t mean Hires either, he at least dives and recommends
swimming before scootering, a good idea.  

      Anyway, you are getting so tame with your flames that
I never saw anything opffensive enough to appologize for.
You might want to appologize to Lockwood for accusing him of 
diving with Ed Dady. Berman told me he got into the silver
closet on the Doria with Dady, and as he was loading his bag,
he looked over and saw Dady unloading lobsters from the other
cabinet into his bag. The lobsters got looswes, and Dady tried
to chase them until they both had to dive for the line.  - G

On Fri, 27 Oct 1995, iantdhq@ix*.ne*.co* (IANTD ) wrote:
>I apologize to you, I reacted to the fake message by JT. I will try and 
>be certain that when I read something that it really is from you. Peace 
>ok. I can understand this as someone was faking mail from me a weelk or 
>two back.
>Sure would like to know who JT and RT are. They are sick people and 
>while I do not normally do as you have done on a couple of occassions I 
>would like to invite these people to meet in the woods sometime.
>I guess they like using your address as it insures everyone on the net 
>will read it
>Tom Mount

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