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From: Aaron Pailthorp <aaronp@mi*.co*>
To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Back Plates (Plastic or Stainless)
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 14:28:49 -0700
I also am having the same problems with the OMS pack system. I saw an older 
stainless steel back plate, and liked what I saw. When I got the one I ordered, 
it appeared that OMS had been making changes with their supplier. The steel had 
a different finish, brushed rather than polished. It's been pointed out to me 
by people who's opinion I value that the brushed finish is less of a problem in 
the sun (blinding flashes), which is true. Unfortunately, the finish work was 
poor. There were spots on the plate that looked like someone who had never 
worked with the tools in question had gone to work on, brush marks in every 
which way, over brushing in one area, etc. I was willing to live with the lack 
of a nice finish, but the problems didn't end there. The outer edges of the 
plate and the inner edges around the slot shaped holes are sharp enough so that 
they had quite significantly cut the webbing after only ten dives. I also am 
having problems with some of the stainless steel rings rusting while other 
apparently identical rings (same symmetrical position in the harness) have not. 
It appears that once again, a change in suppliers is leading to problems with 
shipped products. This should not be so.

My pack and harness are in the hands of OMS now. I am hopeful that I will have 
a chance to use a repaired or replaced pack sometime in the not too distant 
future, but given the apparent disregard they have for their customers, I am 
not hopeful.


From: 	David Norton (Excell Data)
Sent: 	Thursday, October 05, 1995 1:32 PM
Subject: 	RE: Back Plates (Plastic or Stainless)

I've had the OMS SS back-plate for about 2 months now.  It is cutting the 
webbing around the shoulder strap holes.  It also has rusting SS rings at the 
crotch strap and right shoulder.  The "d" rings seem to be fine.  When I got it 
I had real concerns about the rust-ability of it.  The plate seems to be fine, 
however the other hardware, I'm really concerned with.

I've dove with ABS backplates and they seem to not hold  twins as well.  I feel 
that the SS backplate gives me a far more stabile platform.

The issues that I and others are having as I've said before on this list is: 
OMS customer service is non-existent.  It took weeks to get my twins (OMS 125's 
with isolation manifold) in.  They ignored all requests for shipping dates. 
 They seem to be doing so well that they feel that they can ignore customers.

I understand that there is someone in Vancouver, BC that is making a Titanium 
coat SS backplate that is drilled for twins with a Sea-Pro pack.  I think that 
it could become a real item to have. No rust, rugged, plus you don't have to 
deal with OMS.  I'll let the list know what I find out when I'm up in Vancouver 
this weekend.

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