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Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 18:18:25 -1000 (HST)
From: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.Ha*.Or*>
To: Roderick Farb <rfarb@em*.un*.ed*>, giii01@in*.co*,
Subject: Re: being nice
I've been thinking about it some more.  No, I wouldn't do it for 30 days 
straight even in warm water.  A week maybe, with no more than two diving 
days in a row.  Incidently, I would be much more willing to do it for 
free as a personal favor to a friend than I would for only $450 a day for 
a stranger. That is **NOT** bullshit!

By the way, if anyone thinks my willingness to do a warm water air dive 
to 220 feet is violating my "practice what I preach" code; you're wrong.  
I preach that deep air diving should not be taught by agencies, and I preach 
that deep air record attempts, for the sake of deep air records, are 
stupid.  You'll note that the main thing I preach is that everyone is 
responsible for their own actions. I am.


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