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From: <giii01@in*.co*>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 1995 10:30:50 -0700
Subject: ANDI
    Thers seems to be some confusion over what I
sadi about ANDI. I just said I have one of their
cards, I have no idea what their standards are. I
merely paid for the course and sat there for two
classroom sessions (it was right near my office)
so that they would fill my tanks at their store.
Thit was six years ago. The guy teaching the class
was dumber than a clam, and I read reasearch 
reports the whole time. He occasionally interrupted
me to ask how to do the math. I use this card
to get nitrox fills when I am not at home. The
only place I ever got a trimix fill outside of
my own garage was at Bill Deans' shop  in Key 
West. Since that was before IANTD existed, c-card
was a moot point.
     All of these agencies need to correct their
standards, and all of them are at the mercy of their
instrutors. I hear throught the grapevine that Mount
is burdened by an especially aggregious lot of strokes
that insist on the macho bullshit.
      Let me make this offer - if you want to get
gas trained, ask me,and I will tell you which 
instructors know what they are doing, and which
are complete assholes. 
       Mount on the other hand needs to tell these
guys what the rules are, not pander to their strokery.
Same goes for deep air Gilliam. Believe me , guys, I
live in the heart of Stokeville, and I see all of the 
macho tec instructors who can't even dive come down here
with students and teach "mix" off of the Reeefcat.
They talk about "hitting 325 in the Nest" and other
bullshit. The max is 302, and that is at the end of
the downstream line. I know, I put it in. 
      You would nopt believe the messages I have 
received from the strokes. Let me respomd to all of
them in advance, "lick my ball bag". - G

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