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Date: Sun, 10 Sep 1995 09:49:51 EDT
From: UXMA73A@pr*.co* ( GEORGE M IRVINE III)
To:, woolfrey@oz*.co*.au*
Subject: Re: IANTD Teaching
      Bernie, could you explain the 1.5 max, 1.4 working PPO2? 
This seems a little ambiguous. For example, I use 1.4 working 
maximum for everything (nitrox or trimix) in conjuction with 130
aed maximum for both nitrox and trimix. At deco, however, I go to
1.6 ppo2 maximum (usually applies only to the beginning of
a gas switch and the twenty foot oxygen stop.
     What I am asking is, which is it 1.5 or 1.4? I am sure
most of you already understand the relationship between 
exposure levels and time, so I won't go into that.  I would 
also like to ask why this is not set at or below known 
levels used in commercial and military diving when this
organization is teaching this to recreational divers. What 
is wrong with this picture?
     Bernie, I am not "directing" this "at" you, but you seem
to know somethning about it and could help us out here.
This is an imprtant issue, and needs serious treatment.
  - George

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