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From: <DP18382@el*.co*.il*>
Organization: ELBIT
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 1995 08:33:54
Subject: RE: Beuchat Maestro Pro followup
[Re Cochran dc's:]
   > The whole wrist unit display flashes when contact is lost with the tank

   >I did a few demo dives with one ~1 year ago, and it did not do this -- well,
   >actually, it did, but only after some very long time.
I hear only bad things on the Beuchat Maestro 
WHY do you still buy it ?

Is MR. Cochran on the net and can answer how he 
is planing to correct those problems.


 Erez Boym                                                 o
 CMas DM, Deep Air,MIX Gas      * Welcome to the      *   oO
 26 Pinsker St', Haifa, Israel  * religion of diving *  OOo
 EMail - dp18382@el*.co*.il*                       _____ o
 Tel   - 972 4 316610                             (_/-\_)
         972 4 222044

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