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From: <giii01@In*.Co*>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 95 20:14:40 PDT
Subject: Re: Neon and Argon usage.
To:, cavers@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*
        What Chris is neglecting to tell you is what I told 
him about the recent studies that have been done, as well
as the past studies. Since Chris choses to be insulting, I 
don't mind reminding everyone that I get my deco information
from people who at least have a small clue what they are
talking about. At least Chris properly named his software,
because it truly is "abysmal", and his pathetic attempts to
advertise this piece of crap are becoming annoying to those
of us who actually do real decompression and mini-sat dives.
That's right, tough guy.  - George

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