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From: <giii01@In*.Co*>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 95 19:12:52 PDT
Subject: Re: German 'Study' of recreational divers and DAMAGE.
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From: giii01@in*.co*
Subject: Re: German 'Study' of recreational divers and DAMAGE.
To: Dan Grimm <daniel.grimm@en*.mo*.ed*.au*>

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Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 15:44:35 GMT+1100
From: Dan Grimm <daniel.grimm@en*.mo*.ed*.au*>
Return-Path: <jr@op*.co*>
Subject: German 'Study' of recreational divers and DAMAGE.

Yesterday in a local (Sun) newspaper was a report that a German study 
had found Brain Lesions in divers and also back damage (neck area) ---
 anyone hear of this with any real information?
 It read as if they only looked at 86 people 1/2 divers. 
Dan Grimm    

        This is true. They did MRI scans and found more damage in 
amateurs than pro's. They used to find spinal and brain lesions in
the older (old style) commercial divers which gave the appearance
that the diver had multiple sclerosis. They concluded it was the
gas of choice by amateurs (air) and the lack of proper deco 
         I have had this test done over the last few years to 
monitor my spine and brain for damage, because of the intense 
diving that I do. So far, the place I go in Lauderdale says it
looks like I've never been diving at all. - George Irvine

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