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From: "MHK" <mhkane@pr*.ne*>
To: "Peter Ramsay" <philidae@ya*.co*>, "aquanaut" <>
Subject: Re: A few thoughts on recent exchanges
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 16:27:15 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Ramsay" <philidae@ya*.co*>
> I remember one incident at Diepolder where a guy died.
>  An Australian, I believe.  It wasn't an IANTD dive,
> it had nothing to do with IANTD, but everybody latched
> onto Mount like vultures screaming that HE was
> responsible for this man's death.  He pointed out the
> man wasn't an IANTD diver, but of course it didn't do
> him any good.

Peter,  I recall that thread, and once again, I'm not looking to re-fight
old battles, but if you look to the specifics of that particular fatality,
you'd see that the diver died because he had a bottle marking system
advocated by IANTD, which did not adequately provide for a series of checks
that could have prevented teh fatality.  Furthermore, if you research that
thread, as I have taken the time to do, you'd note that as a result of that
fatality Tom Mount publicy declared that he was implementing changes to
IANTD standards to prevent futire loss of life.  So I can't see how on the
one hand you can advance an argument that it wasn't an *IANTD* fatality when
it was IANTD's bottle marking scheme is question, adn when you have the head
of the agency making public statements about the changes to standards.  But
as I've said this isn't the time to re-fight old battles, but it speaks to
teh point that I'm trying to highlight, that if you take a second to look
objectively at what is going on, the anti-DIR crowd was defending, yet
another, fatality that resulted from using procedures other then DIR.  The
whole point is that George seems to always point out what could have saved
the life, and teh anti-DIR crowd seems to always defend the procedure that
just got someone killed.  SO you have a choice, and for my money I'll choose
the system that doesn't always need defending because of fatalities.

You also wrote:

George Irvine is a great diver, but a lousy ambassdor
for DIR.  As his friend, you do him no favors by being
one of his apologists.

I'm doing not such thing.  I'm not apologizing for anything George says or
does.  Last time I checked, George was a big boy and could handle himself
just fine, what I was offering was an opportunity for some to get a fresh
perspective.  George has an ample history on this list, and some of the new
people to the list may very well be unaware of the fact that several people
have taken very public stances against DIR, and then shortly after their
public tirade they have wound up dead because of the very arguments that
they had advanced.  Garrett Weinberg's fatality comes to mind in that
regard.  I took the time to research and post several public forums that
people who opposed George's view's made very public declarations that
George's system is too inflexible, and then therefore inherintley flawed,
and then within months of some of those public declarations the spokesperson
wound up dead..  Some may choose to obfuscate the facts and misdirect the
attention to behavioral issues, I simply invited the list to ignore the
antics and look to the facts and stay focused on the facts and not the


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