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From: "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>
To: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>, "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>
Cc: "Joe" <joe@po*.co*>,
     "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" ,
Subject: RE: Back to the issues - Capt. CF - was Re: Dangerous Idiot was RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / WAS - Cheap parts?
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 06:40:38 -0400
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No, moron, you still don't get it. Joe and the others who have them have had
them for years. They don't need me for anything, I taught Joe how to do
anything and everything on a scooter quite some time ago. Barnette dives
constantly, and he has been nice enough to take the newer experimental
scooters out and dive them, give me feedback, check them out afterwards, and
help me get the right combinations for wreck diving. He is not a moron or a
resentful little asshole like you - he tells me exactly what is going on and
is not looking to argue about it. I then can see what is working , and what
is not working.

It is a little different when an experienced person like Barnette tells me
something than when an illiterate, half wit who does not know his ass from
first base tries to tell me how the cow ate the cabbage.

I should be paying Barnette for all the testing he has done.

Now, dumb ass, look at it this way: Barnette does not need to risk his dives
on my experiments, but he does. Why? Because so far there has been no risk.
Why? Because he is not one of Jerry's Kids like you are.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]
  Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 9:24 PM
  To: George Irvine; George Irvine; Jim Cobb; George Irvine
  Cc: Joe; Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com; vbtech@ci*.co*
  Subject: RE: Back to the issues - Capt. CF - was Re: Dangerous Idiot was
RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / WAS - Cheap

  At 08:52 PM 8/26/02 -0400, George Irvine wrote:

     Barnette tests them for me,

  No wonder we got fucked and even a more reason for you to protect him.

    as do others not in his group. Get a grip. Have you not made enough of
an ass out of yourself for this month, year and decade?

    From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]
    Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 8:39 PM
    To: George Irvine; Jim Cobb; George Irvine
    Cc: Joe; Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com; vbtech@ci*.co*
    Subject: RE: Back to the issues - Capt. CF - was Re: Dangerous Idiot was
RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / WAS - Cheap

        Well, now that we know the AUE guys are buying the scooters from
you, we now know that is why you like them. They will not get on hear and
tell everyone if they are having any problems with them, the code of silence
thing again.

        Cobb. did you notice he has not answered the Mike Pizzo thing, we
know that Mike dives with the AUE group and unless they can prove it is not
the same Mike Pizzo involved with this

    then they are part of the side show.......

     At 06:35 PM 8/23/02 -0400, George Irvine wrote:

      Jim, I told you all they were prototype and to work with me on any
issues. JT is incapable of doing that due to his false pride. I don't care
how many screwups he has had, I am not "hammering" him over anything but his
unwillingness to learn and his unwillingness to ask. I am hammering him over
doing the same things over and over. He just keeps telling me I  don't know
and that he does know, and that is clearly a function of his having no clue
what he is talking about and no willingness to listen to those who know a
hell of a lot more than he does. Andrew G told me exactly the same thing
about his efforts with JT. He is a waste of time.

      You got the first one of those scooters I ever made. You were supposed
to stay in touch with me to work out any issues .You will recall that I used
two different winds of experimental motors on your scooters. So far I have
only heard from one of  you about anything , and nothing from that idiot JT
other than his slop on the lists.

      Barnette and the others who have them, on the other hand, keep me
updated on the conditions of the scooters. There are now several of the
wreck scooters in existence, and several hundred of the cave scooters. The
military has several, police forces have them, most organized ( non stroke)
dive teams have them, and the two record holding distance dive teams have
them. Once the motor and other issues are certain, you can install which
ever clutch you want and locktite if you want, but the thing will not come
unscrewed unless the clutch is pushed back from the shear pin or the screw
is stripped , which will happen if it is removed and replaced more than one
time. Sure, it would be nice if them made them with a reverse thread, but
they do not, so other solutions must be used.

      All any of you have to do is ask, but that is just too much for a
moron like JT and the rest of you are listening to that clown. He never had
a real scooter before, what the hell makes you think he has any clue what is
what with this one?

      Personally, I do not locktite mine, I use the minimum number of
washers so it will slip if I put my pinkie in the blades, and that does not
put enough pressure on the screw to unwind it. If you guys need something
different,  you need to talk to me about it, or you will not get a solution
from the person who knows best.

      And, just so you know, the people who specify that they want what I
ride, which is a Magnum PVC Gavin with expensive batteries and clutch rigged
loose, get just that only it costs more money.Certainly a lot more than JT
was willing to spend. Reinhard and Michael with their team and fleet of
these scooters just yesterday pushed Doux de Coly Cave out to over 18,000
feet. Reinhard has no problem discussing how every little thing we do is
done directly with me, and he has the results to prove it, just as have the
results using the rebreather he built for me.

      You can share information with the best, or you can fight and argue
with the best. I have been making scooters, winding motors, sharing data
,technology and information and receiving data and information from the best
for years. Most of you have a real hard time doing that due to self-imposed
ego restraints ( not you personally, Jim, but your boy and others like him).

      In any event, the wreck scooters is the best thing for boat diving and
the other is the best for cave diving, and I can recommend what is needed
for each type of condition and do it for the least amount of money. You do
not need what I ride to do what you guys go, and in fact I use what you use
when I do that kind of diving. As anyone, including you yourself know, I am
ALWAYS accessible by phone or email. Wait, I take that back. Last night when
Reinhard called me to tell me he was ok and back safely from his record
dive, I did not hear the phone ring due to being 8 rows back at Pompano
Beach Amphitheatre listening to Dream Theatre and Joe Satriani, but I did
phone him back this morning to hear about his dive .

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Jim Cobb [mailto:cobber@ci*.co*]
        Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 11:03 AM
        To: George Irvine
        Cc: Joe; Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com; vbtech@ci*.co*; Capt JT
        Subject: Re: Back to the issues - Capt. CF - was Re: Dangerous Idiot
was RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / WAS - Cheap


        I don't feel I need to defend JT, he is a big boy and can do that
himself. But I do need to call bullshit when I see it. Yes you guys did come
up and dive with us and I appreciate it. JT appreciated it too, he opened
his house up to both you, JJ on your visit and then to Andrew and Mike when
they came up to teach the fundamentals class.

        JT has bent over backwards to hear the DIR/GUE side of the story.
Hell, we all went down there to return the favor and see how you guys do it.
Why JT wants to butt heads with you over every little thing, I guess you
have to ask JT, because I don't know. I do know that when I did deep dives
the person I wanted to have on the boat was JT because he sweats the
details, and therein lies the devil, as you well know. You and several other
people on this list are slamming JT for having a few screwed up dives. The
reason you know about these screwed up dives is that he told you, me and
everybody else about what happened. JT broke the "code of silence" which is
apparently alive and well and fully enforced down there in Florida.

        And there are so many assholes and idiots out there doing goofy,
dangerous shit:

        Did you know that Mike Pizzio is involved with this clusterfuck
waiting to happen? Where the hell is DIR now? This is the kind of crap you
and Joe need to be hammering, not JT.

        As far as this pissing match over the scooters, I am dismayed over a
couple of things. For one I feel responsible for all the guys purchasing
your scooter after you sold me that prototype. The guys saw the logic of
getting a scooter for depth as, once you get one, you realize that a scooter
is not a lazy way to get around but a actual piece of life support
equipment. A scooter can save your ass on a deep dive, conserve your gas and
keep you from getting bent.

        And the fact is that while your scooters have the engineering down
better than anyone else, your QA sucks and everybody had problems with their
scooters other than me. It made me look bad and I don't like that any more
than you do. I have no doubt in my mind that you stick behind your products
100% up to and including buying them back if the customer is not satisfied.
What would be better, and what everybody wants, is not to ship the scooter
back for a refund, but that the darn things are de-bugged before shipment.
If we are to do the debugging, fine, that should be stated and it never was.

        All this clutch bruhaha is not about the clutch at all. It is about
a screw backing out allowing a sacrificial clutch component to fry out.
Hell, one prop assembly fell apart in the water right after the diver
entered the water. This is not encouraging stuff for something we consider
life support equipment. As far as the guys were concerned they had just
bought the scooter that went 18,000 ft and is used by some of the best
divers on earth. I figure that problem would be solved by just using
lock-tight on this critical screw, the fix would be that simple.

        Instead this has become a full-blown pissing match between two
people who I like and respect and I hate to see it happen. I truly wish you
and JT would figure out this scooter thing and make the "wrecker special" as
reliable as the "cave special" as I'm sure it can be. You have some powerful
proponents of the DIR system here in Virginia Beach and it would really be a
shame if they were all alienated over a dumb screw.

        I know that you have been around a long time, George, and I also
know that you are almost invariably right (much to the consternation of many
on this list). But I think you are wrong about JT. You two may never see eye
to eye but JT is very much into not only himself surviving the dive but
everybody else on the boat, within the realm of reality. Those last 5 words
are very important. You can strive to gain true DIR precepts, but at some
point you have to bow to reality or quit diving. It's like taking a
half-step to a wall, you will always get closer and closer but you won't
ever actually get there. At some point you have to deal with your situation
and do the best you can. And JT and others up here are doing the best they
can with what they've got.


        On Friday, August 23, 2002, at 06:49 AM, George Irvine wrote:

        Jim, a bunch of us came up there and dove with all of you and JT did
        want to hear anything from us about how we think it should be done.
I came
        up later and went over all of it again. Andrew G came up there and
did it
        one more time. JT will listen to nobody, and somebody or sombodies
will die
        as a result. Quit defending the guy. He is wrong, and there is no
hiding his
        attitude about diving. I think he is a lost cause and needs to be
given a
        wide berth. Even if he did things "right", his head is in a
dangerous place.

        I have been around a long time, Jim, and I have yet to be wrong
        something like this. The best advice I can give anyone is to avoid
        who think this way.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Jim Cobb [mailto:cobber@ci*.co*]
        Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 9:35 PM
        To: Joe
        Cc: Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com; trey@my*.ne*; vbtech@ci*.co*;
        Subject: Re: Back to the issues - Capt. CF - was Re: Dangerous Idiot
        RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / WAS -

        Hey Joe, you are down there and I am up here. I can state without
        reservation that you don't know what in the fuck you are talking

        Believe me I know what it's like sitting behind a keyboard and
        at people. But at least I do a half-assed attempt to get the facts
        straight, something you obviously have not done.
        If you have a problem with JT you need to come up here and dive and
        show us how it's done. If you don't want to do that then why don't
        shut the fuck up.

        If you can prove to me that you have never done an deep dive on
        anything other than a perfect boat with perfect support and perfect
        partners and every single one of your dives have been perfect and
        free then, to use another oft stated saw; "I will kiss your ass in
        Macey's window".

        What I'd like to hear from you (christ, from *anybody* south of
        Morehead City) of one of your "less than perfect" dives, how you
        survived it and what lessons you learned. I doubt we will hear
        like this from you as it take courage to admit your mistakes. I
        think you have the balls to do it.

        People tell me that you are a super experienced, ultra accomplished
        diver. But you never offer one piece of advice, no data, not one
        lesson learned. All you can do is sit behind your keyboard and do
        vendetta against me, JT or anybody else you happen to dislike.

        How about belaying the BS and give us some information. Give us a "I
        learned about diving from that" story. If you truly have the track
        record everybody says you do, I will bet you have quite a few.


        On Thursday, August 22, 2002, at 09:27 PM, Joe wrote:

        Dear Capt. CF:

        Since you are quite obviously an aberration resulting from
        inbreeding, I will help you along here by redirecting your limited
        span to the issues originally discussed. Please uncross your eyes if
        is possible.

        Please explain to the list which is worse, having a chase boat which
        may or
        may not work stowed on the top deck of the dive boat while anchored
        dive, OR, the compounding of this stupidity by putting decompression
        and a hangbar under the boat while the Captain sleeps.
        Or, perhaps you claim that you no longer do this and that the
        chaseboat is
        deployed in good working order before divers enter the water and you
        longer irresponsibly leave it on the top deck in a state of
        making the effective rescue of a distressed diver next to
        is it? Please tell us.

        While I am at it, please explain to everyone why the Miss Lindsey
        owner are not welcome in the Bahamas anymore. Shall I go on?

        I think I will.

        Please tell us about the non commercial, commercial dive that you
        for which resulted in the death of Tai Wilkerson. Please tell us who
        captain of the boat that day and how he complied with all of the
        re a commercial dive operation. Tell us how you had the required on
        recompression chamber and how it worked like your chase boat. Also
        tell us
        what in water communications were in place and what were the depths
        and the
        gases being used? Who was Tai's buddy and what was his experience
        Isn't it true that this was his deepest dive ever? Isn't it also
        when Tai got into trouble his buddy rescued him by shooting him to
        surface like a Polaris missile? Tell us how you presided over this
        usual professional way. Don't bother denying it. We all know what
        happened. For a guy that just tells the truth you sure do "lair" a

        You say I am a "lair" and you don't smoke dope anymore. Then why is
        it that
        you go through life in a state of perpetual dyslexic confusion
        looking like a Jerry Garcia groupie. And why is it that you have
        distinct ashen pallor of death that most druggies get after many
        continued abuse. Is it your liver or the inbreeding? Or have you
        fried so
        many brain cells that you can no longer be sober and look normal?

        Your feeble attempts to discredit me and others is a sham to avoid
        questions which you so ignorantly refuse to address. As I have said
        you do not qualify to be my tank or towel boy.

        Capt. CF, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Do you really
        think that
        your little "private email" would shock or upset me? George and I
        know each
        other 15 years. I am no more bothered by that "private email" than
        be were the reverse to happen. It is internet rhetoric. Nothing
        nothing less. The difference between you and myself is that I see
        information and recognize it. You see it and reject it because you
        are mad
        at whomever gives you the advice. I will solve the problem right

        Capt. CF, you really need to come down from the tree and put away
        People are desperately trying to give you good advice and
        you continuously reject it and reliably do the opposite. You are a
        to all around you. Change your ways. Give up the dope. Get into

        All of the above said, I seriously question how ANY lucid business
        would allow you to take charge of the lives of their passengers.
        Given all
        of the sound advice you have so ignorantly rejected, were an
        occur I shudder to think of the legal ramifications. Your obvious
        would be "Diminished Capacity" which of course you would easily get
        but only
        at the expense of your employers, who would undoubtedly be held
        Dive safe, be safe.

        Your friend.


        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>
        To: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>; "Joe" <joe@po*.co*>;
        <trey@my*.ne*>; "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
        Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 3:52 AM
        Subject: Dangerous Idiot was RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE:
        Scooter Support / WAS - Cheap parts?

        JT, besides you being a petty little wimp, you just can not stick to
        subject ( how to safely and properly do these dives) , and you are
        the one
        who is a "lair". I know Joe for 15 years. Still waiting for him to

        When these guys ( AUE ) first started out I had a big problem with
        some of
        their stroke buddies and told them why, and I told them how I would
        do the
        dives. They did not like my "style", but they knew I was right about
        diving part, and they eventually got rid of the strokes.

        They did not like me any better than you do. The difference is that
        guys are not morons like you, are not big egos like you ( in your
        totally undeserved), and they have a legitimate program and are not
        trying to prove something like you are.

        You can keep digging up all the "private" emails you want, the fact
        right here and now you are a complete stroke and everyone can see
        want some "private" emails from Kane and Georgitsis about how
        hopeless you
        are? How about from anyone who has ever seen you in the water or

        The facts are that you do now know what the hell you are doing, you
        risking people's lives with your dangerous idiocy, you can't dive at
        you are an obvious moron, and you have no prospects of changing any
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]
        Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 4:31 PM
        To: Joe; trey@my*.ne*; Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com
        Subject: Re: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support /
        - Cheap parts?

        Joe, have you been taking lesson on being a lair from G, not one
        thing is
        true in this post. One thing about not telling the truth on a post.
        Everyone who sees you will know mine was right on, no hiding that
        the height, curly hair, or the old face. And if they watch you long
        you will light up.....

        At 11:09 AM 8/21/02 -0700, Joe wrote:
        Good morning JT:

        It seems the THC in your system has finally taken its toll. You are
        confused as I not only do not smoke but abhor being around smoke.

        You seem a bit cranky. Perhaps you should have some bran with your
        They say that helps. I was also wondering, do you have an opposable
        I hear you had some problems on the Miss Lindsay this Sunday. Why
        do you
        insist on leaving the chase boat inaccessible and untested on the
        when you tie in? Don't you realize you are endangering everyone in
        water when you do that? One day your luck will run out.



        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>
        To: <joe@po*.co*>; <trey@my*.ne*>;
        Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 12:33 PM
        Subject: Re: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support /
        WAS -
        Cheap parts?

        I hit the nail on the head with that one, bananas are good for you.
        just keep on smoking those cancer sticks, dicky do boy........

        At 08:54 PM 8/19/02 -0400, joe@po*.co* wrote:
        JT, have a bananna. You'll feel better.

        Regards from your friend.


        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>
        To: <joe@po*.co*>; <trey@my*.ne*>;
        Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 4:54 PM
        Subject: Re: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support /
      WAS -
        Cheap parts?

        I had dinner at an Italian restaurant over the weekend and there
        little curly haired old guy who looked like a woman does in her
        with that stomach sticking out there, sitting at the bar enjoying
        and cigarettes. Kinda reminded me of that guy Joe in the AUE
        At 03:44 PM 8/17/02 -0400, joe@po*.co* wrote:
        Funny thing about the monkey. I ran into Marguerite the other
        told me she had taught him to shave his body. He figured he
        himself off as a person and ran away to Hollywood to star in the
        version of Planet of The Apes. When he found out they weren't
        sequel he moved to Virginia Beach where he took a job as a boat
        named JT.

        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>
        To: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
        Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 10:08 AM
        Subject: RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support
        WAS -
        Cheap parts?

        JT, the bottom line is that you are not qualified to comment
        diving, and you have proven it repeatedly. You are a bad
        the rest of us do so easily and a complete stroke by anyone's
        attitude to execution. Anyone who has seen you in the water
        pathetic, anyone who had read your slop on here knows you are

        Just as in Rodney's motor thing with Christina, had she paid
        fast motor, she would have had one to start with. You are a
        of massive proportions, and it shows in all you say , do , and
        caught Cobb bailing out of diving ( the right thing for anyone
        subject to your perpetual risk creation) and got his prototype
        cheap, so either sell it back to me or shut up. There is no
        any of
        would have paid for the clutch, and you would not need it if
        so incompetent .

        You have an obvious reading problem. I said I bought $8,000
        clutches that I thought I would never get rid of, since most
      people do
        need them. I still have more than I will likely be able to
        anyone to buy. Scooters are my life support, and staying
        with them keeps me and
        my team alive in the scooter dependent diving we do , and
        other groups helps finance the WKPP exploration activities. If
        like that, too bad - for people like you there is Rodney. If
        the clutch , complain to Mako. In addition, you moron, we do
        wreck scooter in the WKPP in the first place, we use the PVC

        Most people buy the clutches directly form Arnie or NE Scuba.
        thing that needs to be known about this is that the washers
        clutch will not work with the Arnie , so when they get them
        , I use the correct washers. I am sure you are going to make
        if you can scrape together the 100 bucks or whatever he
        Maybe you could make up a cardboard sign that says. "Will work
        and stand at a busy streetcorner and collect the money to buy
        This list for you is an effort to make yourself look like a
        all you are doing is making yourself look like one of Jerry's
        constant efforts to fight with me are not going to work, no
        personal you try to get. You have proven yourself to be an
        with a stroke attitude who has almost nobody left willing to
        with you and certainly nobody willing to listen to you any
        incapable of learning anything, and I just hope you don't kill
        yourself, since the assholes would claim it to be a "DIR
        though you have no clue what DIR is.

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<DIV><SPAN class=3D646373010-27082002><FONT face=3DArial
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moron, you still don't get it. Joe and the others who have them have had =
for years. They don't need me for anything, I taught Joe how to do =
anything and=20
everything on a scooter quite some time ago. Barnette dives constantly, =
and he=20
has been nice enough to take the newer experimental scooters out and =
dive them,=20
give me feedback, check them out afterwards, and help me get the right=20
combinations for wreck diving. He is not a moron or a resentful little =
like you - he tells me exactly what is going on and is not looking to =
about it. I then can see what is working , and what is not=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D646373010-27082002><FONT face=3DArial
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size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D646373010-27082002><FONT face=3DArial
color=3D#0000ff =
size=3D2>It is=20
a little different when an experienced person like Barnette tells me =
than when an illiterate, half wit who does not know his ass =
from first base=20
tries to tell me how the cow ate the cabbage. </FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D646373010-27082002><FONT face=3DArial
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size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D646373010-27082002><FONT face=3DArial
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should be paying Barnette for all the testing he has=20
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<DIV><SPAN class=3D646373010-27082002><FONT face=3DArial
color=3D#0000ff =
dumb ass, look at it this way: Barnette does not need =
to risk his=20
dives on my experiments, but he does. Why? Because so far there has=20
been no risk. Why? Because he is not one of Jerry's Kids =
like you=20
are. </FONT> </SPAN></DIV>
  <DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT =
  size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Capt JT=20
  [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Monday, August 26, 2002 =
  PM<BR><B>To:</B> George Irvine; George Irvine; Jim Cobb; George=20
  Irvine<BR><B>Cc:</B> Joe; Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com;=20
  vbtech@ci*.co*<BR><B>Subject:</B> RE: Back to the issues - =
Capt. CF -=20
  was Re: Dangerous Idiot was RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's =
  Support / WAS - Cheap parts?<BR><BR></FONT></DIV>At 08:52 PM
8/26/02 =
  George Irvine wrote:<BR><FONT face=3Darial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2>
  <BLOCKQUOTE cite type=3D"cite"> Barnette tests them for me,=20
  </FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>No wonder we got fucked and even a more
reason =
for you=20
  to protect him.<BR><BR><FONT face=3Darial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2>
  <BLOCKQUOTE cite type=3D"cite">as do others not in his group. Get a =
grip. Have=20
    you not made enough of an ass out of yourself for this month, year =
    decade?</FONT><BR> <BR><FONT face=3Dtahoma=20
    size=3D2> ---<BR><B>From:</B> Capt JT [<A=20
    eudora=3D"autourl">mailto:captjt@mi*.co*</A>]<BR><B>Sent:</B> =
    August 26, 2002 8:39 PM<BR><B>To:</B> George Irvine; Jim Cobb; =
    Irvine<BR><B>Cc:</B> Joe; Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com;=20
    vbtech@ci*.co*<BR><B>Subject:</B> RE: Back to the issues - =
Capt. CF=20
    - was Re: Dangerous Idiot was RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: =
    Scooter Support / WAS - Cheap parts?<BR></FONT>
        <DD>Well, now that we know the AUE guys are buying the scooters =
        you, we now know that is why you like them. They will not get on =
        and tell everyone if they are having any problems with them, the =
code of=20
        silence thing again.<BR><BR>
        <DD>Cobb. did you notice he has not answered the Mike Pizzo =
thing, we=20
        know that Mike dives with the AUE group and unless they can =
prove it is=20
        not the same Mike Pizzo involved with this=20
        <BLOCKQUOTE cite type=3D"cite">
          <DD><?color><?param 1A1A,1A1A,FFFF><A=20
href=3D"" =


          <DD><?/color> =
    they are part of the side
show.......<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> At =
06:35 PM=20
    8/23/02 -0400, George Irvine wrote:<BR><BR>
    <BLOCKQUOTE cite type=3D"cite">Jim, I told you all they were =
prototype and=20
      to work with me on any issues. JT is incapable of doing that due =
to his=20
      false pride. I don't care how many screwups he has had, I am not=20
      "hammering" him over anything but his unwillingness to learn and =
      unwillingness to ask. I am hammering him over doing the same =
things over=20
      and over. He just keeps telling me I  don't know and that he =
      know, and that is clearly a function of his having no clue what he =
      talking about and no willingness to listen to those who know a =
hell of a=20
      lot more than he does. Andrew G told me exactly the same thing =
about his=20
      efforts with JT. He is a waste of time. <BR><BR>You got the first =
one of=20
      those scooters I ever made. You were supposed to stay in touch =
with me to=20
      work out any issues .You will recall that I used two different =
winds of=20
      experimental motors on your scooters. So far I have only heard =
from one=20
      of  you about anything , and nothing from that idiot JT other =
      his slop on the lists.<BR><BR>Barnette and the others who have =
them, on=20
      the other hand, keep me updated on the conditions of the scooters. =
      are now several of the wreck scooters in existence, and several =
hundred of=20
      the cave scooters. The military has several, police forces have =
them, most=20
      organized ( non stroke) dive teams have them, and the two record =
      distance dive teams have them. Once the motor and other issues are =

      certain, you can install which ever clutch you want and locktite =
if you=20
      want, but the thing will not come unscrewed unless the clutch is =
      back from the shear pin or the screw is stripped , which will =
happen if it=20
      is removed and replaced more than one time. Sure, it would be nice =
if them=20
      made them with a reverse thread, but they do not, so other =
solutions must=20
      be used.<BR><BR>All any of you have to do is ask, but that is just =
      much for a moron like JT and the rest of you are listening to that =
      He never had a real scooter before, what the hell makes you think =
he has=20
      any clue what is what with this one?<BR><BR>Personally, I do not =
      mine, I use the minimum number of washers so it will slip if I put =
      pinkie in the blades, and that does not put enough pressure on the =
      to unwind it. If you guys need something different,  you need =
to talk=20
      to me about it, or you will not get a solution from the person who =
      best.<BR><BR>And, just so you know, the people who specify that =
they want=20
      what I ride, which is a Magnum PVC Gavin with expensive batteries =
      clutch rigged loose, get just that only it costs more =
money.Certainly a=20
      lot more than JT was willing to spend. Reinhard and Michael with =
      team and fleet of these scooters just yesterday pushed Doux de =
Coly Cave=20
      out to over 18,000 feet. Reinhard has no problem discussing how =
      little thing we do is done directly with me, and he has the =
results to=20
      prove it, just as have the results using the rebreather he built =
      me.<BR><BR>You can share information with the best, or you can =
fight and=20
      argue with the best. I have been making scooters, winding motors, =
      data ,technology and information and receiving data and =
information from=20
      the best for years. Most of you have a real hard time doing that =
due to=20
      self-imposed ego restraints ( not you personally, Jim, but your =
boy and=20
      others like him).<BR><BR>In any event, the wreck scooters is the =
      thing for boat diving and the other is the best for cave diving, =
and I can=20
      recommend what is needed for each type of condition and do it for =
      least amount of money. You do not need what I ride to do what you =
guys go,=20
      and in fact I use what you use when I do that kind of diving. As =
      including you yourself know, I am ALWAYS accessible by phone or =
      Wait, I take that back. Last night when Reinhard called me to tell =
me he=20
      was ok and back safely from his record dive, I did not hear the =
phone ring=20
      due to being 8 rows back at Pompano Beach Amphitheatre listening =
to Dream=20
      Theatre and Joe Satriani, but I did phone him back this morning to =
      about his dive .<BR><BR>  <FONT face=3Dtahoma size=3D2>
        <DD>-----Original Message-----=20
        <DD>From: Jim Cobb [<A href=3D"mailto:cobber@ci*.co*"=20
        <DD>Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 11:03 AM=20
        <DD>To: George Irvine=20
        <DD>Cc: Joe; Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com; vbtech@ci*.co*; =
Capt JT=20
        <DD>Subject: Re: Back to the issues - Capt. CF - was Re: =
Dangerous Idiot=20
        was RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / =
WAS -=20
        Cheap parts?<BR><BR></FONT>
        <DD>I don't feel I need to defend JT, he is a big boy and can do =
        himself. But I do need to call bullshit when I see it. Yes you =
guys did=20
        come up and dive with us and I appreciate it. JT appreciated it =
too, he=20
        opened his house up to both you, JJ on your visit and then to =
Andrew and=20
        Mike when they came up to teach the fundamentals class.<BR><BR>
        <DD>JT has bent over backwards to hear the DIR/GUE side of the =
        Hell, we all went down there to return the favor and see how you =
guys do=20
        it. Why JT wants to butt heads with you over every little thing, =
I guess=20
        you have to ask JT, because I don't know. I do know that when I =
did deep=20
        dives the person I wanted to have on the boat was JT because he =
        the details, and therein lies the devil, as you well know. You =
        several other people on this list are slamming JT for having a =
        screwed up dives. The reason you know about these screwed up =
dives is=20
        that he told you, me and everybody else about what happened. JT =
        the "code of silence" which is apparently alive and well and =
        enforced down there in Florida.<BR><BR>
        <DD>And there are so many assholes and idiots out there doing =
        dangerous shit:<BR><BR>
        <DD><?color><?param 1A1A,1A1A,FFFF><A=20
href=3D"" =


        <DD>Did you know that Mike Pizzio is involved with this =
        waiting to happen? Where the hell is DIR now? This is the kind =
of crap=20
        you and Joe need to be hammering, not JT.<BR><BR>
        <DD>As far as this pissing match over the scooters, I am =
dismayed over a=20
        couple of things. For one I feel responsible for all the guys =
        your scooter after you sold me that prototype. The guys saw the =
logic of=20
        getting a scooter for depth as, once you get one, you realize =
that a=20
        scooter is not a lazy way to get around but a actual piece of =
        support equipment. A scooter can save your ass on a deep dive, =
        your gas and keep you from getting bent.<BR><BR>
        <DD>And the fact is that while your scooters have the =
engineering down=20
        better than anyone else, your QA sucks and everybody had =
problems with=20
        their scooters other than me. It made me look bad and I don't =
like that=20
        any more than you do. I have no doubt in my mind that you stick =
        your products 100% up to and including buying them back if the =
        is not satisfied. What would be better, and what everybody =
wants, is not=20
        to ship the scooter back for a refund, but that the darn things =
        de-bugged before shipment. If we are to do the debugging, fine, =
        should be stated and it never was.<BR><BR>
        <DD>All this clutch bruhaha is not about the clutch at all. It =
is about=20
        a screw backing out allowing a sacrificial clutch component to =
fry out.=20
        Hell, one prop assembly fell apart in the water right after the =
        entered the water. This is not encouraging stuff for something =
        consider life support equipment. As far as the guys were =
concerned they=20
        had just bought the scooter that went 18,000 ft and is used by =
some of=20
        the best divers on earth. I figure that problem would be solved =
by just=20
        using lock-tight on this critical screw, the fix would be that=20
        <DD>Instead this has become a full-blown pissing match between =
        people who I like and respect and I hate to see it happen. I =
truly wish=20
        you and JT would figure out this scooter thing and make the =
        special" as reliable as the "cave special" as I'm sure it can =
be. You=20
        have some powerful proponents of the DIR system here in Virginia =
        and it would really be a shame if they were all alienated over a =
        <DD>I know that you have been around a long time, George, and I =
        know that you are almost invariably right (much to the =
consternation of=20
        many on this list). But I think you are wrong about JT. You two =
        never see eye to eye but JT is very much into not only himself =
        the dive but everybody else on the boat, within the realm of =
        Those last 5 words are very important. You can strive to gain =
true DIR=20
        precepts, but at some point you have to bow to reality or quit =
        It's like taking a half-step to a wall, you will always get =
closer and=20
        closer but you won't ever actually get there. At some point you =
have to=20
        deal with your situation and do the best you can. And JT and =
others up=20
        here are doing the best they can with what they've got.<BR><BR>
        <DD>On Friday, August 23, 2002, at 06:49 AM, George Irvine=20
        <DD>Jim, a bunch of us came up there and dove with all of you =
and JT did=20
        <DD>want to hear anything from us about how we think it should =
be done.=20
        I came=20
        <DD>up later and went over all of it again. Andrew G came up =
there and=20
        did it=20
        <DD>one more time. JT will listen to nobody, and somebody or =
        will die=20
        <DD>as a result. Quit defending the guy. He is wrong, and there =
is no=20
        hiding his=20
        <DD>attitude about diving. I think he is a lost cause and needs =
to be=20
        given a=20
        <DD>wide berth. Even if he did things "right", his head is in a=20
        dangerous place.<BR><BR>
        <DD>I have been around a long time, Jim, and I have yet to be =
        <DD>something like this. The best advice I can give anyone is to =
        <DD>who think this way.<BR><BR>
        <DD>-----Original Message-----=20
        <DD>From: Jim Cobb [<A href=3D"mailto:cobber@ci*.co*"=20
        <DD>Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 9:35 PM=20
        <DD>To: Joe=20
        <DD>Cc: Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com; trey@my*.ne*; =
        <DD>Subject: Re: Back to the issues - Capt. CF - was Re: =
Dangerous Idiot=20
        <DD>RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter Support / =
WAS -=20
        <DD>Hey Joe, you are down there and I am up here. I can state =
        <DD>reservation that you don't know what in the fuck you are =
        <DD>Believe me I know what it's like sitting behind a keyboard =
        <DD>at people. But at least I do a half-assed attempt to get the =
        <DD>straight, something you obviously have not done.=20
        <DD>If you have a problem with JT you need to come up here and =
dive and=20
        <DD>show us how it's done. If you don't want to do that then why =
        <DD>shut the fuck up.<BR><BR>
        <DD>If you can prove to me that you have never done an deep dive =
        <DD>anything other than a perfect boat with perfect support and =
        <DD>partners and every single one of your dives have been =
perfect and=20
        <DD>free then, to use another oft stated saw; "I will kiss your =
ass in=20
        <DD>Macey's window".<BR><BR>
        <DD>What I'd like to hear from you (christ, from *anybody* south =
        <DD>Morehead City) of one of your "less than perfect" dives, how =
        <DD>survived it and what lessons you learned. I doubt we will =
        <DD>like this from you as it take courage to admit your =
mistakes. I=20
        <DD>think you have the balls to do it.<BR><BR>
        <DD>People tell me that you are a super experienced, ultra =
        <DD>diver. But you never offer one piece of advice, no data, not =
        <DD>lesson learned. All you can do is sit behind your keyboard =
and do=20
        <DD>vendetta against me, JT or anybody else you happen to=20
        <DD>How about belaying the BS and give us some information. Give =
us a "I=20

        <DD>learned about diving from that" story. If you truly have the =
        <DD>record everybody says you do, I will bet you have quite a=20
        <DD>On Thursday, August 22, 2002, at 09:27 PM, Joe =
        <DD>Dear Capt. CF:<BR><BR>
        <DD>Since you are quite obviously an aberration resulting from=20
        <DD>inbreeding, I will help you along here by redirecting your =
        <DD>span to the issues originally discussed. Please uncross your =
eyes if=20

        <DD>is possible.<BR><BR>
        <DD>Please explain to the list which is worse, having a chase =
boat which=20

        <DD>may or=20
        <DD>may not work stowed on the top deck of the dive boat while =
        <DD>dive, OR, the compounding of this stupidity by putting =

        <DD>and a hangbar under the boat while the Captain sleeps.=20
        <DD>Or, perhaps you claim that you no longer do this and that =
        <DD>chaseboat is=20
        <DD>deployed in good working order before divers enter the water =
and you=20
        <DD>longer irresponsibly leave it on the top deck in a state of=20
        <DD>making the effective rescue of a distressed diver next to=20
        <DD>is it? Please tell us.<BR><BR>
        <DD>While I am at it, please explain to everyone why the Miss =
        <DD>owner are not welcome in the Bahamas anymore. Shall I go =
        <DD>I think I will.<BR><BR>
        <DD>Please tell us about the non commercial, commercial dive =
that you=20
        <DD>for which resulted in the death of Tai Wilkerson. Please =
tell us who=20

        <DD>captain of the boat that day and how he complied with all of =
        <DD>re a commercial dive operation. Tell us how you had the =
required on=20
        <DD>recompression chamber and how it worked like your chase =
boat. Also=20
        <DD>tell us=20
        <DD>what in water communications were in place and what were the =
        <DD>and the=20
        <DD>gases being used? Who was Tai's buddy and what was his =
        <DD>Isn't it true that this was his deepest dive ever? Isn't it =
        <DD>when Tai got into trouble his buddy rescued him by shooting =
him to=20
        <DD>surface like a Polaris missile? Tell us how you presided =
over this=20
        <DD>usual professional way. Don't bother denying it. We all know =
        <DD>happened. For a guy that just tells the truth you sure do =
"lair" a=20
        <DD>You say I am a "lair" and you don't smoke dope anymore. Then =
why is=20
        <DD>it that=20
        <DD>you go through life in a state of perpetual dyslexic =
        <DD>looking like a Jerry Garcia groupie. And why is it that you =
        <DD>distinct ashen pallor of death that most druggies get after =
        <DD>continued abuse. Is it your liver or the inbreeding? Or have =
        <DD>fried so=20
        <DD>many brain cells that you can no longer be sober and look=20
        <DD>Your feeble attempts to discredit me and others is a sham to =
        <DD>questions which you so ignorantly refuse to address. As I =
have said=20
        <DD>you do not qualify to be my tank or towel boy.<BR><BR>
        <DD>Capt. CF, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Do you =
        <DD>think that=20
        <DD>your little "private email" would shock or upset me? George =
and I=20
        <DD>know each=20
        <DD>other 15 years. I am no more bothered by that "private =
email" than=20
        <DD>be were the reverse to happen. It is internet rhetoric. =
        <DD>nothing less. The difference between you and myself is that =
I see=20
        <DD>information and recognize it. You see it and reject it =
because you=20
        <DD>are mad=20
        <DD>at whomever gives you the advice. I will solve the problem =
        <DD>Capt. CF, you really need to come down from the tree and put =
        <DD>People are desperately trying to give you good advice and=20
        <DD>you continuously reject it and reliably do the opposite. You =
are a=20
        <DD>to all around you. Change your ways. Give up the dope. Get =
        <DD>All of the above said, I seriously question how ANY lucid =
        <DD>would allow you to take charge of the lives of their =
        <DD>Given all=20
        <DD>of the sound advice you have so ignorantly rejected, were an =

        <DD>occur I shudder to think of the legal ramifications. Your =
        <DD>would be "Diminished Capacity" which of course you would =
easily get=20
        <DD>but only=20
        <DD>at the expense of your employers, who would undoubtedly be =
        <DD>Dive safe, be safe.<BR><BR>
        <DD>Your friend.<BR><BR>
        <DD>----- Original Message -----=20
        <DD>From: "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>=20
        <DD>To: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>; "Joe"=20
        <DD><trey@my*.ne*>; "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com"=20
        <DD>Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 3:52 AM=20
        <DD>Subject: Dangerous Idiot was RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: =

        <DD>Scooter Support / WAS - Cheap
        <DD>JT, besides you being a petty little wimp, you just can not =
stick to=20

        <DD>subject ( how to safely and properly do these dives) , and =
you are=20
        <DD>the one=20
        <DD>who is a "lair". I know Joe for 15 years. Still waiting for =
him to=20
        <DD>When these guys ( AUE ) first started out I had a big =
problem with=20
        <DD>some of=20
        <DD>their stroke buddies and told them why, and I told them how =
I would=20
        <DD>do the=20
        <DD>dives. They did not like my "style", but they knew I was =
right about=20

        <DD>diving part, and they eventually got rid of the =
        <DD>They did not like me any better than you do. The difference =
is that=20
        <DD>guys are not morons like you, are not big egos like you ( in =
        <DD>totally undeserved), and they have a legitimate program and =
are not=20
        <DD>trying to prove something like you are.<BR><BR>
        <DD>You can keep digging up all the "private" emails you want, =
the fact=20
        is </DD></DL>that=20
        <DD>right here and now you are a complete stroke and everyone =
can see=20
        <DD>want some "private" emails from Kane and Georgitsis about =
        <DD>hopeless you=20
        <DD>are? How about from anyone who has ever seen you in the =
water or=20
        <DD>The facts are that you do now know what the hell you are =
doing, you=20
        <DD>risking people's lives with your dangerous idiocy, you can't =
dive at=20

        <DD>you are an obvious moron, and you have no prospects of =
changing any=20
        of </DD></DL>that.=20
        <DD>-----Original Message-----=20
        <DD>From: Capt JT [<A href=3D"mailto:captjt@mi*.co*"=20
        <DD>Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 4:31 PM=20
        <DD>To: Joe; trey@my*.ne*; Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com=20
        <DD>Subject: Re: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter =
Support /=20
        <DD>- Cheap parts?<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
        <DD>Joe, have you been taking lesson on being a lair from G, not =
        <DD>thing is=20
        <DD>true in this post. One thing about not telling the truth on =
a post.=20
        <DD>Everyone who sees you will know mine was right on, no hiding =
        <DD>the height, curly hair, or the old face. And if they watch =
you long=20
        <DD>you will light=20
        <DD>At 11:09 AM 8/21/02 -0700, Joe wrote:=20
        <DD>Good morning JT:<BR><BR>
        <DD>It seems the THC in your system has finally taken its toll. =
You are=20
        <DD>confused as I not only do not smoke but abhor being around=20
        <DD>You seem a bit cranky. Perhaps you should have some bran =
with your=20
        <DD>They say that helps. I was also wondering, do you have an =
        <DD>I hear you had some problems on the Miss Lindsay this =
Sunday. Why=20
        <DD>do you=20
        <DD>insist on leaving the chase boat inaccessible and untested =
on the=20
        <DD>upper </DD></DL>deck=20
        <DD>when you tie in? Don't you realize you are endangering =
everyone in=20
        <DD>water when you do that? One day your luck will run =
        <DD>----- Original Message -----=20
        <DD>From: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>=20
        <DD>To: <joe@po*.co*>; <trey@my*.ne*>;=20
        <DD>Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 12:33 PM=20
        <DD>Subject: Re: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter =
Support /=20
        <DD>WAS -=20
        <DD>Cheap parts?<BR><BR><BR><BR>
        <DD>I hit the nail on the head with that one, bananas are good =
for you.=20
        <DD>just keep on smoking those cancer sticks, dicky do=20
        <DD>At 08:54 PM 8/19/02 -0400, joe@po*.co* wrote:=20
        <DD>JT, have a bananna. You'll feel better.<BR><BR>
        <DD>Regards from your friend.<BR><BR>
        <DD>----- Original Message -----=20
        <DD>From: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>=20
        <DD>To: <joe@po*.co*>; <trey@my*.ne*>;=20
        <DD>Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 4:54 PM=20
        <DD>Subject: Re: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter =
Support /=20
        </DD></DL>WAS -=20
        <DD>Cheap parts?<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
        <DD>I had dinner at an Italian restaurant over the weekend and =
        <DD>little curly haired old guy who looked like a woman does in =
        <DD>with that stomach sticking out there, sitting at the bar =
        <DD>and cigarettes. Kinda reminded me of that guy Joe in the AUE =

        <DD>At 03:44 PM 8/17/02 -0400, joe@po*.co* wrote:=20
        <DD>Funny thing about the monkey. I ran into Marguerite the =
        <DD>told me she had taught him to shave his body. He figured he=20
        <DD>himself off as a person and ran away to Hollywood to star in =
        <DD>version of Planet of The Apes. When he found out they =
        <DD>sequel he moved to Virginia Beach where he took a job as a =
        <DD>----- Original Message -----=20
        <DD>From: "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>=20
        <DD>To: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>=20
        <DD>Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 10:08 AM=20
        <DD>Subject: RE: Marguerite's Monkey was RE: George's Scooter =
        <DD>WAS -=20
        <DD>Cheap parts?<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
        <DD>JT, the bottom line is that you are not qualified to comment =

        <DD>diving, and you have proven it repeatedly. You are a bad=20
        <DD>the rest of us do so easily and a complete stroke by =
        <DD>attitude to execution. Anyone who has seen you in the water=20
        <DD>pathetic, anyone who had read your slop on here knows you =
        <DD>Just as in Rodney's motor thing with Christina, had she paid =

        <DD>fast motor, she would have had one to start with. You are a=20
        <DD>of massive proportions, and it shows in all you say , do , =
        <DD>caught Cobb bailing out of diving ( the right thing for =
        <DD>subject to your perpetual risk creation) and got his =
        <DD>cheap, so either sell it back to me or shut up. There is no=20
        <DD>any of=20
        <DD>would have paid for the clutch, and you would not need it if =

        <DD>so incompetent .<BR><BR>
        <DD>You have an obvious reading problem. I said I bought $8,000=20
        <DD>clutches that I thought I would never get rid of, since most =

      </DD></DL>people do=20
        <DD>need them. I still have more than I will likely be able to=20
        <DD>anyone to buy. Scooters are my life support, and staying=20
        <DD>with them keeps me and=20
        <DD>my team alive in the scooter dependent diving we do , and=20
        <DD>other groups helps finance the WKPP exploration activities. =
        <DD>like that, too bad - for people like you there is Rodney. If =

        <DD>the clutch , complain to Mako. In addition, you moron, we do =

        <DD>wreck scooter in the WKPP in the first place, we use the PVC =

        <DD>Most people buy the clutches directly form Arnie or NE =
        <DD>thing that needs to be known about this is that the washers=20
        <DD>clutch will not work with the Arnie , so when they get them=20
        <DD>, I use the correct washers. I am sure you are going to make =

        <DD>if you can scrape together the 100 bucks or whatever he=20
        <DD>Maybe you could make up a cardboard sign that says. "Will =
        <DD>and stand at a busy streetcorner and collect the money to =
        <DD>This list for you is an effort to make yourself look like a=20
        <DD>all you are doing is making yourself look like one of =
        <DD>constant efforts to fight with me are not going to work, no=20
        <DD>personal you try to get. You have proven yourself to be an=20
        <DD>with a stroke attitude who has almost nobody left willing to =

        <DD>with you and certainly nobody willing to listen to you any=20
        <DD>incapable of learning anything, and I just hope you don't =
        <DD>yourself, since the assholes would claim it to be a "DIR=20
        <DD>though you have no clue what DIR is.<BR><BR>
        <DD>Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to=20
        <DD>Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to=20
      </DD></DL>`'. --<BR>Send mail for =
      `techdiver' mailing list to<BR><BR>`'.=20
        <DD>Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to=20
        <DD>"You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you =
have to=20
        <DD>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & =
        <DD>Web Site <A href=3D""=20
        <DD>Email captjt@mi*.co*<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
        <DD>Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to=20
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      </DD></DL>`'. <BR><BR>"You
can't =
learn to=20
      dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get<BR><BR>in=20
        <DD>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & =
        <DD>Web Site <A href=3D""=20
      can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to=20
        <DD>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & =
        <DD>Web Site <A href=3D""=20
        <DD>Email captjt@mi*.co*<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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      mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to =
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u =
      learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get in the=20
      water"<BR><FONT color=3D#0000ff>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving =
along the=20
      East Coast & more <BR> Web Site  <A=20
eudora=3D"autourl"></A><BR>Email   =
  can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get in the =

  water"<BR><FONT color=3D#0000ff><U>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving =
along the=20
  East Coast & more <BR> Web Site  <A=20
  href=3D"" =
  eudora=3D"autourl">/<BR></A>Email    =20


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