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From: "Jim Curtis" <jimcurtis@di*.co*>
Subject: Re:GUE
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 12:09:16 -0700 (PDT)
I have no association with GUE but based on your "dive
lawyer" reference 
must assume you are referring to me. I do have a lot of
respect for what 
GUI does and stands for. I have successfully handled
suits against 
IANTD, TDI, PADI, NAUI etc. I have never faced GUE and
must assume that 
is because they don't maim or kill their students on a
regular or even 
irregular basis. I don't chase ambulances as I can't
run fast enough to 
catch them; I don't live under a rock but on a horse
farm north of New 
Orleans and unless you can consider my reading of
dribble such as you 
have posted here as "scum sucking" don't engage in such
behavior. What I 
do is sue idiots who can't follow the most basic
tenants of proper dive 
instruction. Occasionally I represent an injured diver.
Usually I 
represent the family of a dead diver who wonder how
their loved one 
could have been duped into diving deep on air, using
patently dangerous 
rebreathers and other moronic gear configurations,
choosing idiot 
instructors, diving from vessels staffed by individuals
who are sitting 
for their GED for the 5th time, you get the idea. I
also occasionally 
sue those who make false allegations. That said unless
you can prove I 
live under a rock, chase ambulances, or suck scum I
suggest you shut up. 
If you would like to discuss the matter in person my
address is on my 
web site.<

Counselor you assume too much.  However, it appears
I've touched a nerve and I thank you for making my

Now I suggest you shut up.

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